Committee Meeting Highlights 91´«Ã½ Midwinter 2002
Conference Planning 2002
Curriculum Materials Committee
Executive Committee
Instruction for Educators
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/Social Welfare
Ad Hoc - Curriculum Materials Center Standards/Guidelines
Ad Hoc - Digital Publication of the Curriculum Materials Centers Management Guide
Ad Hoc - Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Committee: Advisory Council
Members Present: Lorna Lueck[Past chair], Doug Cook [Newsletter editor], Mary Jane Brustman [Member-at-large], Ann Brownson [Co-chair, Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Centers Standards/Guidelines Committee], Gary Lare [Co-chair, Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Centers Standards/Guidelines Committee], Ted Wygant [Chair, Publications Committee], Veronica Bielat [Conference Planning '03], Kate Corby [Vice Chair, Webmaster], Penny Beile [Conference Program '02], Lyn Thaxton [Conference Program '02], Laverna Saunders [Membership and Orientation], Jo Ann Carr [Chair, Ad Hoc Committee for the Digital Publication of the CMC Management Guide], Jennie Ver Steeg [Member-at-large], Darlene Nichols [Co-chair, Psychology/Psychiatry Committee], Brian Quin [Chair, EBSS], Judy Walker [EBSS Secretary, Listserv moderator], Roland Person [Chair, Reference Sources and Services], Nancy O'Brien [Chair, Ad Hoc Committee Historical Textbooks and Curriculum Collections Directory], Kay Womack [Chair, Gerontology Committee], Sarah Beasley [Chair, Instruction for Educators], Maggie Ressel [Co-chair, Psych/Psych Committee], Leslie Bjorncrantz [ACRL Board Liaison]
Visitor: Scott Walter
Date: January 20, 2002
Summary:The EBSS Advisory Board Meeting was called to order at 8:45 AM by Brian Quinn.
- Brian introduced himself and welcomed all attendees. He went around the table and had everyone introduce themselves and indicate their position within the section.
- Jo Ann Carr moved to approve the agenda as distributed by Brian. Jennie Van Steeg seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
- Committee members where given time to read and review the minutes of the Advisory Council from the Annual Conference in San Francisco, June 17, 2001. The following corrections were made:
- The 'e' was removed from Ann Brownson's name.
- VI E - RUSA MOOS was corrected to read RUSA MUS
- VI J - The second sentence of the paragraph was changed to read - Ovid and EbscoHost are offering articles from other companies and APA is negotiating with them.
- VI K - Roland Person's name was corrected in the last sentence.
- "Adjourned 10:26" was removed.
- "Submitted by Lorene Sisson" was removed.Lorna Lueck moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Ann Brownson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
- Action Items from Executive Committee Meeting.
- Funding for strategic plan ($1,500) The executive board has recommend that the section use the money from this initiative to web cast our program at the annual meeting in Atlanta. This would be an on demand web cast [after the conference a person could click on the link to view/download video] because a live web cast is very expensive. The on-demand web cast is more reasonable. ACRL are offering such programs currently fee. EBSS does not really want to charge a fee. Brian need to follow-up with ACRL to find out if we have to charge a fee for the web cast. Jo Ann suggested if there was any funding left over [or in lieu of the web cast' that we us the funds to send a liaison from EBSS to one of the other professional organization such as AERA, etc. which also supports ACRL's strategic plan. Kate commented that the web cast would be better for building membership. Penny pointed out 91´«Ã½ will own the copyright for the web cast. So speakers must give permission before the taping can occur. Laverna suggested a middle path - putting up power point presentations by the speakers. Penny responded that the '02 program is a panel and no one will be using power point presentations.
- ACRL 2003 Conference in Charlotte, NC. ACRL is pushing participation of members in conference in '03. The theme for the conference is - Learning to Make a Difference. Possible programs which could be sponsored by EBSS: Field Libraries Based Librarians and/or Accreditation Panel. Judy Walker will investigate the feasibility of these programs. Kate will help. They will solicit members for a program committee and/or speakers for the programs via the listserv. Judy asked if there might be enough interest in the accreditation program to offer it as a pre-conference. Lorna commented that pre-conferences are expensive perhaps a workshop during the conference would be a better venue. If we can't the accreditation program this time we could do it at an 91´«Ã½ annual. Jo Ann informed the group that a program entitled 'Your Senior is My Freshman' is being proposed by a Joint Task force between ACRL and AASL which will discuss the report of the Blue Ribbon panel on Libraries as Educators. Allison Kaplan is the joint chair of this group. It was suggested EBSS co-sponsor this program. Brian will contact Allison to find out how we can support this effort.
- EBSS distinguished Librarian Award. The committee is having problems getting members to nominate people. A discussion ensued which brought up concerns about the nomination process [too hard, too long], problem getting resumes without the nominee knowing, and criteria/description gives the impression that this is a 'lifetime achievement award'. Scott suggested renaming it to Education Librarian of the Year. Leslie suggested we put the onus on the committee to do the research about the person. Jo Ann suggested we ask the awards committee to review/revise the description/criteria and the process for nominations. Brian will talk with the committee. If we do this Jo Ann also recommended that we add several additional members to the committee since we are asking them to review the entire process. Scott reminded us it is to be service to the profession not just the section. During this discussion Jo Ann mentioned a list of member accomplishments that was compiled for the 25th anniversary of EBSS. Kate asked her to see if she could find this list. Kate would like to put it up on the website. Jo Ann indicated it needed to be updated before it went up on the web.
- Standing Committee Reports
- Conference Program 2002 - Penny Beile The program, Games Academics Play: Relations between Faculty and Librarians [June 15th Saturday 1:30-3:30 PM], is in good shape. It will be a panel discussion. The committee will solicit questions from EBSS members via EBSS-L and also from other related listservs. Doug asked Penny to do a write-up for newsletter.
- Conference Program 2003 - Kate Corby Three people have been appointed to the committee. Sally Lauder and Karen Bascanyi will be co-chairs. The 2003 conference is actually a joint conference with the Canadian Library Association. 91´«Ã½/ACRL want us to communicate with our Canadian counter parts. Kate has already done some investigation. Kate is still looking for additional members. Jo Ann has some contact in Canada and will send to Kate.
- Curriculum Materials Committee - Judy Walker [reporting for Trish Lenkowski.] The committee first discussed changes in webliography responsibilities. Then they discussed two projects. The first is an article about NCATE accreditation. It will be a practical, how-to article. The committee will solicit responses to three questions via EBSS-L. After they compile the responses write an article summarizing the information. The second project is to look at up-dating the 1992 CMC Collection Policy Document. They will bring copies of the document to annual to see what needs to be updated. The committee also agreed to take on the responsibility of checking outside links in the CMC Management guide which will be available via the ACRL website.
- EBSS Distinguish Librarian Award - Not report. See discussion above.
- Gerontology - Kay Womack The committee discussed their purpose. They see themselves as serving as a resource clearinghouse for those working with aged. They continue to work with RUSA MOUS group on how to find information in the field of gerontology. The committee would like to host a discussion group at midwinter [not at the same time as EBSS current topics]. During their discussion the question of "Why does 91´«Ã½ meet twice a year??" came up. Why could we use chat rooms and other technologies to carry on the activities now done at midwinter. ARCL council brought up the same question. College section is purposing not participating in midwinter. ACRL has software for doing online chat. Work of committee will determine the need to meet face to face.
- Instruction for Educators - Sarah Beasley The committee is working on a publication that will update the 1992 article on information literacy competencies for pre-service teachers. It will focus on librarians and education faculty and try to incorporate information literacy standards. They want to address what education faculty should be including in their classes and what to expect from their students [pre service teachers]. They hope to have a draft at annual and a final at midwinter 2003.
- Membership & Orientation. - Laverna Saunders Helga Visscher has agreed to co-chair this committee with Laverna. A welcome letter is being sent to new members. ACRL is doing the same so the committee will try and co-ordinate with them. They want to send letters to all folk who drop their memberships. This will also be coordinated with ACRL. ACRL is moving towards email communications and EBSS will try the same. Last year the section lost 79 members which was a 7.9% drop. The committee talked about ways to attract new members. ACRL is going to chapter affiliates, library school students, etc. to recruit new members. How can we do this? The committee will revise the EBSS brochure in time to be able to pass them out ACRL meeting in Charlotte. They are also looking at buttons, bookmarks, etc. The question of 'Do we have a logo?' came up. Kate borrowed from the orientation. But nothing has been official adopted. Doug Cook motioned that the official logo will be what is on the web. Jo Ann Carr seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Laverna also had some questions about New Leader Orientation. It was suggested that Laverna contact Barbara Kemp [past chair] to find out what was done last year. The orientation has been expanded to include new officers and new chairs.
- Nomination Committee 2002 - Lorna Lueck The slate will be: Vice Chair/Chair Elect: Mary Jane Brustman and Scott Walter; Member at-large: Jeannie Kameran and Julie Tharp.
- Psych/psych Committee - Darlene Nichols/Maggie Ressel Caroline Gosling, from APA attended the meeting to give an update about APA Online. The committee also talked about Jstor who is beginning to add older psychology/psychiatry journals to their database. They discussed whether they should submit titles for inclusion. They are also working on website. They also addressed the question of 'What happened to the link between membership of APA teaching of psych and their committee?" They are trying to revive it.
- Publications Committee - Ted Wygant The committee discussed who would be liaison to what committees. While discussed CMC management publication several questions about editing arouse. It was suggested that we have a current topics session about editing with a person from ACRL there to answer questions. Ted commented that the Newsletter looked great. There was also a discussion of the streaming video project. Ted also indicated a need for new members.
- Reference Sources and Services - Roland Person The committee is still working with ERIC to add a peer review field to the ERIC record. ERIC is in the throws of a top to bottom review of their database and starting a new way to input records. The problem seems to revolve around what authority would they use.
- Social Work/Social Welfare - No report.
- Ad Hoc Committee Reports
- Ad Hoc Committee for the Digital Publication of the CMC Management Guide - Jo Ann Carr The committee was able to see the galley of the publication. Production will occur very soon after midwinter. The cover title has been switched. The primary topic of discussion at the meeting was how to index the document. The document has been developed in html. The publication will be on ACRL website as a free document to promote sales. Once the document is up on the web there will be links within the chapters, from citations to bibliography or reference list. All urls are hotlink. The committee is still looking at internal links to other chapter. The CMC has been asked to maintain links once the digital committee is finished.
- Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Centers Standards/Guidelines Committee - Gary Lare The 1st draft of this document is done. The next step is for it to be published in CRL for comments. It will also be put on the EBSS website. The committee is trying to get a hearing at annual. After the comment period the committee will rewrite the draft. Then goes forth to the ACRL board.
- Ad Hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory Committee - Nancy O'Brien The committee has not met yet. A web based survey created and approved by ACRL. Preliminary publication information has been sent in. Tomorrows meeting will discuss who will do what next.
- EBSS Officer Reports.
- Chair - Brian Quinn
- ACRL is looking for people/EBSS members working on gap between rich and poor countries.
- ACRL leadership meeting Theme of the meeting - Focus on the future. They tried to identify big issues for academic libraries/librarians. There were group discussions which talked about how to get ACRL leadership more engaged in these issues i.e. budget cuts, loss of identity, copyright, ownerships, faculty training, customer service, library as a place. James Holmen from Harvard Institute also spoke.
- A person from the 91´«Ã½ office spoke about issues of concern since 9/11. One concern is that library records are no longer protected by state law. Another concern is that foreign student workers are being tracked.
- The 91´«Ã½ Washington office is offering a tutorial on copyright via the web.
- Section council: ACRL nominates 5 representatives to IFLA. EBSS should forward recommendations for the Social Sciences position to International committee. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Barbara Kemp was our last representative. The representative is expected to attend IFLA at his or her own expense.
- Vice Chair/Chair Elect - Kate Corby Kate is just starting the appointment process. Chairs need to let her know who wants to continue on their committees, who is going off and any recommendations for new members. Don't want to loose members and we want to add new members. If chairs are going off suggestions for their successor are welcomed.
- Past Chair - Lorna Lueck ACRL is willing to archive our manual. Only major changes will be archived. Mary Jane at ACRL will print off and archive current manual.
- Secretary - Judy Walker Send highlights and minutes to Judy by February 1st. Kate wants secretary to send out draft of advisory & executive board minutes by February 1st as well.
- Member at large - Mary Jane Brustman Current topics discussion groups went very well. Thanks to all the discussion leaders.
- ACRL Board Liaison - Leslie Bjorncrantz No report since the meeting is scheduled for this afternoon.
- Chair - Brian Quinn
- New Business
- Nancy O'Brien wanted to go on the record by thanking the Reference Sources and Services committee for all their hard work with ERIC in regards to the peer review field.
- Doug Cook [Newsletter editor] wanted to know how many would be interested in receiving newsletter electronically? He wanted feedback for his ACRL newsletter meeting this afternoon. About 1/2 of this committee would be interested. Kay wanted to know the difference between email and website. More people are likely to read it if emailed. ARCL is looking into using this means of communication more often. They are also working on providing email addresses of membership for distributing newsletter in this manner.
Adjourned 11:06.
Motions [made and results]
- Jo Ann Carr moved to approved the agenda as distributed by Brian. Jennie Van Steeg seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
- Lorna Lueck moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Ann Brownson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
- Doug Cook motioned that the official logo will be what is on the web. Jo Ann Carr seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Action Items [What needs to be done and by whom]
- Brian Quinn need to follow-up with ACRL to find out if we have to charge a fee for the web cast. [IV A]
- Judy Walker will investigate the feasibility of programs at ACRL in Charlotte. [VI B]
- Brian Quinn will contact Allison to find out what we need to do to be co-sponsors of the program proposed by the ACRL/AASL Joint Committee. [VI B]
- Brian Quinn will talk with the EBSS Distinguished Librarian Award committee about reviewing/revising the description, criteria and the nominating process. [VI C]
- Jo Ann Carr will hopefully find a copy of the 25th Anniversary list of member accomplishments for Kate to put up on the web site. There was no discussion/decision of who would up date the list. [VI C]
- Penny Beile will write a brief article about the Atlanta program, Games Academics Play, for the newsletter and send it to Doug Cook by February 15th. [V A]
- Jo Ann Carr will send Kate Corby library contacts in Canada for the 2003 conference. [V B]
- Everyone will send Judy Walker minutes and highlights of meetings by February 1st. 8. Judy Walker will send out draft of advisory & executive board minutes by February 1st.[VII B]
Respectively submitted by Judy Walker. [01/28/02]
Committee: Conference Planning 2002
Co-Chairs: Penny Beile, Lyn Thaxton,
Date: Sunday, January 20, 2002
Members Present: Penny Beile, Kate Corby, Monica Hagan, Marilyn Hicks, Brian Quinn, Lyn Thaxton, Scott Walter
- Welcome
- Annual meeting minutes · Lyn made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Monica seconded. The vote was unanimous to approve the minutes.
- Program Planning reviewed to date · Brian reported that the ANSS vision quest program has commitments from three speakers. EBSS will go on record as a co-sponsor of the program. No further action is needed from the committee. Brian also summarized equipment requested for the EBSS program. · Penny relayed the program date, tracks and sub-tracks, and budget as confirmed by ACRL. Lyn noted contributing panelist Mindy Stombler had suggested a colleague from Augsberg College as an additional panelist. How this would affect distribution of the honoria was discussed. The committee approved airfare for the additional speaker with the remainder of the honoraria split between the other eligible speakers. · The committee discussed requesting a streaming web cast for the program. Currently, program web casts are available for a fee from the ACRL server. Brian and Kate (EBSS web master) agreed to follow up on the possibility of hosting the program on the EBSS page (courtesy of server space from Michigan State University Libraries). Brian offered to check on costs and program release, Kate agreed to check on hosting the program.
- Finalize remaining program plans · Penny summarized program deadlines as stated in the ACRL Conference Program Planning meeting. · The committee discussed program format and timing. An action list was generated and committee members assumed responsibility for individual items.
- Next meeting · The committee agreed to meet at the assigned program room at the annual conference for the purposed of a room check and dry run of the program.
- Adjournment · The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Recorder: Penny Beile
Committee: Curriculum Materials Committee
Chair: Trish Lenkowski
Date: January 19, 2002
- Updating of Webliography - Need to update and reassign page responsibilities.
- Future Projects - The first is an article about NCATE accreditation. It will be a practical, how-to article. The second project is to look at up-dating the 1992 CMC Collection Policy Document. They will bring copies of the document to annual to see what needs to be updated.
- Discussed the upcoming publication of the 1st draft of the CMC Standard/Guidelines document. The committee also agreed to take on the responsibility of checking outside links in the CMC Management guide which will be available via the ACRL website.
- The committee will solicit responses concerning NCATE accreditation experiences [three questions] via EBSS-L. After they compile the responses they will write an article summarizing the information.
Committee:Executive Committee
Date of Meeting: January 18, 2002
- Introductions and greetings
Present: Lorna Lueck, Mary Jane Brustman, Roland Person, Louis Cherepon (ACRL Representative), Doug Cook, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Ted Wygant, Jennie VerSteeg, Brian Quinn, Mary Jane Petrowski, and Kate Corby (recorder).
Absent: Judy Walker sent her regrets
- Approval of the Agenda: Agenda was approved as written
- Approval of the Executive Committee Minutes at Annual Conference, June 15, 2001 - Minutes were approved as corrected. Lorna Lueck will send a copy of the corrected minutes to the secretary.
- Announcements
- EBSS meetings and gatherings at Midwinter
- Current Topics Discussion Group is Saturday 2-4pm. There will be five topics at five tables so that people can join the discussion of their choice.
- EBSS Social Hour is at the Carousel Bar in the Monteleone Hotel from 4:30pm to 6 pm. Flyers will be available at the Consolidated Meeting.
- A EBSS Dutch Treat Dinner will be Sunday night led by Leslie Bjorncrantz. There is room for two more at the table, notify Leslie if you would like to attend.
- Slate of candidates for the 2002 election
- Vice Chair/Chair Elect - Mary Jane Brustman, Scott Walter
- Member-at-Large - Jeanne Kamerman, Julie Tharp
- ACRL Leadership Council
- Helen Spaulding spoke about initiatives for her presidential year. Her theme will be "New Realities --New Relationships." There will also be the first 91´«Ã½ @your library mini campaign, with ACRL as the focus, coming up during her presidential year.
- Larry Hardesty spoke about the Charlotte ACRL conference. The theme is "Learning to Make a Difference." They are still looking for presentations and have not yet settled on a keynoter. Hope that many folks will decide to come, urged us to try to present programs that will attract participation.
- James Honan of the Harvard Leadership Institute gave a presentation about the types of issues they cover with institute participants. Items like "question zero" which is "who are you as an organization and what are you trying to do?" They encourage participants to try to balance Mission and Market. This involves understanding what your market wants and finding ways to answer those needs while still understanding your mission, including any "cherished theories" that are myths of how an institution works that are not validated with data.
- Pat Wand spoke about a recurring issue of defining a quorum for 91´«Ã½ meetings. That issue will again be discussed at Midwinter.
- Current issues at the 91´«Ã½ Washington Office include work-study students, some in Congress don't feel that enough work-study monies are going toward community service. Urged librarians to tell their Congresspersons that work-study assistance is important to the library. The idea of a national ID also came up after 9/11. Doesn't seem to be moving forward at the national level, but several states are cooperating to move forward at a more grass roots level. If you hear of action in your state, please inform the 91´«Ã½ Washington office. UTICA is now being amended, but not in the way 91´«Ã½ has suggested.
- From Sections Council
- IFLA committee appointments are four-year terms. There are four subject related committee appointments that ACRL makes. One in Social Science comes from EBSS. Anyone interested should let Brian know. Doug Cook expressed his interest.
- The $1500 ACRL gave to each section for activities in support of the Strategic Plan should be used by August 2002 or it will be taken off the budget.
- College Libraries Section is raising the issue of skipping Midwinter participation. They feel it is too much to ask of members, especially in years when there is also an ACRL conference. They will be raising this issue with the board, but Maureen Sullivan, who leads an ACRL Task Force on the Future, will also be looking into this.
- EBSS meetings and gatherings at Midwinter
- Action Items
- EBSS Program at ACRL 11th National Conference in Charlotte, 2003. Larry Hardesty visited the meeting to encourage participation in the Charlotte conference. He particularly wants programs that engage participants.
- ACRL Funding to Support the Strategic Plan. The section would like to stream video of the Atlanta program. Live streaming is too expensive but taping and playing on demand is possible. ACRL treats these tapes as pay per view, whether they would let us make ours available freely is a question. Would also need to ask presenters. The Program Committee would need to check on this.
- Discussion Items
EBSS Distinguished Librarian Award Submission Procedure. The award committee has had trouble with getting nominees for a couple of years. The nomination procedure may be too time consuming for some potential nominators. Also, it might be appropriate for the Committee to do some of the investigative work about a nominee. There was a suggestion that it might be possible to simply inform a nominee that his/her name had been put forward and ask them to complete the details of the nomination form. - Officer Reports
- Chair:
- Atlanta program is entitled "Games Academics Play, Mastering the Social Psychology of Faculty/Librarian Relationships. Presenters will include Mindy Strombler, John Budd and one other possible.
- EBSS will also cosponsor a session with ANSS. It is called "Re-visioning Librarianship: A Vision Quest." Doug will be sure to advertise both programs in the Newsletter.
- Membership and Orientation Committee chair Laverna Saunders will need someone else to take over many of the leadership duties as changes in her position at work leave her little time for 91´«Ã½ activity.
- Vice-Chair/Chair Elect: Ad Hoc Committees have already dealt with the appointment/reappointment process. Other committees will need to be renewed soon after Midwinter.
- Past Chair: Lorna checked with ACRL, they would be happy to add the EBSS Orientation Manual to the archives. Mary Jane Petrowski will run off a copy when we tell her. 91´«Ã½/ACRL does not yet have an electronic archive that anyone is aware of.
- Secretary: no report
- Members-at-Large: The Current Topics discussions are tomorrow (as previously mentioned). The format is one room with several tables for simultaneous discussions on different topics.
- Publications and Communications Committee Chair: Jo Ann Carr's committee's publication (Ad Hoc Committee for Digital Publication of the Curriculum Materials Centers Management Guide) has gone to ACRL. The web version is not as far along as the print. Nancy O'Brien's Committee (Ad Hoc Committee for an Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory) has requested a liaison so they are beginning the publication process.
- ACRL Board Liaison: No board meeting yet. Leslie will attend.
- Chair:
- New Business
- The EBSS Social at the Monteleone will be advertised with flyers at the consolidated meeting tomorrow.
- An ACRL Presidential Candidates forum scheduled for 1:30 at the Marriott will include food.
Recorded by Kate Corby. Submitted by Judy Walker, 2/05/02
Committee: Gerontology
Chairperson: Kay Womack
Date of Meeting: January 19, 2002
Committee Members Present: Mary Jane Brustman, Ellie Marsh, Sally Lawler, Deborah Schaeffer, and Kay Womack
Guest: None
Absent: None
No changes were made to the committee roster.
Committee membership was discussed. Four of the current members want to be reappointed. No decision was reached on who will be the new committee chair but it will be one of three of the current members. A note was sent to the EBSS Listserv prior to the Midwinter Meeting as an effort to recruit additional members.
Kay distributed a very selective list of gerontology sources she had identified and she reviewed the resources she had checked or searched online to identify those sources. From the list she had brought a copy of Jean Owen's article on gerontology periodicals and selected pages from Shirley Hesslein's book on serials about aging. She also noted that the RUSA MOUSS Library Services to an Aging Population Committee website has links to resources which are divided into (1) sites for seniors, (2) sites for caregivers and (3) ideas for the 21st century.
The members discussed the purpose of the committee and possible projects. Two projects were identified. The first would be to create or serve as a clearinghouse with a gerontology-knowledge base which could be used by librarians serving aging populations as well as librarians who are dealing with their own aging issues or with those of family members. Several committee members have been investigating such issues as long term care insurance, assisted living facilities, and hospice. Sally suggested such a clearinghouse could serve as a resource for 91´«Ã½. The members realized they are not familiar with procedures or politics for establishing such a resource for 91´«Ã½.
The committee also decided it would like to organize a discussion group to meet at the 2003 Midwinter Meeting to invite librarians to discuss issues such as those mentioned above. The RUSA MOUSS Library Services to an Aging Population Committee will be asked to co-sponsor the clearinghouse and the discussion group. Such a discussion group would be held at a time that would not conflict with the Current Topics discussion.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 am.
Submitted by: Kay Womack Chair
Committee: Instruction for Educators
Chairperson: Sarah Beasley
Date: January 19, 2002
Committee members present: Sarah Beasley, Chair (06/30/2003) - Penny Beile (06/30/2003) - Tobeylynn Birch (06/30/2002) - Natasha Cooper (06/30/2003) - Linda Geller (06/30/2002) - Gail Gradowski (06/30/2002) - Tricia Libutti (06/30/2003) - Lori Mestre (06/30/2002) - Jennie Ver Steeg (06/30/2002) - Carol Wright ( 06/30/2003)
Members Not Present but Accounted for: Gary Lare (06/30/2002) - Jeneen LaSee-Willemssen (06/30/2002)
Summary: The meeting was spent developing the working outline for an article on information literacy for preservice teachers. The objective for the publication would be to bring school of education faculty up to speed on the issue of information literacy and its relationship with professional, national and state technology standards. Particular focus on the information competencies themselves and the role of the librarian in collaborating and facilitating student achievement of these competencies will be stressed. We will seek to publish in a teacher educator journal.
We plan to have initial drafts ready for Annual.
Committee: Membership & Orientation
Chair: Laverna Saunders
Date: January 19, 2002
Members present: Laverna Saunders, Chair, Carrie Cooper, Julie Cunningham, Nancy Koller, Vannette Schwartz, Susan Silver, Helga Visscher
Guests: Melissa Cast.
Summary: The Membership & Orientation Committee of EBSS met with the Consolidated Committee meetings of EBSS at the Fairmont Bayou IV room, 9:30 to 12:30. The room had not been set up with multiple tables for the different committees, so we spent some time rearranging chairs to accommodate the committees. Laverna Saunders called the meeting to order and presented the agenda. The committee approved the minutes of the June 16, 2001 meeting, and the agenda for the January 19, 2002 meeting.
Introductions: Members introduced themselves to each other. The M & O committee had only two members one year ago, so the increase in active members was appreciated.
Nominations / Volunteers: Laverna asked for nominations / volunteers for the replacement Chair. Her work duties make it difficult to continue as committee chair. Helga Visscher volunteered to serve as co-chair with her through the Annual meeting. The decision as to whether or not she will serve as chair, or another person will be sought will be decided at the Annual meeting.
Update on Committee Goals and Calendar: The sample letter to incoming members of EBSS needs revision. Julie Cunningham and Vannette Schwartz will compose briefer letters. Helga Visscher moved, and Susan Silver seconded that we will proceed with letter writing to recent members and non-renewing members of EBSS. Sample letters will be shared via e-mail before the Annual meeting in June. Motion carried.
Melissa Cast, formerly a staff member at ACRL described the ACRL member's survey, which was available to members on the Internet. Copies of the survey were distributed at the meeting. By general consent, we decided not to pursue a survey just for EBSS at this time.
Laverna Saunders shared copies of the 1998 EBSS brochure. It is time to update or redesign the brochure. EBSS chair Brian Quinn stopped in at our meeting, and said that he will ask about requesting money from ACRL money to re-do the EBSS brochures. We hope to have it ready in time to distribute at the ACRL conference in Charlotte, NC, in April 2003.
Nancy Koller agreed to work on the new brochure. She will style a draft to be presented at Annual. Now that so much information is available on the Internet, the brochure could take on a new style, such as a bookmark, or business card or half page single fold.
Increasing the membership for EBSS was another point of discussion. The List-serv is a great resource, and we should promote that as an advantage of membership, even though there are non-members who participate. We should have a representative at the New Members Roundtable, or to the College Library Section to encourage people to join EBSS. Susan Silver will pursue reaching out to librarians at Schools of Education, and to look at the Curriculum Center Directory for possible new members. Virtual Membership in our committee was discussed, but the general opinion was that it did not work well for Membership & Orientation. One of our main duties is to organize the New Chair orientation, and that is a hands-on activity.
We will proceed with a promotional piece, such as an article for another committee or round-table newsletter (such as NMRT) to promote membership in EBSS.
Participate in New Chair Orientation: The chair of the Membership & Orientation committee organizes the orientation session for new committee chairs at the Annual meeting. We are responsible for information packets and for assessment of the session afterwards.
Member Social Hour, New Orleans: The EBSS member Social will take place on Saturday, January 19, 2002, 4:30 to 6:00 PM at the Carousel Lounge, Hotel Monteleone, 214 Rue Royal. Susan Silver will arrange for a place in Atlanta, on the Saturday afternoon (June 15) of the Annual Conference.
Respectfully submitted, Helga Visscher EBSS Membership & Orientation Committee co-chair.
Committee: Psychology & Psychiatry
Chairperson: Darlene Nichols
Date of Meeting: January 19, 2002
Members Present:
Summary: Carolyn Gosling of the APA reported on the status of new and forthcoming features for PsycArticles and PsycInfo, including new journal titles, additional vendors, and backfiles being added to PsycArticles. The drafts for pages of the Committee Web site were distributed and discussed. Many suggestions for additional resources were given and work continues. It came up that JSTOR is adding Psychology journals for its latest group of journal packages. It came up that maybe the Psych/Psych committee could make suggestions to JSTOR on titles for inclusion. Also discussed were pending serials cuts at several libraries and strategies to deal with it, SFX implementation, and problems some were having with Web of Science.
Committee: Publications & Communication
Chairperson: Ted Wygant
Date of Meeting: January 19, 2002
Members Present:
Summary: Discussion items included: Reassignment of liaison responsibilities. CMC Management publication has gone to Hugh Thompson at ACRL and should be out this spring. Discussed the possibility of putting together guidelines to be used when reviewing/editing publications. Complimented Kate Corby on an excellent job of maintaining the web site. Complimented Doug Cook on an excellent job with the newsletter.
Decisions: *Liaisons - Sharon Naylor, CMC Committee; Ted Wygant, Ad hoc CMC Standards/Guidelines Committee; Judy Walker, Ad hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory. Still need a liaison for the Gerontology Committee. *Going to suggest that one of topics for next midwinter's Current Topics be about editing and have someone from ACRL publications come and talk about the process.
Upcoming Activities: Doug will do a feature in the next newsletter on Lorna Lueck, the outgoing Chair of EBSS.
Committee: Reference Sources and Services
Chairperson: Roland Person
Date of Meeting: January 19 2002
Members Present: Roland Person (chair); Kate Corby; Francine DeFranco; Christine King; Cecile Maciulis; Sarah Sheehan, Wanda Weinberg; Diana Ramirez
Member Absent:
Summary: Roland Person has been in contact with Christina Bauer, an ERIC representative, about the peer-reviewed field project. She was not able to attend the Midwinter committee meeting but communicated via email that the 16 clearinghouses were receptive to such a project when she mentioned it at the October 2001 meeting. ERIC is undergoing a top to bottom review this year, including a usability study and the possibility of a new data entry system. More information should be available at the annual conference in June.
Kate Corby reported that following a posting on the AERA listserv she received between 30 to 50 responses. Most of them were quite positive about the project, some expressed reservations as to what would be considered as "peer reviewed".
Roland Person will report on his comparison of CIJE/Jake via email in the near future.
Christine King reported that E*Subscribe has added a link to their page leading to a list of the 2B microfiche only list. These are the RIE level 2 documents that for several reasons are not available electronically.
Discussion of possible new projects: · Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Education has not been re-edited. The committee discussed the possibility of creating a web page that would substitute the information found in the directory with links to the journals web page and their submissions guidelines. Some thought that a list of journals in the field of education may already be available and that we could just "add" to this list.
Recorder: Cecile Maciulis
Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
Chairperson: Karen Reiman-Sendi
Date of Meeting: January 19, 2002
Members Present: Stephanie Davis, Katherine Downton, Stephen Fowlkes, Nonny Schlotzhauer, Karen Reiman-Sendi (chair)
Visitors: Vanette Schwartz, Ellen DeMarinis
After group introductions, the committee focused on the packet of information passed out by the chair. The committee meeting notes from 91´«Ã½ Annual were reviewed. It was noted that the CSWE Annual Program Meeting was coming up in February, in Nashville. Many committee members were interested in attending prior to Midwinter, but as of this writing, only one member is attending this conference. The chair will attempt to pass along information rtom the CSWE conference to members in March. The committee reviewed the CSWE accreditation document drafted by the CSWE librarians' group. S. Davis reminded the committee that the previous accreditation document focused on collections, and not on services or library instruction. The chair would like committee members' comments on this draft document before February 22 nd. There is interest in more collaboration between the CSWE librarians' group and this EBSS committee. It was mentioned that there is a listserv for social work/social welfare librarians and committee members are encouraged to join. [Send a message to:, with nothing in the subject field. The content of the message should be SUBSCRIBE SWLIG-L (your firstname lastnarne)].
The chair asked that members complete the instruction survey sent out by former SW/SW chair, Sally Lawler (included in packet). Sally will share the results with the committee when all the information is sent in and tallied. The purpose of this survey is to find out what other institutions are doing with library instruction to social work students, as compared to the University of Michigan. Michigan is attempting to develop course- integrated instruction, and would like to share this comparative data with the School of Social Work' s curriculum committee. The deadline for completed surveys is Feb. l5 th. [Please note: members can fax responses to Sally at 734-615-2886.]
The chair briefly discussed the information literacy handout in the packet. This handout, given to Michigan's curriculum committee, outlines information literacy competencies for MSWs. Sally and Karen would love to have comments on this model from committee members. The committee then discussed how individuals are delivering instruction to social work students. S. Fowlkes is still using his library skills test, and a Tulane faculty member has developed a competencies/assessment tool for his social work students. Stephen will attempt to get the committee a copy of this assessment. E. DeMarinis regularly meets with students in practice-based and policy classes, and does new student orientations. The chair described a new effort at Michigan where the librarian met students in all sections of a policy course. Instruction included web pages around assignments and consultations with students as well as the multiple classroom presentations. Over all, it seems that social work librarians are still doing BI based on relationships with faculty and not based on curricular or progranunatic content in a stmctured way.
The committee discussed its web pages. [Please note the new URL: ] What are we attempting to provide with these web pages? And, where do we go from here? The committee decided to retire the Human Services Organizations page because librarians are using other sources, in particular local resources. It seems relatively easy to find web sites for the national organizations with a simple Google search. The chair will leave the page posted at Michigan for now but will include a statement about the lack of future updates. There was some thought that we might include gateway or portal social work sites, with instructions on how to search the sites. There might be some interest in adding international social work organizations to this page in the future.
The committee decided to revisit the committee's information competencies web pages. Members should review the Michigan information literacy handout and attempt to redesign and repopulate our pages to correspond to the handout. The chair needs comments, suggestions, page samples, etc. by March l5 th.
The committee then discussed possible future projects. The chair pointed out a few 91´«Ã½ "best web sites" projects, and included in the packet examples of selection criteria from MARS and BRASS. It was mentioned that we could 1) co-sponsor a program of interest with the Sociology Librarians group, with the Criminal Justice group, or with the Gerontology committee, or 2) develop some sort of standards or guidelines for social work/social welfare collections or libraries. The committee decided to focus on a "best web sites" project. The chair asks that the members review similar projects or activities, and to recommend selection criteria or guidelines. The conunittee will also need to figure out how we will nominate web sites and how we will arrange the information (a broad subject arrangement, like BRASS' page?) The deadline for this first stage of the project (selection criteria) is April 30 th. The committee will work via email on developing the criteria, with the goal of identifying some potential web sites before and during 91´«Ã½ Annual.
[Please note: the chair attempted to schedule the committee meeting at our usual time during Annual- Friday, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.]
Respectfully submitted, Karen Reirnan-Sendi, Chair
Committee: Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Center Standards/Guidelines
Co-Chairs: Gary Lare, Ann Brownson
Date: January 19, 2002
Members Present: Ann Brownson, Gary Lare, Beth Broyles, John Hickok, Bill Meloy, Betty Raum, Yvonne Roux, Dorothy Schleicher
Members Excused: none
Guests: Ted Wygant
Summary: Reviewed progress since Annual Conference, especially information about a representative from Standards and Accreditation Committee working with us. (Gary and Ann attended SAC meeting Saturday pm).
Next, discussion continued about the document draft, including order of the document, several minor changes, definitions, and introductory statement. The quantitative/qualitative issue was revisited, especially in relation to staffing, funding level, and currency of materials. Ted Wygant from the Publications committee clarified procedures regarding publication of the document.
Next steps were discussed relating to the approval process. These steps involve publication of the draft of the document in C&RL News, a hearing (hopefully at Atlanta), and then revision of the document with submission to SAC and to 91´«Ã½'s board after next year's Midwinter meeting.
All members of the committee re-committed to another term serving on the committee, with the hope that the document will be approved before the end of these terms.
Gary and Ann congratulated the committee on a job well done so far.
Time adjourned: 11:03 am.
Action Items: Ann will compile changes made to the draft and send out to the committee for a quick review before it is sent to Hugh Thompson at 91´«Ã½. Gary will clarify approval process with SAC and 91´«Ã½, especially regarding publication of the draft and scheduling a hearing.
Name of person submitting Minutes: Ann Brownson.
Committee: Ad Hoc Committee for the Digital Publication of the Curriculum Materials Centers Management Guide
Chairperson: Jo Ann Carr
Date of Meeting: January 19, 2002
Present: Jo Ann Carr, chair; Jeannie Kamerman, Allison Kaplan, Rosalie Wylie
Excused: Jeneen LaSee-Willemssen
Absent: Stephanie Neely
- Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 8:05
- Introductions and announcements: Jo Ann announced that the galley copy of the manuscript had been prepared and was ready for publication pending the action of the committee.
- Review of notes from June 16, 2001 meeting: Approved as distributed
- Status of print and digital publication
- Print manuscript to press after Midwinter: Due to a mis-communication the print galley does not include an index. Committee members felt very strongly that an index was required and developed guidelines for indexing. Individual authors will not be indexed but institutions will be. A draft list of key words for indexing was prepared. Jo Ann will draft an index to the entire volume using these guidelines, key words and other terms as appropriate and send to all committee members by January 28. She will also send copies of the galley to each member. Committee members were assigned three chapters each to review for indexing and should revise the indexing for those chapters and respond to Jo Ann no later than February 8.
- Web based manuscript being updated: Links within chapters and external links have been made. Links from the chapters to the bibliography have also been completed. Jo Ann will finish creating links between when there are references from one chapter to another. She will also reconcile the print and online indexes.
- Next steps/Task assignment
- Develop standard note for URLs no longer available: A review of the web version discovered a number of links which no longer work. Jo Ann will review these, repair the url's in the online version when needed. If a link is no longer available it will generate a pop-up box with the note: "This page is no longer available, this box will close in five seconds".
- Create an online index: The online index will mirror the index being prepared for the print version but provide links from page numbers to the relevant entry
- Determine housing/maintenance of web based manuscript: Hugh Thompson has agreed that the electronic version will be placed on the ACRL server. The Committee recommends that the Curriculum Materials Committee should be responsible for a quarterly review of links in the online version.
- Determine need for a web chapter on the Accreditation Process: The committee determined that the content of the online version should parallel the print except for the inclusion of the profiles. Jo Ann will create links between the listing of the profiles and the individual profiles noting that these are static documents and referring readers to the URL for the center for updated information.
- Timeline: The online version will be complete by February 15, 2002.
- Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 a.m.
Committee: Ad hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Chairperson: Nancy O'Brien
Date of Meeting: January 20, 2002
Present: Barbara Celone, Carrie Cooper, Nancy O'Brien (Chair), Venta Silins, Judy Walker, Scott Walter
Absent (excused): Lorene Sisson
Summary:Members were welcomed and introductions made at the third meeting of this Ad hoc Committee. The agenda was reviewed and approved without changes. Minutes from the June 2001 meeting had been approved via email during summer 2001. A discussion of the project focused on several issues, including the following.
- N. O'Brien announced that the draft survey had been sent to Mary Ellen Davis at ACRL for review, and had been approved just prior to the Midwinter meeting. -
- The Committee reviewed the draft survey that Judy Walker had mounted on a Web page. In earlier discussions it had been decided to add hot links to some categories of materials in order to offer explanatory information. In question 1, it was decided that the categories were clear enough and that no further explanation was needed. In question 4 regarding types of materials, Venta Silins offered to provide definitions for the following terms: readers, primers, grammars, slates, hornbooks, and lantern slides. The categories of "children's periodicals" and "children's media" were removed since the focus is on curriculum and textbook materials. Additional terms that will be added to the list of material types are: filmstrips, phonographs, 16mm films, 8mm films, audiotapes, kits, games, realia/models, flashcards, and study prints/wall charts/posters. In the column for estimated number of items, a qualifying note of "if available" will be added.
- An additional question will be inserted immediately following question 4 that asks "Do you have equipment to support older formats, such as film loops? If so, please describe."
- It was decided that the cover letter should be modified to emphasize that historical material is considered to be 1970 or older for this particular project and that a response is requested regardless of the size of the historical collection. Additionally, recipients will be asked to respond even if they do NOT have a historical collection. This will help the committee in determining when follow-up letters should be sent. Recipients of the survey will also be told that they may choose to send multiple responses if they have multiple collections. An example of this might be a named collection in a special collections area, with a more comprehensive historical collection located elsewhere. Scott Walter will make the suggested changes. In addition, each cover letter will be sent out by the assigned committee member, with a note to contact that person with questions, or to contact Judy Walker if there are technical difficulties with the Web survey form.
- As previously discussed, the primary mechanism for survey distribution will be an email announcement that directs the recipient to the address for the Web survey. Each committee member will be responsible for distributing email announcements to various listservs and other recipients. Assignments were made as indicated below.
- Lorene Sisson and Nancy O'Brien - will determine which of the assignments will be allocated to them, since Lorene was not present to select one.
- Barbara Celone - state libraries
- Carrie Cooper - state departments of education
- Nancy O'Brien - Will contact Fred Olive to see if a mailing list for curriculum materials centers is available from the committee that developed the Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers AND will take on one of the two following categories: Education organizations OR Departments of special collections in research or academic libraries (possibly via the ACRL RBMS listserv)
- Venta Silins - Textbook publishers
- Lorene Sisson - Education organizations OR Departments of special collections in research or academic libraries (possibly via the ACRL RBMS listserv)
- Judy Walker - EBSS listserv
- Scott Walter - SLA Education libraries listserv
- Committee members agreed to distribute a pilot version of the survey to 15 institutions. Each of the seven committee members will fill out the survey and indicate if there were any difficulties in completing it. Eight additional institutions will be contacted to complete the survey and indicate if there are modifications that should be made. Potential institutions to contact were suggested: University of Cincinnati (Gary Lare), University of Wisconsin-Madison (Jo Ann Carr), Harvard University (Gladys Dratch). Ball State University, California State University- Long Beach, Miami University (Ohio), and two others to be determined. -
- The time frame for distribution of the pilot survey is February 1-15, with modifications to be made as needed immediately following that. Judy Walker's Web survey site will drop the data into an Access database. She will identify any potential difficulties at that point. Once any issues are identified and resolved, distribution of the final form of the survey will begin in mid-March 2002. The Committee anticipates completion of the directory in late 2003 or early 2004.
The Ad hoc Committee adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
The next meeting of the committee will take place in Atlanta on Saturday, June 15, 8-9 a.m.