EBSS Committee Structure

EBSS roles and committees.


EBSS logo

EBSS Executive Committee

Chair (elected)

Coordinate Section

Plan Annual Program

Vice Chair (elected)

Appoint Committee Chairs & Members

Past Chair (elected)

Update EBSS Manual

Provide Orientation for New Executive Members

Secretary (elected)


2 Members-At-Large (elected)

Current Topics Discussions

Dutch-treat dinner with Membership and Orientation Committee

ACRL Liaison

Attends ACRL Board

Newsletter Editor

Creates the EBSS newsletter

Web Manager

Maintains the EBSS webpages and LibGuides

Membership and Orientation Committee Chair

Communicates with section membership

Subject Oriented Committees

  • Communication Studies
  • Curriculum Materials
  • Education
  • Electronic Resources in Communication Studies
  • Higher Education
  • Information Literacy
  • Instruction for Educators
  • Online Learning Research
  • Psychology
  • Reference Sources and Services
  • Research
  • Social Work/Social Welfare

Write articles, books

Create Web pages

Plan committee programs, tours, discussion groups, etc.

Tackle problems

Task Oriented Committees

  • Advisory Committee

    Report, discuss, advise
  • Awards

    Select recipient
  • Conference Planning (2)

    Plan Annual Program
  • Membership and Orientation

    New leader orientation

    Membership recruitment

    Plan social & Dutch-treat dinner with MALs
  • Nominating

    Develop slate of officers
  • Publications and Communications

    Approve ALL Publications -- articles, books, web pages, newsletter, etc.
  • ERIC Users

    Coordinate open ERIC User Group meeting

    Advise ERIC developers
  • ERIC Users

    Advise ERIC developers
  • Ad Hoc Committees

    Perform specific tasks, often prepare a specific publication