STS Manual: Introduction



This manual is intended to serve as a guide to the activities, organization, procedures, and policies of the Science and Technology Section (STS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Paper copies of the manual are not distributed; all Section officers, committee chairs, committee members, and discussion group leaders are expected to utilize this format and be familiar with its contents.

Some information in this manual provides specific procedures for section officers, committee chairs and discussion group leaders. Committee members will also find this information useful to obtain a general overview of the Science and Technology Section. This manual is offered in the broader context of the ACRL and 91´«Ã½ Web pages, which provide ample information about the organization of the association and its activities.

ACRL Staff:

The ACRL staff, located at 91´«Ã½ Headquarters, are extremely helpful and can either give you a quick answer or get back to you with an answer to a wide variety of 91´«Ã½ questions. They serve as our conduit for budget, program and organizational matters. They handle most of the work for preconference arrangements.

Two important documents that guide the Section include:


91´«Ã½/ACRL has three official years:

The fiscal year, used for all budgetary matters, runs from Sept. 1 through Aug. 31.

The appointment and elective year runs from the day after the Annual Conference ends, through the final day of the Annual Conference of the calendar year in which the appointment ends.

The membership year is now tied to the member's anniversary date.

The STS Master Calendar should be consulted for timelines and activities of STS committee chairs and officers.

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