Committee Meeting Highlights and Minutes91´«Ã½ Midwinter 2006
Executive Committee
Advisory Council
2006 Program Planning Committee
2007 Program Planning Committee
Communication Studies
Curriculum Materials Committee
EBSS Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award
Electronic Resources in Communication Studies
ERIC Users Group
Higher Education
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/Social Welfare
Ad Hoc Best Collaborative Practices in Education
Ad Hoc Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers
Ad Hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Ad Hoc Research Committee
Committee Name: Executive Committee
Name of person submitting Minutes: Sharon Naylor
Members Present: Doug Cook, presiding (Chair), Lisa Romero (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect), Judy Walker (Immediate Past Chair), Deborah Schaefer (Member-at-Large), Melissa Cast (Member-at-Large), Leslie Bjorncrantz (ACRL Liaison), Beth Broyles (Newsletter Editor), Jessica Albano (Web Page), Laura Kolutsky (Instruction for Educators), Kate Silfen (Reference Sources & Services), Venta Silins (Membership & Orientation), Anne Fields (Publications & Communications), Darla Bressler (Curriculum Materials), Sharon Naylor, recording (Secretary).
Members Excused:
Guests: Lori Goetsch (ACRL Board), Mary Jane Petrowski (ACRL).
Introductions and Greetings: Doug Cook (Chair) convened the meeting at 8:00am in the Mirador West room at the Hilton Palicio del Rio Hotel.
The agenda for the meeting was approved by consensus.
Deborah Schaeffer made the motion, which was seconded by Judy Walker, to approve the minutes from the June 2006 meeting at the Annual Conference in Chicago. The vote was unanimous in favor of approving the minutes with no corrections.
a.ERIC Users – Sunday, 1:30, Convention Center 008b.
b.Current Topics – Saturday, Hilton, Corte Real D-F
1:30 – The Role of Electronic Textbooks in the CMC
1:30 – University Politics 101
2:45 – Meeting the Instructional Needs of Today’s Education Student
2:45 – Librarian vs. Vendor: Winning Strategies and Useful Insights
c.EBSS Social – Ibiza Patio Restaurant & Bar, in the Hilton
1)La Prensa – Monday, 10-11am
2)Bromley Communications headquarters – Monday, 2-3pm
e.National Conference – Baltimore, March 29 – April 1, 2007
Doug asked if there were ideas for a pre-conference.
ACRL Leadership Council
Doug Cook reported on a discussion that took place about ACRL’s strategic plan. We can anticipate dues increases of $10 in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Cook also noted that ACRL now has a new way of planning and that they will be conducting another environmental scan similar to the one they conducted last summer. He also mentioned the new 91´«Ã½ Community Software, which he described as being similar to Blackboard. The new software is being introduced gradually.
Committee Appointments and Reappointments
Lisa Romero reported that the reappointment process for committees is going well. Nancy O'Brien, current Chair of the Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award Committee, would like to be reappointed to a second term as Chair. The Executive Committee approved the reappointment.
Conference Planning 2006
Lisa Romero reported that plans for promoting the 2006 program are well under way. The conference program is entitled "Shaking the Money Tree," and the featured topic will be grant writing for librarians. Romero also noted that the conference program planning committee for ’07 has been appointed and will be co-chaired by Penny Beile and Laura Barrett.
Past Chair
Judy Walker reported on progress in completing this year’s slate of candidates. So far, Penny Beile and Tasha Cooper have agreed to run for Vice Chair/Chair Elect, and Jen Fabbi and Jessica Albano have agreed to run for Members at Large.
Members at Large
Melissa Cast and Deborah Schaeffer reminded the group about the Current Topics sessions which would be held later in the day.
Anne Fields noted that the Instruction for Educators Committee will be submitting an article and that they have been discussing the content with NCATE. The Social Work Committee is working on a Tool Box, and the Reference Sources & Services Committee is finishing up an article. A revised edition of the CMC directory is under discussion, and various formats are being considered.
Membership & Orientation
Venta Silins reported that our membership currently stands at 973 members, just short of the magic 1000 number. Silins noted that ACRL membership has gone up, and that reaching 1,000 is important because it will mean increased funding for us. A discussion followed about how ACRL money can be spent. Silins also reported that new EBSS brochures with a new logo are being planned.
Web Page
Jessica Albano reported that she had just moved most of the content of the EBSS web site to the 91´«Ã½ server. Everything was moved over without any changes. She is still in the process of checking all of the links and learning the authoring system.
Action Items
Doug Cook reminded the group that two new two-year ad-hoc committees have been formed in conjunction with our action plan. The first committee is the Ad-Hoc Mentorship Committee. A question arose about the one-time funding for this committee. We may look into other long-term funding options later after we have assessed how the first two years went. A discussion followed about the definitions of diverse and under-represented. It was suggested that ACRL Josey Spectrum definitions be used. Deciding how to deal with these terms should be the first task of the new committee. Cook called for a voice vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of forming this committee. The action plan and charge are as follows:
New Ad Hoc Mentorship Committee
Charge – Ad Hoc Mentorship Committee.
This committee is charged with overseeing the details of the funded EBSS 2007 Action Plan which proposes to create a scholarship/91´«Ã½ attendance program for diverse undergraduate juniors/seniors interested in librarianship as a profession. Monies ($5750) have been included to bring both mentor and student to an 91´«Ã½ conference. The student will accompany the mentor to EBSS meetings. The committee will also coordinate with the ACRL Josey Spectrum Scholar Committee.
Cook will contact Jo Ann Carr to appoint her as Chair, and a call will be put out for volunteers to serve on the committee. Rebecca Hogue Wojahn has already expressed an interest. Cook reminded the group that members can only serve on three committees.
The second new ad-hoc committee is the Ad Hoc Information Literacy Committee. Cook noted that there has been some confusion about the function of this committee, and he emphasized that this is a steering committee, not a committee that has been charged with doing the actual writing of any guidelines. Cook referred the group to the tip sheet that has been drafted by ILAC (Information Literacy Advisory Council). He also noted that this committee will serve as a liaison between the overarching committee (ILAC) and the groups working on the subject specific documents. He sees four main subject-specific documents being produced through EBSS committees: 1) Education, 2) Communication, 3) Psychology, and 4) Social Work. Cook called for a voice vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of forming this committee. The action plan and charge are as follows:
New Ad Hoc Information Literacy Committee 2006
Charge – Ad Hoc Information Literacy Committee
This steering committee is charged with guiding the creation of subject-related information literacy guidelines for the disciplines represented by EBSS, in compliance with ACRL guidelines for process and structure. The committee will also oversee the details of the 2006 EBSS Action Plan (funded for $2000) to bring non-library faculty to Annual 2006 to consult on this project.
Suggested Committee Composition – two representatives from each EBSS disciplines (Education; Psychology, Communication, and Social Work) and a Chair. The Chair of this committee will represent EBSS on the ACRL Information Literacy Advisory Committee (ILAC).
Cook volunteered to serve as Chair of the committee and will put out a call for members. Persons who have already expressed interest are Tasha Cooper (Communication), Sue Norman (IE), Urmila Sharma, Clair Clemens, Amanda C. Myers (Communication), Sally Neal (Psychology), and Paula McMillan (Psychology).
Judy Walker suggested that this would be a good opportunity to involve persons who are not currently serving on committees or people going off committees. It was again noted that there is a two-year lifespan for each of these committees.
Discussion Items
Meetings can no longer be scheduled for Friday evenings because they will conflict with a scheduled program. There was some concern expressed about holding the Advisory Council meeting late on Sunday afternoon, and this will be discussed when the Council meets.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00a.
Committee Name: EBSS Advisory Committee
Name of person submitting Minutes: Sharon Naylor (Secretary)
Members Present: Doug Cook (presiding), Sharon Naylor (recording), Jessica Albano, Penny Beile, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Darla Bressler, Beth Broyles, Mary Jane Brustman, Melissa Cast, Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Anne Fields, Laura Koltutsky, Lorna Lueck, Lori Mestre, Nancy O’Brien, Alice Perez, Lisa Romero, Deborah Schaeffer, Kate Silfen. Venta Silins, Judy Walker.
Members Excused: Kate Corby, Heidi Senior, Lee LaFleur, Laura Barrett, Lynn Lampert, Scott Walter, Benita Strnad.
The meeting was convened by Doug Cook, Chair, Sunday, January 22, 2006, at 4:00p in Convention Center Room 007A.
Introductions were made. Approval of the agenda was made by consensus.
The minutes from the 91´«Ã½ Annual Meeting held June 26th in Chicago were approved with minor corrections.
Announcements: Doug Cook reported on the new 91´«Ã½ Community Software. Members are encouraged to contact him if they want more information. Cook also told the group to anticipate 91´«Ã½ dues increases of $10 in 2007, 2008, and 2009. There have been no dues increases for several years. The ACRL 13th National Conference will be held in Baltimore in 2007, and members are encouraged to let Cook know if they have any ideas or suggestions. The new 91´«Ã½ scheduling rules had prohibited the Executive Committee from meeting on Friday evening, and Cook said that the situation at the next Annual Conference will be similar. He reminded the group that the New Leader Orientation and ERIC Users Group would be meeting the following day. Judy Walker pointed out that the Advisory Committee meeting does not have to be held after all other meetings have taken place and that the meeting could be moved either to Sunday morning or earlier in the afternoon. Potential conflicts were discussed, and Cook asked members to e-mail him if they have comments or suggestions.
Members at Large: Deborah Schaeffer and Melissa Cast reported that the Current Topics sessions had gone well and that there had been 125 people in attendance for all four sessions. One comment they shared was that participants felt they could have used more time.
Newsletter: Beth Broyles will send out deadlines for submissions when she gets back. She requested that members send her ideas for articles and let her know if they want certain things included. Doug thanked Beth for the good job she has been doing.
Membership: Venta Silins reported that our membership now stands at 973 members. She said that the Happy Hour held the previous day had been very successful. Silins also reported that there will be a new template for ACRL brochures by March of 2007. There have been discussions about a new logo, and she hopes to have a draft by our annual meeting.
Publications: Anne Fields noted the move of the EBSS web site to the 91´«Ã½ server. She requested that committees provide her with updated information about their web managers.
Web Page: Jessica Albano followed up with more information about the move to the 91´«Ã½ server. The site at Michigan State is still up, and a few pieces have not been moved over yet. Jessica has moved items over without any changes. She noted that a change of logo would need to be reflected on the web site. Jessica was asked whether there will be a redirect from Kate Corby’s Michigan State site, and she said that she would ask Kate about this. She noted that there may also need to be redirects from numerous pages, not just from the top level.
Vice Chair: Lisa Romero reported that reappointments are going well and that she has heard from the majority of Chairs. She is continuing to get volunteer forms.
Conference ’07: Penny Beile and Laura Barrett are serving as co-chairs and have seventeen members on their committee. They feel that they are right on track. One topic under discussion is multipurposing data.
Conference ’06: Lisa Romero reported that the conference program for the 2006 annual meeting will be entitled "Shaking the Money Tree." The program committee has already started publicizing this with a “money tree” and “dollar bills” with the program presenters printed on them. A discussion followed about the optimal size of room and advantages and disadvantages of various configurations. Doug Cook suggested to the planners that they speak with Mary Jane Petrowski about the room location and time, and he reminded the group that the Distinguished Librarian Award is present at the beginning of the session.
ACRL Liaison: Leslie Bjorncrantz reported on the ACRL Board meeting that had taken place the previous day. She told the group that Ilene Rockman will receive posthumously the Camilla Alire Presidential Recognition Award for her many contributions to ACRL and to the profession. ACRL’s Executive Director, Mary Ellen Davis, reported substantial progress in ACRL’s collaborations with other higher education associations. Just one example is that ACRL was invited to co-sponsor a program track at the upcoming Higher Learning Commission’s annual conference. The Commission is part of the North Central Association. Their annual conference attracts 3500 administrators and faculty from more than 800 institutions. The ACRL program will examine learning spaces, scholarly communication, and planning the library of the future. These programs fit with the conference theme “The Future Focused Organization: 2016--Ready or Not.” Announcement was also made of an ACRL working group that has looked at current diversity activities within ACRL. The EBSS new funding of scholarships to 91´«Ã½ for diverse undergraduate upperclassmen and mentors was recognized with approval. Scholarship was cited in a list of new ACRL-funded activities as a top priority initiative in support of the ACRL strategic plan. The ACRL Board’s Diversity Working Group will be commissioning a White Paper on diversity. The “Transformation of Academic Libraries Summit: Technological Implications on Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship” will be held this fall in either October or November. ACRL plans to commission a White Paper which will address member concerns, increased ACRL visibility in some areas, and contributions to an ACRL roadmap.
Chair’s Report: Cook reported that since ACRL is now working from a new action plan, EBSS gets a set amount of funding. We will, however, get additional funding for two of our action plans that were accepted. We will receive $2,000 for the Ad Hoc Information Literacy Committee, a group that will serve as a steering committee and as a liaison between ILAC and four major areas represented in EBSS: Communication, Psychology, Education, and Social Work. The new ad-hoc committee will not be writing anything, but they will assist in making sure that standards generated by EBSS groups mesh with the ACRL standards. All standards generated by divisions must have the ACRL stamp of approval. The funding received for this committee will be used to bring non-library faculty to the annual meeting in New Orleans for input, and Cook noted that a meeting has already been scheduled. The ad-hoc committee will be comprised of eight members--two members from each of the four major areas and the Chair. The group was reminded that members can serve on no more than three committees at one time. There was a request for clarification about who would do the actual writing of the standards. Judy Walker suggested forming ad-hoc committees representing the four areas. Another question was whether the writing generated by these groups would be required to go through the Publications Committee. It was generally agreed that it was a good idea for any writing to be vetted by the Publications Committee. The second action plan that will receive funding is the scholarship/ 91´«Ã½ attendance program for diverse college undergraduate upperclassmen potentially interested in entering librarianship as a profession. This initiative will receive $5,750 in 2007. JoAnn Carr will be the chair of the ad-hoc committee charged with implementing this initiative, and volunteers for the committee are needed.
Committee Reports/Action Items
Communication Studies: Lisa Romero reported that Communication Studies has started to work on generating Information Literacy Standards but that Communication will be difficult because of the many sub disciplines. There are already standards for media literacy, and the group will look at other available standards. The group had also discussed and identified research topics for communication librarians that they will be addressing. The conflict between the Current Topics sessions and other meetings was noted. In closing, Lisa reminded the Committee about the two tours planed for the following morning.
Curriculum Materials: Darla Bressler reported that thirty people had attended the Current Topics session on electronic textbooks. A Pro Quest representative was also present. The Curriculum Materials group has reviewed their webliography, and they now have a liaison who will work with Jessica on the Web Site. They have completed a guide to writing CMC policies which is now ready for publication. Two new topics under discussion are 1) why publishers do not want to sell teachers’ editions, and 2) investigating security measures for supplementary materials.
Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award: Nancy O’Brien reported on the excellent pool of candidates they had available to choose from. She clarified that ACRL, rather than EBSS, announces the winner.
Electronic Resources in Communications Studies: Lisa Romero reported that twenty people had been in attendance, nine members and eleven visitors (six of whom were new to 91´«Ã½).The group had a good discussion and identified four projects. One area of particular interest was vendor communications.
ERIC Users Group: Judy Walker reported that over one hundred people had attended the Users Group. The program had included a panel presentation by representatives from ERIC and then small group discussions which included the ERIC representatives. There are plans for activating a blog that has been created for the purpose of updating users and sharing ideas and questions about ERIC.
Higher Education: Stephanie Davis-Kahl reported that the Higher Education Committee will be co-sponsoring a pre-conference on assessment with the Science and Technology Section. Several members of the committee plan to compile a bibliography which will be used in conjunction with the pre-conference. The bulk of the meeting had been spent identifying a future focus for the group, and the decision was made to develop the topic of teaching in higher education. The Current Topics session the group had sponsored, University Politics 101, had been well attended.
Instruction for Educators: Laura Koltutsky reported on the success of their Current Topics session, but noted that the time allotted was too short. She will be posting handouts generated by the sessions. The group also discussed creating Information Literacy standards, noting that Education is still a broad area. They plan to work with the Ad Hoc Best Collaborative Practices in Education Committee chaired by Lori Mestre. They have completed an article that has been rejected by one journal, but they are in the process of resubmitting it to another. The group also brainstormed ideas for potential programs.
Nominating: Penny Beile and Tasha Cooper have agreed to run for Vice Chair/Chair-Elect. Jen Fabbi and Jessica Albano have agreed to run for Members at Large.
Psychology/Psychiatry: Lorna Lueck reported that the committee is putting the final touches on a web page, and they will be working soon with Anne Fields to finalize it. They have completed work on a list of core journals in psychology which includes impact factors. They will be sponsoring a program entitled “Testing 1 2 3: Navigating the Maze” as a Sunday afternoon discussion forum at Annual. Tentative speakers are Nancy O’Brien, representatives from Buros and ETS, and Helen Hough. The group had also brainstormed ideas for Current Topics.
Reference Sources and Services: Kate Silfen reported that the group is putting the finishing touches on a Tool Box and have started the publication process. They are splitting into mini-groups to identify key statistical sources.
Social Work/Social Welfare: Mary Jane Brustman reported that have nearly completed the Social Work Selector's Toolbox. We will be adding some additional material on journals and databases. Committee is working on a process to regularly update all committee publications
Ad Hoc Best Instructional Collaborative Practices: Lori Mestre reported that the group is nearly finished with their web page and hope to have it approved by annual. The site will eventually be loaded to the 91´«Ã½ server, but because this is an ad-hoc group there was some conversation about the eventual maintenance of the web page. There was some conversation about making this group a permanent group. In the meantime the group plans to work with the Instruction for Educators group on the information literacy standards for education.
Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Centers Directory: The work of this committee is progressing well and Benita has been “cracking the whip” with the intent of finishing it soon.
Ad Hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory: Nancy O’Brien reported that the Directory of Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections has now been published and was among the top eight best-sellers for ACRL last year. At the successful completion of the directory, the Committee was dissolved.
Ad Hoc Research: Penny Beile reported that this group had held its first meeting. The venue for an inaugural forum was discussed. They are also working to tweak their charge and plan to request that they be converted from ad hoc to standing status.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00p.
Name of Committee: EBSS 2006 Program Planning Committee
Name of Person submitting Highlights: Lisa Romero
Major Topics of Discussion: The EBSS 2006 Program Planning Committee met at the Midwinter Conference to finalize arrangements for the Annual program. The Committee discussed plans for promoting the program, what audio-visual equipment would be necessary, room set-up, a list of topics that should be covered by the three speakers, program evaluation, and other minor details. Co-Chair, Lee LeFleur attended teh ACRL meeting for program planning chairs and reported on what additional details would be required before the program took place.
Name of committee: 2007 Program Planning Committee
Time and place convened: Sunday, January 22, 10:30-12:30, Convention Center 007B
Name of person submitting minutes: Penny Beile
Members Present: Laura Barrett (co-chair), Penny Beile (co-chair), Kathy Dobda, Karen Hartman, Sara Holland, Laura Lillard, Paula McMillen, Lori Mestre, Darby Orcutt, Lisa Romero (ex-officio), Denise Rosenblatt, Marcia Stockham, Jill Woolums, Sue Wortman
Members Absent and Excused: Lisa Allen, Kate Corby, Alex Hodges, Sue Norman
Guest: Laura Koltutsky
I. Introductions and Greetings
Lisa Romero welcomed committee members. Introductions were conducted and greetings extended.
II. Review of Agenda
The agenda was approved by consensus.
III. Review of Committee Charge
The committee charge, to plan and hold the EBSS annual program for the 2007 conference in Washington, D.C. was reviewed. The program is scheduled for Saturday afternoon, June 24th
IV. Discussion of Program Topic
The focus of the program is research, which supports the ACRL Strategic Area of Higher Education and Research, and the Goal Area of Scholarship. Penny Beile shared potential topics of interest from the Ad Hoc Research Committee. Ideas included a panel of editors who could critique a manuscript on the spot, thus offering tangible feedback to writers, and exploring options for disseminating research in a media intensive, open source world.
This led into a lively brainstorming session on other possible program topics. Ideas that were shared included a session on how to use appropriate statistical analysis, a basic introduction to statistics, rigor and replicability in research, an overview of statistical approaches and research methodologies, how to determine what constitutes good evidence, focusing on practitioner research and tying it into the job, secondary data analysis, applied research, how to be critical readers of research, leveraging everyday practice into publication, trends in research, personal narratives of how researchers have started, deciding where to submit and how to disseminate research, and datamining existing datasets.
The role of practitioner/researchers, leveraging everyday statistics into publication, maximizing research, and using existing datasets were recurrent themes. Datasets that were mentioned could include institutionally collected data, data collected by professional organizations (like ACRL), and data collected by government entities (like NCES)
One possible format for the program consisted of a panel of practitioner/researchers discussing their research, followed by either a question and answer session or breakout groups. Breakout groups could be organized by functional areas (collection development, instruction, systems, acquisitions, cataloging, etc.) in an effort to identify specific datasets, discuss potential research projects, and facilitate collaboration.
V. Report from ACRL Program Planning Meeting
Laura Barrett reported on the ACRL Program Planning meeting she attended. Laura shared timelines and expectations of the ACRL committee. She noted the first deadline was May 1, when program forms were due to 91´«Ã½ and ACRL. Laura also reported that ACRL was very interested in programs with the potential to have a lasting impact. Darby Orcutt suggested a book or publication that tied in with the program theme as one possibility.
Discussion once again turned to topics. Two topics that seemed to garner the most support consisted of a primer on statistics and multipurposing data. Laura asked meeting attendees to identify the program topic they found most appealing.
VI. Future Activities
The program topic sheets were reviewed at the end of the meeting. Laura Barrett will touch base with committee members as to the results. Tentative program titles and descriptions will be discussed with the committee prior to the May 1 deadline.
VII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
Committee Name: Communication Studies Committee
Name of Person Submitting Minutes: Vicky Lebbin
Members Present: Heidi Senior (Chair), Jessica Albano, Marsha Forys, Adrian Ho, Vicky Lebbin, Amy Robb, Tasha Cooper
Members Excused: Laura Barrett, Kathy Dabbour (Virtual Member)
Guests: Debora Cheney, Mary Feeney, Clayton Garthwait, Amanda Hornby, Ken Liss
Place, time convened and by whom: Convened by Heidi Senior at Hilton Palacio Del Rio, Corte Real D-F, at 10:30 am.
Agenda Items/Summary of Meeting/Action Items:
I. Welcome and Introductions. Members and guests introduced themselves.
II. Review and approval of agenda. Update on web project added to the agenda.
III. Discussion of the Committee’s next project.
A. Next Project. Based on a review of notes from the discussion on future committee projects held at the 2005 annual CSC committee meeting, Heidi Senior proposed CSC proceed in one of following areas: (1) information literacy outcomes for Communication Studies or (2) research avenues for Communication Studies. Proposal (1) is pertinent because of EBSS’s recent formation of the Ad Hoc Information Literacy Committee to steer the creation of subject-related information literacy standards for Education, Psychology, Social Work, and Communication. Proposal (2) is timely because the EBSS 2007 annual program may be on research outlets for EBSS. The committee decided to begin to focus initially on item (1) information literacy outcomes for Communication Studies.
B. Information Literacy Outcomes for Communication Studies. The committee proposed 18 sub-areas of communication that should be addressed in information literacy outcomes (journalism, advertising/PR, political, intercultural, new media, legal, women/gender, inter-personnel, telecommunication, communication disorders, organization, health, rhetoric/speech, media production, film, media diversity, media ethics, photo journalism). Action item: The CSC as a whole will begin with the sub-area of journalism, referring to standards developed by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (ACEJMC) when appropriate. By the end of March individual work will be shared with the Committee. Following committee review and revision the work may be sent to the communication discussion list for wider input.
C. Questions for Ad-Hoc Information Literacy Committee. Tasha Cooper is a member of EBSS’s recently formed Ad Hoc Information Literacy Committee. The 2006 midwinter agenda for the EBSS Executive Committee described role of this committee as, “This Steering Committee is charged with guiding the creation of subject-related information literacy guidelines for the disciplines represented by EBSS, in compliance with ACRL guidelines for process and structure. The committee will also oversee the details of the 2006 EBSS Action Plan to bring non-library faculty to Annual 2006 to consult on this project.” Action item: Tasha Cooper will bring the following questions CSC raised regarding the project: (1) confirmation we should be working with the ACRL standards, (2) the level of detail should be at the outcome level, (3) extent the work should relate outside the field, (4) what the review process involves, (5) what models are currently finished, and (6) deadlines.
IV. Website. Jessica Albano is the new webmaster for the EBSS website. She is in the process of moving the EBSS website to the 91´«Ã½ website, this includes the Communication Studies Committee webpage (including the Library Resources for Communication Studies website). The target is to have the Communication Studies Committee webpage moved by the end of February 2006. Action Item: Heidi Senior will confirm that the newly formed Electronic Resources in Communication committee will assume responsibility for the Library Resources for Communication Studies website.
V. Discussion Groups and Roundtables. Jessica Albano highlighted several discussion groups and roundtables at 91´«Ã½ relevant to Communication Studies (Digital Media Discussion Group, Video Round Table, Film & Broadcast Studies Discussion Group, Media Resources Discussion Group, Popular Culture in Libraries Discussion Group, ALCTS Newspaper Discussion Group) in addition to EBSS’s Electronic Resources in Communication Committee. CBC discussed the possibility of coordinating attendance at the discussion groups and roundtables by having at least one member attend and report back to the committee. A suggestion was made to summarize the discussion groups and share with a wider audience through the communication listserv or a blog.
VI. A. Trip to LA Prensa on Monday, January 23 at 10:00am.
B. Trip to Bromley Communications on Monday, January 23 at 2:00pm.
Time adjourned: 12:00 pm
Committee Name: Curriculum Materials
Chairperson: Darla Bressler
Members Present: Lisa Baures, Darla Bressler, Ann Brownson, Collette Childers, Vanessa Earp, Gary Lare, Justina O. Osa, Dorothy Schleicher
Members Absent: Collette Davis, Lee Ann Lannom, Anna Lewis
Guests: Matthew Paris, Adelaide Phelps, Beth Broyles
Time and place convened: The Committee met on Saturday, January 21, 2006 from 10:30-12:30 at the Hilton, Corte Real D-F. The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by Darla Bressler.
Introduction and Greetings: Members and guests introduced themselves.
Announcements: Please attend the Committee’s Roundtable Discussion entitled “The Role of Electronic Textbooks in the CMC” from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. in the Hilton, Corte Real room.
Approval of Minutes: Vanessa Earp motioned to approve the minutes as amended from the June 25, 2005 Annual Conference meeting in Chicago, IL; Gary Lare seconded; the committee unanimously approved the minutes.
Nominations: Darla Bressler discussed the need to nominate a CMC Committee Chair for July 2006-June 2007. This 1-year term is important because the Chair takes a leadership role in current projects. The Chair also prepares meeting agendas and ensures communication between members. The committee approved Vanessa Earp as the nomination for Chairperson for 2006/2007.
Current Projects:
- Webliography(): Webliography section assignments were reviewed to ensure that responsibility for updates had been assigned for all sections/pages. Now that all assignments are current, contributors are encouraged to check their assigned sections/pages for broken links, etc. Collette Childers agreed to serve as CMC Web Liaison to Section Web Manager, Jennifer Albano; therefore, all individual updates to Webliography pages will be sent to Collette.
Current section assignments are as follows:
Assessment/Educational Tests: Jen Fabbi
Associations, Agencies and Organizations: Ann Brownson
Children's and Young Adult Literature: Vanessa Earp
Early Childhood Education: Beth Broyles
Educational Administration: Collette Childers
Educational Foundations: Dorothy Schleicher
Educational Statistics (National & International): Vanessa Earp
ESL/Bilingual Education: Jeannie Kamerman
Electronic Journals: Ann Brownson
Free Educational Materials: Darla Bressler
General Education: Dorothy Schleicher
Instructional Technology: Justina Osa
Lesson Plans & Teaching Activities: Darla Bressler
Multicultural Resources: Venta Silins
National Standards: Beth Broyles
School Counseling & Psychology: Collette Childers
2. Guide for Writing CMC Collection Development Policies: All sections of the
Draft document were completed before the meeting, with editing needed to complete the project. The committee members plan to complete the editing process via the laptop computer brought by Vanessa Earp and make the final changes to the document at the Committee’s work meeting scheduled for Sunday, January 22, 2006 from 10:30-12:30 at the Hilton, El Mirador West. When the document has been edited it will be submitted to the EBSS Publication Chairperson for publication on the web.
New Business: Discussion focused on ideas for new committee projects, since the current project, A Guide for Writing CMC Collection Development Policies, is almost complete. Three issues were chosen for potential future projects:
1. It appears that some publishers are no longer selling Teacher Editions of K-12 textbooks. The committee proposes to draft an open, informational letter to publishers addressing the importance of these resources to CMCs. This letter could be made available to CMC librarians via the web, so they could download the letter and send to individual publishers.
2. The committee proposes to investigate recommendations for security measures for access to supplementary teaching materials, including standardized tests.
3. The committee proposes to investigate the evaluation of electronic and/or interactive textbooks, and perhaps compose guidelines.
Time Adjourned: 12:30 p.m.
Committee Name: EBSS Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award
Name of Person submitting Highlights: Nancy P. O'Brien
Members Present: Debora Cheney, Julie Cunningham, Judy Druse, Francine DeFranco, Nancy O'Brien (Chair)
Upcoming Activities: Sending award decision to ACRL; developing certificate; working with sponsor (John Wiley & Sons) to coordinate award ceremony; insuring that award ceremony is included in the EBSS conference program at 91´«Ã½ 2006 annual conference; and, beginning process for soliciting 2007 nominations.
Major Topics of Discussion: The committee discussed nominations and selected a recipient for the 2006 EBSS Distinguished Librarian Award. Also discussed were procedures and strategies for soliciting future nominations.
Major Decisions: An award winner was selected and the information will be sent to ACRL for first announcement. Deborah will handle the certificate this year. Calls for future nominations will be sent not only to the EBSS listserv, but also to the Communications, IS, ULS and CLS listservs if possible. The EBSS and IS print newsletters will be contacted also to promote this award. The SLA education section may be another opportunity for publicity.
Committee Name: Electronic Resources in Communication Studies
Name of person submitting Minutes: Lisa Romero
Members Present: Lisa Romero (Chair), Sharon Black, Mark Emmons, Jenifer Flaxbart, Elliot Kanter, Sharon Ladenson, Ken Liss, Darby Orcutt, Amy Robb
Members Excused: All present
Guests: Jessica Albano, Fannie Cox, Julia Dunlap, Mary Feeney, Deborah La Ford, Vicky Lebbin, Hannelove Rader, Heidi Senior
Time and place convened: Saturday January 22, 1:30pm Convention Center
I. Introductions and Greetings: The EBSS Electronic Resources in Communication Studies Committee met for the first time at the 2006 Midwinter Conference. The meeting was very well attended with 9 committee members and 11 visitors present! Committee Chair, Lisa Romero, began the meeting with greetings and introductions.
II. Review of agenda
III. Review of committee charge: We began our meeting discussing the committee's charge and how the committee was founded. The group then discussed the current electronic resources "climate" within communication studies, what was needed and what some of the obstacles were. Significant issues were: the need for better relationships with vendors; the need for feedback from researchers and librarians with respect to electronic resources in communication studies; aggressive pricing and marketing behavior; the need for better quality control for our electronic resources; what resources were available in the area of communication studies and which of these did we subscribe to in our individual libraries.
IV. New Business: Identifying goals for committee: The committee spent half of the meeting discussing our objectives and what we wanted to focus on during the next 1-2 years. Four major areas were agreed upon as committee objectives: Evaluation and Assessment of Resources; Maintenance/Enhancement of the Resources for Communication Studies Website; Communication with Colleagues, Scholars, Patrons and Vendors; Scholarly Communication/Principles and How they Relate to Electronic Resources in Communication Studies.
V. Future activities: Eac committee member signed up for 1-2 of the areas. It was agreed that between now and the Annual 2006 Conference each group would create a "charge," a list of tasks and a timeframe. Each group would email these three items to the entire committee (by March 31) and depending on the individual timeframes, begin their work.
VI. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:30.
Committee Name: ERIC Users Group
No meeting highlights or minutes submitted
Name of Committee: Higher Education
Name of Person submitting Highlights: Stephanie Davis-Kahl, co-chair
Major Topics of Discussion:
We bagan our meeting with introductions and a few updates from Stephanie. Our first item of business was an updated on pre-conference sponsorship and an updated on bibliography on assessment for pre-conference. The bulk of our meeting was spent discussing future plans for the committee. Ultimately, we decided to focus our efforts on creating a web-based resource on te scholarship of teaching.
Name of person submitting Minutes: Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Co-Chair
Members Present:
Members Excused:
Time and place convened: Saturday January 22, 1:30pm Convention Center
We began our meeting with introductions and a few updates from Stephanie (both she and Lynn are at the end of their terms, new committee members are needed in addition to new chair(s), and Lynn will be leading the meeting at Annual).
Our first item of business was an update on pre-conference sponsorship and an update on bibliography on assessment for pre-conference. Members working on the bibliography had questions about the roster of speakers and also the scope of the bibliography, given the very broad scope of the topic of assessment. Stephanie will email the “pre-conference bibliographers” what information she has and will also ask Lynn to email the group with more information.
Another item regarding our sponsorship was the possibility that the Higher Education committee would contribute a presentation instead of only a bibliography. After questions about topic and scope, it was suggested that if in fact we do have to do a presentation, it could be a literature review. In short, more information is needed for the committee to move forward on both the bibliography and a possible presentation.
The bulk of our meeting was spent discussing future plans for the committee. Below is a list of our ideas.
New Ideas:
Tracking new course/content curriculum directions at higher education programs in universities (MA/PhD level)
new development at Northwestern
trends in faculty
do they relate to what's going on in real world
chairs of dept and list servs
Minerva: syllabi project at Texas Tech (assists lib in CD)
analysis of websites of ME programs
surveying lit, subject analysis
disconnect between scholarly and Chronicle of Higher Ed
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University
focused collection at Illinois State University's Milner Library
Creating stable of niche areas at different schools
organizational theory
Teaching & Learning
Teaching emerging professoriate (doctoral students)
emerging faculty
Strong relationships between Centers for Teaching and Learning and libraries
Libraries with instructional program for emerging faculty/ Teachign and Learning centers
different flavors of model
Teaching undergraduates, teaching their professors
Illinois State University education dept encouraging research into Teaching and Learning for publication in those journals
huge numbers of journals in this area, but all over the place in disciplines
Cuts across all institutions, overlap between research and libraries
Multifaceted nature of discipline contributes to difficulty in focus
Related categories:
problem-based learning
active learning
scholarship of teaching
Important names in the field
Updated bibliographies
Key Journals
Identity Higher Education websites in these areas
Website seems more attractive than writing an article
process: exactly like publication
talk to Anne Fields
Decision/Action Item:
Julie C. and Sharon N. will work on collecting information for a site that focuses on providing information about teaching in higher education, and will update group at Annual
Need to develop our focus
Focus on audience, libraries, timeline
Need to establish process that would work over time
Increased communication, established goals, assigned responsibilities
For 2006 Annual:
Pre-conference (Lynn)
Teaching in higher education webpage (Julie/Sharon)
collecting sites
dev. criteria
Committee needs to appoint a web information manager
Is anyone interested in joining the Ad Hoc Information Literacy committee? (creation of standards for IL in Higher Education)
New Chairs are needed
Meeting adjourned slightly early and members will reconvene in New Orleans in June 2006.
Committee Name: Instruction for Educators Committee
Name of Person submitting Minutes:
Present: laura Koltutsky (Chair), Kathy Dobda, Louise Greenfield, Merinda McLure, Ada Woods
Excused: Mary E. Cassner, Alice Jane Perez
Laura Koltutsky welcomed members.
Approval of Past Minutes
Minutes from the June 2005 meeting were approved without correction. Ada volunteered to take the minutes for this meeting.
Report from Sub-Group A (NCATE article)
Laura asked Ada to report on the state of our article, "Partnering with Librarians to Meet NCATE Standards in Teacher Education." The article was submitted to the journal of the Association of Teacher Educators, Action in Teacher Education. On January 16, 2006 they responded that they found "it to be information. However, we are looking for articles that are more than descriptions of programs. We are particularly interested in articles that are research driven." Ada immediately submitted it to the Journal of Teacher Education, a publication of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE).
As soon as a decision is known, Ada will e-mail the authors and the committee members. Where shall we submit our article if the AACTE does not publish it? The journal, Education, was suggested.
Louise Greenfield noticed that Patricia Brevik's name was mispelled in the References.
Discussion of Information Literacy Standards for Education Students
Some issues will surface as the Ad Hoc Committee focuses on information literacy standards. Louise Greenfield mentioned that different Colleges of Education cover different departments and that standards can be broad or specific. Kathyanne mentioned that much has already been done. (See the article in the C&RL News, October 1992:583-588, "Information Retrieval Skills for Education Students" and the 2001 ACRL Standards) Laura suggested that we should re-familiarize ourselves with the standards in preparation for the annual meeting in June.
Possible Future Projects
One of the future projects could be the sponsoring of a speaker from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) for 91´«Ã½'s 2007 annual conference in Washington, DC. Kathy is on the conference planning committee. Laura will approach the committee with this project. A possible topic might be "Using Statistics in Educational Research."
Louise suggested that we might have a session on the new technology that the students are using. Presently, the hot new technology is social software such as Face Book. The session might be titled, "Tech Next."
Another possible topic that was mentioned was an environmental scan related to library use and open access.
EBSS/ACRL Strategic Plan
Laura updated us on EBSS's proposals to support ACRL's Strategic Plan for the next two years. ACRL hopes to strengthen academic librarians by reaching members through funding grassroots projects. Doug Cook presented them with three proposals and had two of them accepted for funding.
He proposed that they sponsor the attendance of a classroom faculty member from the social sciences at 91´«Ã½ Annual in 2006. That professor would meet with the EBSS committee that will be working on guidelines on how to develop information literacy standars for education students.
Doug's other funded proposal would create a scholarship/91´«Ã½ attendance program for diverse college undergraduate upperclassment potentiall interested in librarianship.
Virtual Conferences
Kathyanne mentioned that she had experienced some very good meetings and programs with virtual conferences. Could a virtual conference substitute for 91´«Ã½ Midwinter? We would lose some of the networking, but the savings might appeal to the younger librarians.
Adjourned, 12:30 a.m.
Laura reminded us of the Current Topics Discussion this afternoon.
Committee Name: Membership & Orientation
No meeting highlights or minutes submitted
Committee Name: Psychology/Psychiatry
Name of person submitting minutes: Laurel Haycock (1st half of meeting) and Bruce Stoffel (2nd half of meeting)
Members present: Tobeylynn Birch, Laurel Haycock, Paula McMillen, Sala Shierling, Bruce Stoffel, Lorna Lueck (Co-Chair), Alice Perez (Co-Chair)
Members Absent: Sally Neal, Deborah Schaeffer, Allison Sutton, Leanne Marie VandeCreek
Guests: Chris Kollen, Priscilla Geahigan, Suzan Parker, Diana Ramierez
10:30-11:00am APA guests: Linda Beebe and Susan Hillson
The EBSS Current Topics Discussions, 1:30-3:30pm today at Hilton, Corte Real D-F.
The EBSS Dutch Treat Social, 4:00-6:00pm today at Ibiza Patio Restaurant & Bar, Hilton.
A volunteer(s) is needed to take the position of Chair (or Co-Chairs) starting after the annual conference.
Updates (Lorna Lueck)
Ad Hoc Information Literacy Committee: This EBSS Committee has been organized to create section-wide information literacy guidelines. Several Psyc/Psyc Committee members have volunteered to serve on this committee. The guidelines developed by the Ad Hoc Committee will serve as an update to the 1992 article on information literacy and psychology.
Follow-up Note: At the Advisory Council meeting it was announced that the charge of the Ad Hoc Information Literacy Committee has changed. This committee will not be writing the information literacy guidelines. Instead, they will act as a steering committee to facilitate the publication of guidelines aligned with the ACRL information literacy standards, which will be created by various EBSS subject committees (Psyc/Psyc, Instruction for Educators, Communication, and Social Work). Therefore, it will be up to the Psyc/Psyc committee to take the lead on creating these information literacy guidelines as its next project.
Committee web page (Sally Neal)
This agenda item was deferred, because website coordinator Sally Neal was unable to attend the meeting due to inclement weather.
Core Journals List (Bruce Stoffel)
The Committee discussed a draft udpate to the core journals in psychology list. The update incorporates information from the 2004 edition of JOurnal Citation Reports. Members agreed to add back Cyber Psychology and Behavior to the Up and Coming Titles section (it was included in the previous version but deleted from the draft). Members also agreed to add Schizophrenia Bulletin to the Publication Changes section of the page.
Members accepted the revised page with these changes, with the understanding that the pages cannot be uploaded to the EBSS website until it is officially approved as a publication. In the meantime, the site will remain on Bruce's web space. Alice and Lorna will complete and submit the appropriate EBSS forms to request that the core journals list be approved for official EBSS web publication.
Discussion Forum (all)
Members discussed the Psychology/Psychiatry forum planned for Annual Conference 2006 in New Orleans. The forum is titled "Testing 1, 2, 3: Navigating the Complex Maze of Tests and Measures." Sala has led planning the forum.
Nancy O'Brien of the University of Illinois has been confirmed as one of our speakers. Confirmation has yet to be received from the speakers from Buros Institute and ETS. It is uncertain whether Helen Hough of the University of Texas Arlington has been contacted. Sala will check with Darlene Nichols on this matter.
In terms of getting word out about the forum, Paula McMillen will coordinate posting announcements on listservs. Those mentioned include RUSA, LIRT, IS, EBSS, NMRT, SLA (education group).
Sala will prepare a flier for distribution at the EBSS all committee meeting. Lorna will ask Doug Cook about getting fliers in the Convention Center.
Sala will try to get an announcement of the forum in Cognotes.
It was agreed that a program agenda should be prepared. A list of test resources and web links should be included on the reverse side. Paula agreed to coordinate compiling the list with contributions from the committee.
Lorna suggested checking with speakers to see if they will have titles for their presentations they would like to advertise.
Sala will send speakers emails confirming the site and offering assistance getting there.
In terms of logistics, no Internet connection will be available at the forum site. Speakers should bring their own laptops for PowerPoint presentations. Bruce will bring a laptop just in case one is needed.
In terms of the program, members agreed that the primary focus of the forum should be finding test instruments. Members agreed that speakers should be cautioned against making sales talks, as they generally are not well received by attendees.
A program moderator will be needed. Sala will contact Darlene Nichols and Allison Sutton to see if either would be interested in serving in that capacity. If neither is able to do so, Paula McMillen agreed to moderate. Discussion followed about the order in which speakers should present.
Alice offered to purchase gifts for speakers from the 91´«Ã½ store. Sala and Bruce offered to contribute. Paula volunteered to do the thank you notes.
Brainstorming topics for next year's Current Topics Discussion
Alice and Lorna asked members to think about possible discussion toipcs for Midwinter 2007. This matter will be discussed at 91´«Ã½ Annual in New Orleans.
The meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.
Committee Name: Publications and Communications Committee
Name of person submitting minutes: Anne Fields (Chair)
Members present: Debora Cheney, Beth Broyles, Anne Fields, Christine King, Jill Woolums, Kate Corby and Jessica Albano (ex officio), Judy Walker (ex officio)
Members excused: Marcia Keyser
Guests: NA
The meeting was convened at 8 am in Conference Room 2, Marriott River Center by Anne Fields, Chair.
Anne Fields introduced new member Jill Woolums.
Jessica Albano updated the committee on the section Web site. She has moved most pages to the 91´«Ã½ server and will notify the EBSS list of the change so that people can change their bookmarks. Listservs eventually will be moving to the 91´«Ã½ server, too.
Beth Broyles will ask Jessica Albano for an article on changes to the Web site. She will check to make sure that there has been an article on the Directory of Historical Collections. She will suggest to committee chairs that they submit articles on all new Web pages and other publications.
Anne asked for updates on committee publications.
- The CMC Committee is checking links within the Guide for Writing CMC Collection Development Policies; should be finished by end of Midwinter.
- Instruction for Educators Committee journal article on NCATE/information literacy for teacher educators is making the rounds of journals. Has been rejected by Action Research because it didn’t fit their scope. Judy and Beth didn’t receive a copy. Anne will re-send.
- Psych/Psy resources page almost ready for committee review. They will need to get rid of tables formatting.
- Ad Hoc Committee on Research is considering a Web page. [Later e-mail from Jill Woolums indicated that they may be interested in collaborating with the Publications Committee in presenting a research forum at 91´«Ã½ Midwinter, 2007. Publications may grow out of the research focus for the 2007 Program Planning Committee.]
- Subject-specific information literacy competencies eventually will need Publications Committee review.
Goals for 2005-2006:
- Continue to monitor publications development
- Continue migration to 91´«Ã½ server
Discussion of committee Web page development:
- Three options
- Committee can develop content on a member’s server, then transfer to 91´«Ã½ once complete.
- Committee can develop and have Jessica upload to 91´«Ã½ server. They can send updates through her as content is developed.
- Committee Web manager takes 91´«Ã½ training and can develop page on 91´«Ã½ server
- In any case, every committee that wants Web content must appoint a Web manager and make sure they take 91´«Ã½ training. (It’s only offered several times a year, so plan ahead.) Anne will get an updated list of committee Web managers from committee chairs and send it to Jessica and Kate. Kate will create a Web manager mailing list.
- Kate and Jessica will put link to 91´«Ã½ Web guidelines on Publications Committee home page. Suggest that committee Web managers read the guidelines to save having to reformat content. They will look into the possibility of putting the 91´«Ã½ “quick guidelines” online, too.
- Anne will remind committee chairs to update her about publications, including Web pages, in process and to send proposal forms.
Revised edition of CMC Directory:
Judy Walker gave some background on the history of the format of the previous edition. Committee had wanted a book/cd combination in order to provide both typical directory information and more extended data that people had requested. 91´«Ã½ had wanted to try the “passworded online” format—new at the time—to see how it would work.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 am.
Committee Name: Reference Sources & Services Committee
Name of person submitting Minutes: Kate Silfen
Members present: Deborah Schaeffer, James McCloskey, Jim Jonas, Cheryl Ghosh, Geoff Morse, Scott Collard, Kate Silfen (chair)
Members not present: Laurie Ann Charnigo, Marian Shemberg, Margaret White, Patricia Libutti (virtual member)
Guests: Susan Ariew, Christina Desai, Adina Mulliken
Time and Place: 10:30am-12:30pm, Hilton Palacio del Rio room
Agenda Item Minutes:
1) Welcome and Introductions
2) Review Education Librarian's Toolbox (now found at )
3) Ideas for new collaborative projects for the committee
4) Informal discussion and sharing about our individual positions and projects
Time adjourned: 12:30pm
The committee reviewed the Education Librarian’s Toolbox and made suggestions for minor changes.
The committee decided to pursue a new project. By consensus, the group decided to compile a bibliography of key statistical resources in the social sciences. We will gather both print and web resources, and will look for statistical sources in the following areas: social work, education, gerontology, school counseling, psychology, higher education and general social science statistics.
Small groups of two to three people were formed to work on collecting statistics for each of the areas.
Action Items:
Jim will update the Education Librarian’s Toolbox.
Kate will work with the Publications Committee to get the Education Librarian’s Toolbox approved as an official EBSS publication.
Each group working on gathering statistical sources for an area in one of the areas we identified (social work, education, gerontology, school counseling, psychology, higher education, and the general social sciences) will compile and send a draft of their list of sources to the group e-mail account for approval by all committee members.
Drafts will be sent to the group e-mail account by June 1st.
Committee Name: Social Work/Social Welfare
Name of Person Submitting Minutes: Mary Jane Brustman, Chair
Members Present: Mary Jane Brustman, Ellen DeMarinis, Arif Jamal, JoAnn Mulvihill, Sally Lawler, Kate Silfen.
Members Excused: Karen Hartman, Frada Mozenter
Guests: Jill Blaemers, Hal Mendelsohn, Adina Mulliken, Jennifer Nason Davis.
Agenda Items:
Social Work Selector’s Toolbox Project – Journal Section/Final Editing
Social Work Webliography - Additions
Process to keep committee publications up to date
Future presentations from database producers
Time Adjourned: 12:20pm
- The minutes from the June 25, 2005 meeting were approved via e-mail.
- Social Work Selector’s Toolbox. Changes to the Social Work Selector’s Toolbox will include expanding the Journals section, adding a Databases section, making the page more readily findable on the web, and style and organization issues.
- The Journals section currently contains core lists and articles about social work journals and their evaluation. Additions to this list will include references to materials in print or on the web-- lists or discussion of electronic/open access journals; journals in related disciplines such as psychology, gerontology, sociology, criminal justice, family studies and social policy; advice on selecting and evaluating journals. Members will look for lists of core, exhaustive and recommended journals as well as those included in databases. Committee members were assigned responsibility to find journal lists, A. Mulliken for social work, K. Silfen for psychology and interdisciplinary material, S. Lawler for gerontology, J.A. Mulvihill for sociology and family studies, E. DeMarinis for social policy, M.J. Brustman for criminal justice. K. Silfen will also look for articles on evaluating interdisciplinary collections.
- The new Databases section of the toolbox will contain lists and evaluative material for databases in social work and related fields.M.J. Brustman will look for articles on criteria/selection/evaluation of databases and compile a preliminary list of relevant databases.
- Frada Mozenter’s suggestions for style changes were approved. The names of all committee members who contributed to the website will be added.
- Jill Blaemers of CSA visited the committee. She stated that Social Sciences Abstracts now includes all journals from Social Work Abstracts.
- Social Work Webliography (completed in 2004). We will add new sections – tutorials and metasites—after work on Toolbox has been completed.
- The committee will “get the word out” about the Toolbox and Webliography by sending messages out on COLLDV-L, EBSS-L, and listservs for CSWE, NASW, ALCTS, RUSA CODES. Metatags and a descriptive subtitles will be included to make the pages more easily findable on the web.
- The committee will monitor and periodically add to and update committee publications. Individual committee members will be responsible for certain sections. The decision on how to divide this up will be undertaken at Annual 2006.
- The editor of Family and Society Studies Worldwide database will bescheduled for Annual 2006 and other such speakers for future committee meetings (suggestions: Foundation Center database, Policy File.) These will be one hour presentations. We will obtain a trial password for the committee and publicize the event.
- Future work: Rewriting Information Competencies for Social Work to fit the framework of the AdHoc Committee on Information Literacy Standards. At Annual 2006 discussion of a topic for Current Topics.
Committee Name: Ad Hoc Best Collaborative Practices in Education
Time and place convened: Saturday, Jan 21, 10:30-12:30, Hilton, Corte Real (D-F)
Name of person submitting minutes: Lori Mestre
Members Present: Lori Mestre (Chair), Merinda Mclure, Lisa Nichols, Diane L. Schrecher
Members Absent and Excused: Laura Koltutsky (joined in after chairing her other committee)
Guests: Jeannie Colson - Sam Houston State University
Lori gave an overview of progress to date, including request sent to publishing. The group then discussed standardization of pages and future steps.
Lori will continue to host the page during development and will upload it to the 91´«Ã½ server once approved for publication.
We will provide both html and pdf versions of each example on the page.
We will delete the Higher Ed section since it is duplicated in the Teacher Education section and teacher ed is really our focus.
We will continue to add to the section on collaborations between University and K12 librarians.
Adapt2000 91´«Ã½ standards and 2001 ACRL objectives to education. - Education standards for Info Lit
We affirmed that if no education standard is provided for an example we will use the NCATE and ISTE standards.
We affirmed that for now we will only include examples at the Higher Ed level related to teacher education. K12 and library info lit examples can be in various subject areas.
It was agreed to provide links to a page that categorizes by standard and another that categorizes by subject.
Apply keywords on top of each guide/example (in case we can use a drop down list in the future or a database- fed search).
Add a side link to the template: Examples by Standards
We will do one more round of solicitation that asks for gaps to be filled, informing those we ask that they need not worry about applying standards. Our committee will do that.
We will only include 50 sample guides/examples (5 in each category). Need a rubric for this - perhaps using Primo as a guide. Categories follow:
active learning
Distance Learning
Lesson Plans
Searching Databases -
Bibliography - revamp. Using the existing bibliography, we will research the literature for citations after 2000, including seminal works and do a revised bibliography. We will not annotate the bibliography. Our search will focus on school media and teachers (and information literacy and collaboration); college and high school librarians (and information literacy and collaboration); College or University librarians and teacher education (and information literacy and collaboration); higher education and librarians (and information literacy and collaboration)
Action Items
Lori will make edits as suggested above
Diane will solicit more examples from her education group
Lori will divide the current examples among committee members so they can apply the standards and keywords and return to Lori
Diane will search ERIC for citations after 2000 for the bibliography
Merinda will search Library Literature for citations after 2000 for the bibliography and seminal pieces
Lisa will search Library and Information Science Abstracts (or Lori or Laura will if Lisa doesn't have access)
After all examples have been formatted (with keywords, attributions, standards) and categorized, we will solicit additional guides to fill in gaps in the categories needed.
Lori will again contact appropriate folks about getting approval for publishing.
Committee Name: Ad Hoc Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers
Time and place convened: Saturday, Jan 21, 10:30-12:30, Hilton, Corte Real (D-F)
Name of person submitting minutes: Benita Strnad
Members Present: Winifred Flint, Bernadette Lear, Jennifer Fabbi, Jane Smith, Alex Hodges, Benita Strnad
Members Absent and Excused:
Report from Chair
Benita reported on her meeting of November 17, 2005 with Dr. Fred Olive, the immediate past chair of the CMC Directory committee. Dr. Olive had been invited to attend this meeting of the CMC Directory committee, but he decided that he was not going to attend the San Antonio meeting.
Chair handed out a packet of information that she got from Dr. Olive that included copies of the previous questionnaire, introduction to the directory, and a copy of the recommendations from Dr. Olive to the EBSS chair when the directory was completed.
For more information or clarification please refer to the packet that was handed out at the meeting.
Chair reported that Marcia Keyser would be attending the committee meeting as a representative of the EBSS Publication Committee.
EBSS Publications
When Ms. Keyser came to the meeting she explained some of the preliminary procedures for publication of a document. She felt that publishing a new edition of the directory should be mostly a formality because this is not a new publication, only a new edition. She made the following recommendations to the committee.
1. CMC Directory committee must file preliminary request for publication with EBSS Pub. Committee. This can be done via e-mail.
2. When EBSS Pub. Committee approves the request they will guide the CMC Directory com. Through the publications process as the project moves through the 91´«Ã½ publications procedures.
3. Benita will file the required paperwork with the EBSS Publication committee via e-mail and get back to the committee when this is completed.
Time adjourned. Noon
In anticipation that the new edition will be approved the committee decided to go ahead and start working on a new questionnaire.
The previous questionnaire was examined and it was decided that a preliminary questionnaire should be designed and circulated amongst the EBSS list serve in order to get more input about what information librarians wanted to include in the directory. Among questions to be asked.
1. Was the previous editions purchased by EBSS LIBRARIANS?
2. Did they like the format?
3. Did they like the content?
4. If the previous edition was purchased how or for what purpose did librarians use it?
Bernadette Lear volunteered to design a survey that would ask a few basic questions and get this survey out to the committee members by February 20, 2006. The committee members must look at it and respond back to Bernadette. March 1, 2006 is the target date for distribution of the questionnaire to the EBSS list serve.
The preliminary questionnaire would be close April 1, 2006. Upon reception and compilation of the answers to the questionnaire the committee would begin writing the questions for the new questionnaire.
Other concerns
Meeting time – Some committee members ran into conflicts with the consolidated meeting time and asked that in the future we consider meeting at an alternative time.
Action Items
Timeline & Duties assigned to committee members
1. Ongoing - Benita will do publications paperwork.
2. May 1, 2006 - Winifred will write a statement of purpose
3. February 20, 2006 – through April 1, 2006 - Bernadette will design and distribute the survey
4. March 1, 2006 - Jane & Alex will look at other 91´«Ã½ directories to see what formats are prevalent and what questions are commonly asked. They will make recommendations on what formats were appealing and what they thought best and worst about other directories.
5. June 1, 2006 – committee will have written introduction based on the statement of purpose written by Winifred
6. June 22, 2006 – 91´«Ã½ meeting in New Orleans
7. August 2006 distribution of questionnaire
8. November 2006 completion of data gathering
9. January 2007 – 91´«Ã½ meeting in Seattle
10. Completion of project - June 2007 – 91´«Ã½ meeting in Washington, D.C.
Committee Name: Ad Hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
No meeting highlights or minutes submitted
At the Advisory meeting, Nancy O'Brien reported that the Directory of Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections has now been published and was among the top eight best-sellers for ACRL last year. At the successful completion of the directory, the Committee was dissolved.
Name of committee: Ad Hoc Research Committee
Time and place convened: Saturday, Jan 21, 10:30-12:30, Hilton, Corte Real (D-F)
Name of person submitting minutes: Penny Beile
Members Present: Kevin Barry, Penny Beile (chair), Melissa Cast, Merrie Davidson, Jennifer Fabbi, Laura Bowering Mullen, Dana Peterman, Signia Warner
Virtual Member: Sharon Weiner
Members Absent and Excused: Lisa Allen
Guests: Helga Visscher, Jill Woolums, Sue Wortman
I. Introductions were conducted and greetings extended.
II. The agenda was approved by consensus.
III. The committee charge was reviewed. The current charge reads: Investigate and propose ways the section can provide a forum for behavior science librarians to share ideas about new directions in behavior science librarianship, research in progress and current topics of interest.
Attendees discussed expanding the definition to include education librarians, using the term “behavioral” rather than “behavior,” and more accurately reflecting the mission of the committee, which is to hold a research forum as well as investigate and propose how to encourage research of interest to the field of education and behavioral sciences librarianship. Members also proposed the committee be submitted for standing rather than ad hoc status.
Action Item: Request a revision to the committee charge and seek standing status for the committee. (Penny)
A. The venue for the inaugural forum was discussed, and members agreed the time following the annual program and before the social would be optimal, as would an adjacent room. The forum should last approximately one hour.
Action Item: Discuss with Advisory Council. (Melissa and Penny)
[Recorder note: Advisory suggested we contact Mary Jane Petrowski to discuss the time and possibility of a room adjacent to the program.]
Formats for the first research forum were discussed. Poster sessions and round tables received the most support, with the caveat that they be somehow structured. One member suggested beginning every 20 minutes to keep interruptions at a minimum.
Action Item: Attend other section and roundtable research fora at annual and report back to the committee regarding their structure. (Laura will attend STS, Jennifer LRRT, and Merrie RUSA.)
Attendees next discussed awards or other recognition for presenters. Dissemination of presentations was favored over awards. Some suggestions included electronic postings (abstracts or proceedings posted on the section site, or a link to more information) and abstracts published in PsycExtra. Topic to be further discussed.
The final venue item for discussion was providing refreshments for a light reception. Attendees enthusiastically endorsed this idea, contingent upon sponsorship. Potential sponsors were discussed and attendees decided to give PsycInfo the first right of refusal.
Action Item: Contact Linda Beebe of the APA regarding sponsorship. (Laura)
B. Attendees next tackled presenter eligibility, selection criteria, and submission review procedure. There was some discussion of asking journal editors to attend or using their selection criteria to create a rubric. Another idea was to hold open a number of spots for “new voices” to encourage early researchers to submit.
Action Item: A subcommittee will work on this and present to the committee at Annual. (Melissa, Dana, and Helga)
C. Opportunities exist for collaboration both internal and external to the section. Melissa has ties to Membership and the section social, Jill (incoming member) is also on the Publications Committee, and Penny is co-chair of the 2007 Program Planning Committee.
Action Item: In addition to section contacts, check with CLS, NMRT, and LRRT for collaboration opportunities. (Penny)
D. Suggestions on how to market the forum included submitting announcements to American Libraries, the EBSS Newsletter, relevant listservs, flyers, and the EBSS web site. Topic to be further discussed.
E. Presentation materials will also be made available after the conference; most probably via abstracts or proceedings posted to the section web site.
F. A tentative calendar was shared and will be further refined in the future.
G. Attendees were asked for research topics of interest to share with the 2007 Program Planning Committee. These included having an editor panel offer tangible feedback, such as critiquing a manuscript submission on the spot, discussing the value of research replication, gaps in the literature, and how open source and media intensive publications have impacted scholarly publication.
V. A brief look at what the committee could do “beyond the forum” included building a web presence to serve as a research clearinghouse. This site might include calls for collaboration, ideas for research, and even digital data banks.
VI. The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.