LES Officer Functions and Responsibilities
Chair Functions and Responsibilities
- Serves as chief officer of section, and assists in advancing the goals and objectives of the section and ACRL.
- Chairs Executive Committee and membership meetings at Midwinter and Annual Conference.
- Serves as ex-officio member of LES Planning Committee.
- Attends all meetings of section committees, when possible.
- Oversees or delegates oversight of LES conference program at Annual Conference, in collaboration with the Conference Program Planning Committee.
- Responsible for LES projects pursued during term of office.
- Meets deadlines for budget requests for payment or reimbursement, according to the budget being submitted.
- Schedules all LES committee meetings and programs for Midwinter and Annual conferences, after consulting with Executive Committee.
- Notifies 91´«Ã½ Conference Arrangements Office of meeting times and space needs for all section meetings and programs.
- Submits reports to ACRL Board on LES activities.
- Responds to inquiries from members and non-members regarding LES interests and activities.
- Co-represents LES, with Immediate Past-Chair, at meetings of ACRL Section Council. Presents oral report on section events and plans to Council.
- Writes column for LES newsletter twice a year, if desired.
In addition to the functions and responsibilities listed above, the Chair should make note of the following checklist of reminders:
General Practical Advice
Stay in touch with other officers between conferences.
Three months before each Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference
- Begin planning discussion topic or topics for Membership Meeting, and solicit volunteers to lead the discussions.
Six weeks before each Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference
- Prepare agendas for Executive Committee and General Membership Meeting. Review minutes from previous meetings and contact LES officers to help determine agenda items.
- Review activities of other LES committees and contact chairs.
Four weeks before each Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference
- E-mail agendas and cover letter to all Executive Committee members. Be sure to include the schedule of all LES committee meetings and their locations. This information is available from the Final Schedule of Meetings sent by 91´«Ã½ Conference Arrangements Office about four weeks before each Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference.
- Post agenda for General Membership Meeting and the schedule/locations of all LES meetings on LES-L.
During each Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference
- Chair Executive Committee and Membership Meetings.
- Attend meeting of section's committees when possible.
- Attend meeting of ACRL Sections Council. Prepare oral report of section events/plans to be presented at Council meeting. Take notes of announcements and items of interest to be shared with LES Executive Committee and membership.
- Attend ACRL Board meeting if possible (optional).
- Draft schedule for all section committee meetings for next conference. Review schedule with Executive Committee to be sure there are no major conflicts with the section.
During Midwinter Meeting
- Assist Conference Program Planning Committee in finalizing wording for section program at upcoming Annual Conference. Be sure form is submitted to 91´«Ã½ Conference Arrangements Office by deadline in late January.
- Prompt Vice-Chair to identify potential new committee chairs and members. Deadline for submission of committee membership lists to ACRL is in March.
During Annual Conference
- Oversee LES program, unless a separate Conference Program Planning Committee chair has been appointed.
- Work with Conference Program Planning Committee for next Annual conference to complete form requesting time slot and reporting title and/or subject of program. Form must be submitted to 91´«Ã½ Conference Arrangements Office by August deadline. Chair of next year's Conference Program Planning Committee reports same information to ACRL vice-chair during ACRL Conference Program Planning Committee meeting.
Additional information can be found within the Dates and Deadlines section of ACRL Policy and Procedures, Chapter 4.
Vice-Chair Functions and Responsibilities
- Serves as officer of section, and assists in advancing the goals and objectives of the section and ACRL. (Serves one year as vice-chair/chair-elect, followed by one year as chair and one additional year as immediate past-chair.)
- As a member of the LES Executive Committee, attends meetings of the committee at the Midwinter Meeting and the Annual Conference, including, if possible, those at the Annual Conference immediately preceding the taking of office.
- Appoints a conference program planning committee, which is responsible for planning the section's program at the Annual Conference during vice-chair's term as chair. Serves as chair of that committee or appoints a separate chair. Note that the terms of office for the conference program planning committee members differs from the terms of other standing committees (see "LES Committees" section of manual), and that this committee must be appointed by the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect in the fall, considerably earlier than other committee appointments.
- Appoints all standing committee members and chairs whose terms will begin during vice-chair's term as chair. Appoints new members as needed to meet the recommended number for each committee. In accordance with the ACRL Bylaws, Article XVIII, Section 3, to encourage broad participation, may appoint committee interns for one year terms. Forwards signed ACRL Committee Appointment Acceptance forms to ACRL.
- Submits section budget request by December 1 for term as chair. Participates in ACRL budget orientation. Meets deadlines for requests for payment or reimbursement, according to the budget submitted.
- Assists in planning the programs and projects which the section will pursue during term as chair.
- Responds to inquiries from members and non-members regarding section interests and activities.
- Serves on the ACRL Conference Program Planning committee, and (if acting as chair of the section's Conference Program Planning Committee), reports to ACRL vice-chair at meeting of the committee on LES program being planned for Annual Conference during term as chair.
- Co-represents LES as a substitute on the ACRL Section Council if either the Chair or the Immediate Past-Chair is unable to attend a meeting of the Council.
Secretary Functions and Responsibilities
- Serves as an officer of the section and assists in advancing goals and objectives of section and ACRL.
- Serves as a member of the LES Executive Committee. Attends Executive committee meetings at Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference.
- Records the minutes of all general Membership Meetings and all meetings of the Executive Committee at the Midwinter Meeting and the Annual Conference.
- Within one month after each meeting, submits a draft of these minutes to all members of the Executive Committee. Once the minutes have been revised and approved by the Executive Committee, upon instruction from the Chair, the Secretary submits the minutes for dissemination via LES-L and the Section's website. Submits minutes to ACRL according to ACRL and LES guidelines, upon instruction by chair.
- Collects archival materials relating to LES activities during his/her term of office, and, when appropriate, submits these to the 91´«Ã½ Archives.
Past Chair Functions and Responsibilities
- Serves as an officer of the section, and assists in advancing the goals and objectives of the section and ACRL.
As a member of the Executive Committee, attends meetings of the Committee at the Midwinter Meeting and the Annual Conference.
As an ex-officio member of the Planning Committee, attends meetings of the Committee at the Midwinter Meeting and the Annual Conference.
Co-represents, with the Chair, LES on ACRL Sections Council. Assists with presentation of oral report on section events and plans to Council.
Performs other tasks as assigned by the Executive Committee.
Member-At-Large Functions and Responsibilities
- Serves as a voting member of the Executive Committee of the section, and assists in advancing the goals and objectives of the section and ACRL.
As a member of the Executive Committee, attends meetings of the Committee at Annual and Midwinter conferences, including, if possible, those at the Annual conference immediately preceding the taking of office.
Manages the "idea hopper". Gathers ideas from committee chairs, various meetings, and individual members. Organizes the ideas and passes them on to the website editor for posting.
Performs other tasks as assigned by Executive Committee.
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Comments may be directed to the Interim LES Website Editor, Jen Fehselfeld.
Special thanks to Jackie Hackman for designing the LES logo.
Last updated: June 15, 2021