Committee Meeting Highlights 91´«Ã½ Annual 2001


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Advisory Council
Executive Committee
Conference Program Planning 2002
Curriculum Materials Committee
Geronotology Committee
Membership & Orientation
Publications & Communications
Reference Sources and Services
Social Work/Social Welfare
Ad Hoc - CMC Standards/Guidelines
Ad Hoc - Digital Publication of the CMC Management Guide
Ad Hoc - Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory

Committee: Advisory Council
Date: Sunday, June 17, 2001
Present: Members present: Lorna Lueck – Chair, Brian Quinn – Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Lorene Sisson – Secretary, Judy Walker – Listserv Moderator (incoming Secretary), Mary Jane Brustman – Member-At-Large, Kate Corby – Web manager (incoming Vice-Chair/chair-elect), Helga Vischer – (outgoing Newsletter Editor), Lyn Thaxton Conference Program 2002, Penny Beile – Conference Program 2002, Jeannie Kamerman – Curriculum Materials, Tammy Rabideau – Distinguished Librarian, Kay Womack – Gerontology (outgoing Member-At-Large), Doug Cook – Instruction For Educators ( incoming Newsletter Editor), Sarah Beasley (incoming Instruction for Educators ), Barbara Kemp – Membership & Orientation, Darlene Nichols – Psych/Psych, Ted Wygant – Publications, Julie Tharp – Reference Services & Sources, Sally Lawler – Social Work/Social Welfare, Nancy O'Brien – Ad Hoc Historical Textbook, Ann Brownson – Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Centers Standards, Leslie Bjorncrantz – ACRL Liaison.

I.Introduction and Greetings – Lorna Lueck, Chair, convened the meeting at 9:30 am. Members and guests introduced themselves.

II.Approval of the Agenda – It was moved, seconded, and approved with the changes of moving Barbara Kemp to the top of the Standing Committee reports and adjusting the order of Standing Committee and Ad Hoc Committee reports to allow chairs with other obligations report as available.

III. Approval of Minutes -Midwinter Meeting, January 14, 2001 It was moved, seconded, and approved as amended.

IV. Announcements The section's new officers were announced and welcomed. Brian Quinn is Chair, Kate Corby is Vice-Chair/Chair Elect, Judy Walker is Secretary, and Jennie Ver Steeg is Member-At-Large. Doug Cook takes on Newsletter Editor.

V.Action Items

A. Membership and Orientation Chair, Barbara Kemp, requests establishing an official location to archive the EBSS Orientation Manual. ACRL seems to be the logical location. Lorna will check with ACRL to determine if archives can be housed there.

VI. Standing Committee Reports

G. Membership & Orientation- Barbara Kemp, Chair. The committee will have lots of new members and a new Chair, Laverna Saunders. The committee would like to survey the membership by Mid-October by email. The survey would be analyzed by Midwinter. It would survey those who dropped their membership for their reasons. The committee is looking at ideas such as a welcoming letter from the chair for new members, establishing formal liaison relationship with ACRL Membership Committee, developing an Ad Hoc Committee regarding a program on Higher Education at ACRL conferences. The committee is looking at how to collaborate with other sections and how to develop a publicity campaign to go outside the section. Student Interns, New Member Interns, Spectrum Scholars were all possibilities. Any survey that goes outside of the Section must be approved by ACRL. An ACRL members-only page was discussed, including items that would be available, such as online journals, online voting, job listings, webcasting.

V.Action Items. (cont.)

B. ACRL funding to support the Strategic Plan is still available. ACRL is doing more web casting and can offer support to the sections. The $1500 currently available to sections would cover only the videotaping part of webcasting, but ACRL may be wil1ing to pick up the cost of post-production. The ACRL Leadership Council was attended by Lorna and Brian. The Initiative Fund will be replaced next year with some other type of funding for sections and ACRL wants feedback about what types of funding they need (e.g. for pre-conferences, programs, etc.)

C. ACRL is adopting the guidelines developed by the College Library Section for Virtual Committee Membership. Other sections can use these guidelines for their committee membership.

VI. Standing Committee Reports (cont.)

Conference Program Committee 2001 – Lorna Lueck, Chair. A reminder to attend the section program, "Old friends, New Partners: Academic Libraries Redefine K-12 Outreach," on Sunday 2-4pm. Poster sessions will follow the program.

Conference Program Planning 2002 – Penny Beile, Chair. The conference program planning committee meets later in this day. Theme under consideration is "Games Faculty Play." We will co-sponsor with ANSS "Revisioning Ourselves" (Native Americans)

Curriculum Materials – Jeannie Kamerman, Chair. The committee worked on topics for the Webliography, including a section on free materials for teachers. Topics of interest to explore were: Updating the Collection Development Policy Manual, how to get free textbooks, ebooks for K-12.

Distinguished Librarian – Tammy Rabideau, Chair. Charlie Thurston will be the Distinguished Librarian winner. The committee is considering a postcard mailing to members for nominations. An article for the newsletter will be completed about the award.

Gerontology – Kay Womack, Chair. The committee is making contact with RUSA MOOS as it is a related organization. The use of "guided autobiography" as a research tool was discussed and will be recommended for a discussion topic. Sally Lawler, who has used this tool in instruction and other settings, will be suggested as a facilitator. Because this tool can be used with diverse populations and in interdisciplinary and intergenerational research it could be further developed into a program or pre-conference.

Publications – Ted Wygant, Chair. Ted thanked Helga Vischer for her many contributions to the Newsletter. Doug Cook is incoming Newsletter Editor. The committee discussed the liaisons' activities with the different EBSS committees. One publication is completed, The Directory of Test Collections in Academic, Professional, and Research Libraries. The "Digital Publication of the Curriculum Materials Center Management Guide" was discussed. Contact Ted regarding any publications the committees may be considering. The web pages were discussed.

Social Work – Sally Lawler, Chair Committee members were impressed with the demonstration of Social Services Abstracts. A class outline on Evidence- Based Practice in Social Work was shared. Controlled vocabulary in Medline and Cinahl was compared with Social and Behavioral Sciences databases, to best approximate the evidence- based practice model in medicine. Publication ideas were discussed for individual members and for the committee. There was consensus about a "best of the Web" article and web site for political science and advocacy sources for social workers.
Stephanie Davis was appointed Liaison to Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). We hope to share a listserv, web sites, and ideas about upgrading accreditation, especially around library standards.

VII. Ad Hoc Committee Reports

A. Ad Hoc Committee for the Digital Publication of the CMC Management Guide—Jo Ann Carr, Chair. Status of print publication: Jo Ann indicated that the print publication was very close to completion, although Hugh Thompson had requested that the profiles of CMC's be included. The print publication also needs to be reviewed by the Publications Committee before being sent to Hugh Thompson.

VI. Standing Committee Reports ( cont.)

H. Instruction for Educators—Doug Cook, Chair. The committee is working on an article that reviews education web sites. Scott Walter and Doug Cook will continue to work on this project as a Task Force even though they are rotating off of the committee. The article has been to the EBSS Publications Committee and will be sent to Hugh Thompson for further suggestions regarding publishing. The committee hopes to be finished by next meeting at the annual conference. The publication, "Information Retrieval", 1992 (for Education students) needs a rewrite/revision and will be the next project of this committee.

I. Nominating 2002— Lorna Lueck, Chair One person has agreed to be a candidate for Vice-Chair/Chair- Elect. Lorna is looking for additional people to serve on the committee, as well as prospective candidates. Contact Lorna with suggestions.

J. Psychology/Psychiatry—Darlene Nichols, Chair. Linda Beebe and Carolyn Gosling from APA visited the committee meeting to discuss their full text products. Ovid and Ebscohost are negotiating with other companies. Pricing structures and the presentation formats were discussed. Some companies are moving to PDF files. The committee discussed working on developing a Psych/Psych web page for the EBSS Section Page.

K. Reference Services and Sources—Julie Tharp, Chair. A memo from Don Frank, Director ERIC, indicates he has forwarded the peer reviewed/refereed proposal to the Dept. of Education. There is no technical reason for it not to happen. It may Occur in 2002. ERIC is reviewing its indexing system. Rolland Person is the incoming chair of the committee.

VII. Ad Hoc Committee Reports ( cont. )

B. Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the Curriculum Materials Centers Directory—Fred Olive, Chair, reported by/L. Lueck. Fred's written report and recommendations were submitted to the section. Hugh Thompson would like the directory to be an ongoing updated project since it is an online publication. Since Fred was not present at the meeting, the item will be postponed until next Advisory Council for action.

C. Ad Hoc Curriculum Materials Centers Standards/Guidelines -- Anne Brownson, Co-Chair. The entire committee attended the meeting. Gary Lare discussed developing standards or guidelines with the ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee (SAC). Guidelines is what will be developed. There will be an introductory section which will define terms. The committee discussed guidelines written by members thus far. Discussions will continue by email.

D. Ad Hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Materials Directory Committee—Nancy O'Brien, Chair. The committee discussed the survey and made suggestions for changes. Judy will incorporate these changes into the web mounted survey. An announcement will be sent to listservs/mailing lists that are likely to reach persons knowledgeable about historical curriculum and textbook materials.

VIII. Officer's Reports

Chair—Lorna Lueck Lorna thanked everyone for their participation and contributions to the success of the Section. She also thanked Helga Vischer for her role as Newsletter Editor.

Vice-Chair Report—Brian Quinn Brian reported making 36 appointments to committees during this year .

Past Chair—Ellen Gilbert, absent - No report

Secretary—Lorene Sisson. Highlights due at the end of this meeting. Incoming secretary will develop an outline form for Minutes for committee chairs.

Members-at-Large—Mary Jane Brustman The Members-At-Large will be starting a discussion over the Listserv to develop topics for the Midwinter meeting.

ACRL Liaison—Leslie Bjorncrantz Althea Jenkins is leaving ACRL. She will be missed. ACRL is in good fiscal shape with 10,000-12,212 members. There was $500,000 in revenue, more than expected. A reminder to get invoices in soon for reimbursement. The Directory of Curriculum Materials Center was announced as ACRL's third "electronic" book. Funds have been allowed to be "carried over" for the "Special Events Funding" and is available. Four groups are planning to use these funds. ACRL is linking to AERA and Mary Ellen Davis will be the contact person to identify candidates for this position. EBSS should consider developing a roster of candidates.

ACRL Liaison to the EBSS—Mary Lee Sweat The 91´«Ã½ conference committee has suggested that Midwinter meeting be shortened. The proposal is to start late Friday afternoon and end Monday evening. It could be implemented in 2003. Exhibits might be opened on Friday evening. Brian will contact Mary Ellen Davis as to how to proceed and announce it via the Listserv .The ACRL Strategic Plan mentioned the EBSS Reference Services and Sources Committee work on the ERIC database.

IX. New Business
Judy Walker asked about ACRL Conference in North Carolina. What would be the time line for planning? A separate committee would be needed for a program at ACRL.
Helga Vischer requested in light of the new "virtual membership" status how will chairs determine or deal with no shows who are regular members. Lorna suggested that if a committee experiments with virtual membership, these members should be given specific assignments and should complete them. If you require attendance at meetings and do not want to accept virtual members due to the nature of the committee work, no shows can be removed from the committee.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM
Respectfully submitted by Lorene Sisson

Committee: Executive Committee
Date: June 15, 2001
Present: Lorna Lueck, Brian Quinn, Kate Corby, Lorene Sisson, Doug Cook, Mary Jane Brustman, Kay Womack, Judy Walker, Helga Visscher, ML, Leslie Bjorncrantz

I. Introduction and Greetings

II. Approval of Agenda – Agenda approved III. Minutes of the Executive Committee at Midwinter, Jan. 12,2001 – Approved with an amendment

IV. Announcements

Happy Hour Saturday night, Grande Cafe, Monico Hotel, 501 Geary

EBSS Program: "Old Friends, New Partners: Academic Libraries Redefine K-12 Outreach," Sunday 2-5pm, Convention Center, Rm. 132

EBSS dinner, Sunday night, Millennium

ACRL Program: "Creative Genius of Community," Monday 2-4pm

Introduction of New Officers: Incoming Secretary, Judy Walker, and Member-At-Large, Jennie Ver Steeg (replaces Kay Womack)

  1. Announcements from ACRL Leadership Council
    1. Althea Jenkins is leaving ACRL for Florida State University Library, Mary Ellen Davis to take over as ACRL Executive Director.
    2. ACRL Discussion Item: How can ACRL use technology to serve members and get them involved?
      1. Webcasting -Software for streaming video to do virtual conferencing
      2. Database of members that allows them to update their member information online
      3. Online access to journals
      4. Online voting
      5. Virtual conferencing
  2. ACRL Sections Council Betsy Wilson announced that "Initiative Funds" may no longer be available to Sections, but may be replaced by a "Strategic Implementation Fund," similar to the $1500 funding given to Sections last year. She asked Sections to think about what kind of funding support they want. Suggestions:
    1. Funding for preconferences
    2. Funding for speakers at Annual Conferences who are not members of 91´«Ã½
    3. Do a program for the ACRL national conference in Atlanta
    4. Survey members of EBSS
    5. Do a scholarship offering
    6. Freebies – giveaways
    7. Three other Sections are planning to extend the "@ y our Library" PR . campaign
    8. Conference calls/meetings
    9. Webcasting programs

V. Discussion Items

  1. Proposal to shorten Midwinter Conference 91´«Ã½ is proposing to start Midwinter on Friday; have exhibits open Friday evening; have opening session on Friday; end Midwinter on Tuesday. 91´«Ã½ would like comments by September 1, 2001, through their web page. This change probably won't have much effect on Sections. May happen as soon as Midwinter 2002 in New Orleans.
  2. Funding to support the Strategic Plan ($1500) Money will be carried over to 2001/2002 fiscal year. Brian Quinn, incoming EBSS Chair, will take on responsibility for spending the funds. Kate Corby will help investigate the Webcasting idea.
    1. Webcasting- ACRL is happy to consider videotaping program
    2. $1500 covers the onsite taping only
    3. ACRL may consider picking up cost of posting on the web
  3. EBSS Strategic Plan Implementation Report Copies of the report were distributed, followed by a discussion of additional ways in which EBSS could support the ACRL Strategic Plan. Lorna suggested doing a membership survey via the web, announce in Newsletter and Listserv. She will ask the Membership and Orientation Committee to create the survey.
  4. Announcement on Listserv- the Newsletter needs an archival copy of v. 7 issue #2 E. Executive Committee meeting time was discussed related to best use of limited time. Committee decided to continue meeting on Friday evenings.

VI. Officer Reports

  1. Chair – Lorna Lueck will be chair of the Nominating Committee; she needs volunteers for 2 openings. She would also welcome nominations for Member-at-Large. There are several names being considered for Vice- Chair/Chair Elect.
  2. Vice Chair – Brian Quinn made appointments of 36 members in 3-4 months and was able to reassign many members to other committees.
    1. College Libraries Section's virtual membership guidelines were adopted by ACRL. EBSS will need to inform ACRL if we plan to experiment with virtual membership.
    2. Conference Program Planning for 2002 is well underway. "Games Faculty Play" may be the title. Working on more speakers.
  3. Secretary – Highlights due at the end of the Advisory Council Meeting Sunday morning
  4. Member at Large – Report has been given at x mtg
  5. Publications & Communications -Chair was not present
  6. ACRL Liaison -Leslie Bjorncrantz attend ACRL Board meeting on Saturday

VII. New Business

  1. Kate and Judy will continue as webmaster and Listserv moderator and at the same time, will be officers doing double duty
  2. Committee chairs should keep their own rosters up to date with names term appointment dates and other pertinent information.
  3. Change meeting Highlights form?
  4. Call to the committee chairs for their rosters, starts at end of annual.
  5. Kate raised an issue regarding APA's "PsychARTICLES" Beta site, U Mich

Committee: Curriculum Materials Committee
Date: June 16, 2001
Present: Jeannie Kamerman (Chair), Penny Beile, Marcia Keyser, Trish Lenkowski, Venta Silins, and Judy Walker.
Guest: Kathlene Hanson
Members excused or resigned:

  1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 9:32. The following items were distributed: agenda, minutes of the Washington, D.C. mid-winter meeting, sign-in sheets, and volunteer sheets were announced as being available.
  2. Introductions and greetings. Members and guests introduced themselves, stating institutional affiliation, current position, and member and term expiration or guest status.
  3. Announcements.
    1. Judy Walker, CMC committee member, was elected as Secretary of EBSS.
    2. EBSS Program and EBSS Social.
    3. Trish Lenkowski was appointed as Chair Elect. Her term begins at the end of the annual conference.
  4. Approval of minutes. The minutes were approved with one correction: In the heading, Annual Conference Meeting, Washington, D.C., should be corrected to read: Mid-winter Meeting, Washington, D.C..
  5. Current Projects.
    1. Webliography Judy Walker will continue to maintain the Webliography site and continue updating Assessment/Educational Tests, Educational Administration, and National Standards. She will work on reformatting for parallel appearance. Trisha Lenkowski will investigate the possible topic "Free Resources for Teachers" as a new Webliography page. Penny relinquished her webliography assignment of E-Journals. Jeannie Kamerman will investigate the feasibility of creating a research methodology page and will continue updating Instructional Technology, and ESL. Updates need to be submitted by August 30.
  6. New Business.
    1. Discussed the possibility of writing an article to help those preparing for an NCATE review. The article would include standards, personal experiences, and a survey of education schools and librarians who have gone through the process of accreditation.
    2. Discussed the need for an updated Curriculum Materials Collection Development Policy for CMCs. This topic will be revisited at mid-winter.
    3. E-books and E-readers
  7. Reports.
    1. . Ad Hoc Committees
      1. CMC Directory Committee-Penny Beile
      2. CMC Management Committee-JoAnn Carr
      3. CMC Standards/Guidelines-Gary Lare and Ann Brownson
      4. Test Collections Direction/Historical Textbook-Nancy O-Brien
  8. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:28.

Committee: Conference Program Planning 2002
Date: June 17, 2001
Present: Lyn Thaxton, co-chair; Penny Beile, co-chair; Marilyn Hicks; Scott Walter; Monica Hagan; Brian Quinn; Kate Corby, recorder.
Welcome and Introductions: Greetings as we entered the room proved everyone knew each other.
Minutes of the Midwinter Meeting: Minutes were approved without amendment.
Report on what has occurred to date (co-chairs): Lyn brought us up to date on activities since our last meeting. Mindy Stombler has committed to speaking. Her expectations of conference presentation planning are different from 91´«Ã½'s; there has been more structure and advanced planning than she is accustomed to. Brian and Lyn have been able to reassure her that her presentation will be welcomed and appreciated. James Emshoff, a community psychologist at Georgia State, has also committed to speak. Penny passed out copies of the planning forms she filed with ACRL.
Report from Conference Planning Committee meeting (co-chairs): Penny reported on the ACRL Conference Program Planning meeting she attended. Deadlines are getting tighter and all changes need to be in to Melissa Cast at ACRL by Monday at noon. ACRL will meet on Tuesday to make final decisions about the program. The tentative schedule has our program on Saturday afternoon. ACRL budgeted $10,000 to support programs and has had $14,000 in requests, so not every program will be budgeted at 100%. Penny suggested to ACRL that they use a sliding scale, so that those who have smaller requests get 100% and larger requests are cut proportionally. That would work to our benefit, since ours is among the smaller requests. Equipment requests and the final list of speakers is not due until fall. Also at this meeting, Mary Reichel privately expressed some concern about the proposed title of our program. She felt that it might be interpreted negatively by some members of the faculty. This discussion was tabled until after resolution of other program planning issues.
Next steps / Program specifics (committee discussion): Committee discussed number of speakers and format of the program. Scott suggested that John Budd might be a good choice as someone who could frame the issues to be discussed and introduce the program. He is both a librarian and a faculty member so he would have some insights on both sides of the aisle. We want someone who will keep the program on track for a more theoretical discussion of the sociological and psychological issues involved. Do not want to degenerate into a "practical tips" type of presentation. There was some discussion of who else to solicit, if Budd is unavailable.

Members want to be able to have a question and answer session with audience participation. The subject is sensitive enough that folks might want to ask anonymously, so we will provide index cards for questions that will then be collected and passed to the front. May also ask for questions ahead of time, perhaps on the EBSS list, as part of the promotion effort for the program.

Brian will introduce our speakers, other members of the committee will read the questions from the floor. We will produce a flier to advertise the program.
Other: The Native American Vision Quest program that we are co-sponsoring with ANSS is still being planned. They have not decided on specific speakers. That committee has not yet met at annual. Brian is our liaison to the ANSS committee.

We decided to revise our program request to ask for an additional sum of money in case we need to offer a stipend to one more speaker.

Committee took up the program title issue that had been tabled earlier. After much discussion the Committee agreed that there was some merit to Mary Reichel's concern. We decided to change the first part of the program title to Games Academics Play.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned a 6 p.m.
Addendum to minutes: June 26, 2001, Dr. John Budd was contacted and has agreed to speak at the program.

Committee: Gerontology
Date: June 16, 2001
Present: Mary Jane Brustman, Sally Lawler, Deborah Schaeffer, Kay Womack, chair.
Absent: Ellie Marsh was absent due to a family emergency.
Visitors: None.
Introductions: Each person at the table introduced herself.
Committee members introduced themselves. A roster was circulated for updating and correcting.
Announcements: The RUSA MOUSS Service to Aging Populations Committee Program on CyberSeniors was announced. Monday Sally Lawler will try to attend the regular meeting of that committee. Kay Womack has contacted Emily Smart, the current committee chair, about mutual interests and possible joint programming.
Discussion: Guided autobiography was suggested as a topic to recommend for the 2002 Midwinter EBSS Current Topics discussion. Different terms for this research tool were presented. Additionally, the use of this tool with different populations and in intergenerational and interdisciplinary research was discussed. The committee felt that presenting this idea as a research tool and providing an introduction to its uses would be appropriate. Because there may be several topics at the Midwinter discussion trying to actually work through an exercise did not seem feasible. Sally Lawler agreed to facilitate the presentation if it is accepted. Distribution of a basic bibliography on guided autobiography was recommended if this topic is discussed at the Midwinter Current Topics.

Further discussion on guided autobiography indicated that this topic might be developed as a program topic or pre-conference. This will be presented to the Advisory Council. The committee will investigate potential 91´«Ã½ divisions or committees that might be co-sponsors.

Before developing a specific project that might result in a publication or webliography a better understanding of the existing literature is needed. Kay Womack will check C&RL NEWS to see if anyone has published a webliography on gerontology or aging. She will also try to identify published handbooks, guides to the literature, or other research tools. This will assist the committee in determining if there is already a publication that needs to be updated or will give a better idea of what project is needed as a collection development resources.

The committee decided that it needs to meet more than one hour at future meetings. It will ask to be scheduled with other EBSS committees at 9:30 am Saturday.

Committee: Membership and Orientation
Date: June 16, 2001
Present: Barbara Kemp (Chair), Laverna Saunders.
Guests present: Lorna Leuck, Mary Lee Sweat, Julie Cunningham, Nancy Koller, Tricia Libutti, Helga Visscher.
Introductions: Each person at the table introduced herself.
Messages from EBSS Chair: Lorna Leuck, Chair of EBSS, greeted the Committee and introduced Mary Lee Sweat, our liaison from the ACRL Board. Lorna charged the Membership and Orientation Committee to support the ACRL strategic plan in planning for the coming year. She commented that EBSS is doing well with publications but might consider conducting a survey of EBSS members. The group discussed the possible procedures and protocols for conducting such a survey, including: a) the detail of the ACRL Strategic Plan; b) asking ACRL staff (Melissa Cast) about other section surveys; c) checking with ACRL about rules on surveying the membership or going beyond EBSS membership and options for survey distribution; d) asking the EBSS Executive Committee for expected outcomes; e) identifying implications for professional development and programming. Ms. Sweat stated that ACRL wants ideas for a Members-only Portal, i.e., what do members want from ACRL?
Agenda and Minutes: The Committee approved the agenda and the minutes of the Midwinter meeting.
New Leader Orientation: The session will be held on Sunday, June 17, from 8-9 a.m., in the Westin St. Francis, Hampton Room. The current Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and the Chairs of the Publications and Communications and Membership and Orientation Committees will conduct the meeting. Other Section officers are also encouraged to attend. Prior to the annual conference, Barbara Kemp had mailed a folder of pertinent documents to all incoming EBSS officers and committee chairs. We reviewed the items included, and Barbara Kemp affirmed that the most important are also available on the EBSS web site. Helga Visscher stated the importance of submitting meeting summaries for inclusion in the newsletter. Feedback from the session will be compiled by Barbara Kemp and forwarded to Laverna Saunders for evaluation by the committee at Midwinter. Laverna needs a complete updated list of committee members. The new roster should be shared with Kate Corby, EBSS webmaster.
EBSS Membership Social: Laverna Saunders announced that the EBSS social hour would be held at the Grande Café, Monico Hotel, 501 Geary Street, from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. She distributed flyers to each committee at the Consolidated meeting.
Goals and Strategies for 2001-2002: The Committee brainstormed the following:

  1. Conduct a member survey
    What is the best time to do this?
    Distribute copies of the ACRL survey from fall 2000 to each committee member
    Inform Doug Cook by Sept. 1 of items to be included in the fall newsletter
  2. Send a welcome letter from the EBSS Chair to new members
    Use a personalized form letter
    List committees and their charges
  3. Send a follow-up letter to non-renewing EBSS members, asking why they did not renew.

Other: The Committee identified additional concerns and ideas for promoting EBSS membership.

  1. EBSS is easy to get into and to become involved. The perception is that it is only for Education librarians, but it also includes Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences.
  2. Recommend an ad hoc Program Committee for the 2003 ACRL Conference XI in Charlotte, NC, collaborating with the College Library Section and the University Library Section about issues in higher education.
  3. Address the perception of what is covered in EBSS.
  4. Investigate the involvement of library school interns, especially those receiving Spectrum conference scholarships.
  5. Designate a committee liaison to the ACRL Membership Committee.
  6. Investigate how ACRL promotes membership with library school students; discussed intern opportunities such as working with the Executive Committee.
  7. Recommend that ACRL do a targeted mailing to library school students in the Southeast prior to Midwinter Conference (New Orleans) and Annual 2002 (Atlanta).
  8. Interface with NMRT to invite members to EBSS.

ACRL Membership Committee: Laverna Saunders attended the meeting held on Sunday, June 17, 2001 from 2-4 p.m. at the Marriott Hotel, Willow Room. Melissa Cast, ACRL staff liaison, reported on the mentoring program for academic librarians who have been in the profession two years or less. Mentors must have been in the profession five or more years. There are currently 13 mentors and 28 mentees; and additional mentors are needed. A call for mentors was published in the April issue of C&RL News. Ms. Cast also distributed ACRL membership statistics as of May 22. The National ACRL Conference in Denver had a positive impact with membership increases in March. The most rapidly growing group is the Distance Learning Section. Section membership overall continue to decline despite ACRL's overall growth. The membership survey indicated that only 76% of the respondents belong to ACRL sections even though they may receive two for free.
Note: EBSS gained 11 new members and lost 7 in the 2001 renewal process. Across all types of membership (personal, organizational, corporate), EBSS is down 4 for a net loss of .38%.

ACRL does send monthly lists of new members and dropped members to each Section Chair or membership chair.


  • Section representatives requested an exchange of newsletters across the sections. The Spectrum scholars will get free 91´«Ã½/ACRL membership during Library School.
  • December 7 is the deadline for submitting budget requests.
  • CLS is pilot testing virtual committee membership.
  • 91´«Ã½ wants a membership business plan. One ideas is a study of GenX in relation to 91´«Ã½ organization. Some divisions want reciprocal membership with other divisions. There is a possibility of affiliate memberships.
  • Ms. Cast distributed the ACRL Membership Business Plan Outline for 2002-2005.

Committee: Psychology/Psychiatry
Date: June 16, 2001
Present: Karen Bacsanyi, Leslie Bjorncrantz, Darlene Nichols (chair), Monica Hagan, Alice Perez, Maggie Ressel, Lyn Thaxton, Peg White.
Guests: Linda Beebe, Donna Gode, Carolyn Gosling, Deborah LaFond, Paula McMillen, Linda Sammataro, Allison Sutton

The committee met with two guests from the American Psychological Association: Linda Beebe, Director, PsycINFO, and Carolyn Gosling, Manager of Customer Relations. We had a lengthy discussion of APA's fulltext database, PsycARTICLES. PsycARTICLES is current available through APA only. It will be available from Ovid and Ebsco by October 15. Elsevier is also expected to offer PsycARTICLES some time this fall. APA is also negotiating with SilverPlatter, ProQuest and OCLC. They have a linking agreement with CSA but CSA does not handle full text. Other issues discussed included archiving of PsycARTICLES, pricing of the database, changes to the PsycINFO database and other changes at APA.

The committee also agreed that it would be useful to create a committee website. Guests to the meeting who were new psychology librarians expressed interest in having access to such a resource. Peg White, Deborah LaFond, Karen Bacsanyi, Maggie Ressel and Darlene Nichols agreed to collaborate on developing the resource.

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

Committee: Publication and Communications
Date: June 16, 2001
Attendees: Kay Womack, Doug Cook, Judy Walker, Kate Corby, Sharon Naylor, Julie Cunningham, Ted Wygant, and Helga Visscher.
Absent: Bee Gallegos

The meeting was called to order at 8:00am. First order of business was to approve minutes from the Midwinter meeting in Washington, D.C. These minutes were approved with no changes.

Old business was attended to next. Each member briefly described their liaison work with their specific committees. Some of the highlights from these discussions were: the Curriculum Materials Center Directory is out (I believe this refers to the electronic version), the Ad Hoc Committee for the Digital Publication of the CMC Management Guide is still in revision, the Ad Hoc Historical Textbooks & Curriculum committee will be doing a survey this summer, the Social Work/Social Welfare Committee webliography is still being maintained, and the Instruction for Educator's publication is ready to be reviewed by the Publications Committee.

New business was addressed next. Kate Corby asked that her liaison duties be diminished due to her time spent on maintaining the EBSS Webpage and the fact that she is soon to become the vice-chair(?) of the EBSS. We also discussed the duties of the new EBSS newsletter editor, Doug Cook. He gave us a handout with new ideas for the overall format and some new and continuing features. We all thanked Helga Visscher for all of her hard work as the past newsletter editor. There was also a discussion about aspects of the EBSS Webpage. An idea to place a roster of committee members was introduced. The final discussion area concerned the publication of the Instruction for Educators Committee. The publications committee had various suggestions for the publication in the event that it become a monograph or an article. We decided to wait on a decision until we forwarded information to Hugh Thompson to see if he had any thoughts on the format of publication.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00am.

Committee: Reference Sources and Services
Date: June 16, 2001
Attendees: Julie Tharp; Kate Corby; Francine DeFranco; Christine King; Katherine Dexter; Dotty Marcinko; Roland Person.

Announcements: This is Julie's last meeting as chair, she is rotating off the committee. Roland has been appointed the new chair for a two year term; Dottie is considering co-chairing.
Approval of Minutes The committee meeting minutes for Midwinter, 2000 were approved as written.
Update on Current Project (adding a "peer-reviewed" field to the ERIC database)

Christine Rowsome, Assistant Director for Database Building at the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility has taken over the project from Don Frank. In a memo to Julie, Christine expressed her appreciation for the efforts the committee and other EBSS members made to express in detail how the addition of a peer-reviewed field to the CIJE records would have a positive impact on the academic community. This information, along with the Facility's involvement so far in the project, has been communicated to the Department of Education.

The ERIC Facility will present our proposal at the National ERIC Technical Meeting in October, 2001. At that time they will also be eliciting feedback from Clearinghouse staff involved with data creation and quality control, as well as the various commercial venders who supply ERIC, regarding the feasibility of the project. Christine indicated that the Systems staff at the Facility see no "technical" reason a peer-reviewed field cannot be added, however any major changes to the database will not happen until sometime in 2002.

Christine also repeated her appeal for input from librarians who have not yet commented on the need for this field. She pointed out that anecdotal information, especially from a geographically diverse user group is the most effective way to establish the user need for this change and will help her justify the additional resources that its implementation will require.
Action: Francine will post a message to the EBSS Listserv for further anecdotal input. Kate will post a message to the AERA Listserv to ask for faculty input.
Discussion of possible new projects

  1. The committee discussed the variety of venders that provide access to the ERIC database and features of each. Most feel that users currently are not enthusiastic about ERIC because of its lack of fulltext. The committee is interested in generating a list of CIJE journals that would indicate if and where they are available in fulltext format.
    Action: Roland will obtain the CIJE source list and compare to JAKE to see what databases provide full text availability for these journals.
  2. The committee would like to see a list of the level 2B ERIC Documents that are not available fulltext through E*Subscribe.
    Action: Christine King will contact EDRS about generating such a list.

Committee: Social Work/Social Welfare
Date: June 16, 2001
Members present: Stephanie Davis, Katherine Downton, Stephen Fowles, Karen Reiman-Sendi, Linda Sammataro, Deborah Schaeffer, Vanette Schwartz, Jim Williams, and Sally Lawler, chair.
Visitors: Kate Silfen (Boston College and CSWE)
Guest Demonstration: Harold Myers, Sales Representative for Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, demonstrated Social Services Abstracts. The search interface and the international scope of the product were well received by the committee.
Discussion: The role of the librarian in social work instruction today was discussed in the context of a survey that the chair is designing. Committee members generously made constructive suggestions to improve the survey for distribution in December to social work librarians in EBSS and CSWE. Based on the Committee's Web page, ( ), the survey investigates where and how basic computer and information literacy skills are being taught and by whom across the social work curriculum and at library workshops, orientations, and other points of service. While social work students search and retrieve many standard library resources, they also need to be competent in specialized databases for legislative histories, statistics, and funding sources. It was helpful to have librarians field test the instrument to see whether the questions made sense to them. The revised survey is now available at .
The chair also shared a class outline for teaching evidence-based practice to social work and gerontology students. The outline compares controlled vocabulary in Medline and CINAHL (randomized clinical trials) to best approximations in social science databases (program evaluation, professional standards, best practices, guidelines, meta-analysis, and consensus).
The committee used the remaining time as a forum to discuss potential future publications and projects. Stephanie asked for opinions on publishing an annotated bibliography on advocacy and political science sources for social workers. The committee thought a "best on the Web" resource would be very beneficial. Stephanie was appointed liaison to CSWE for joint ventures, such as a shared Web site, a listserv, and 10:30 on 12/14 library issues in the accreditation process.
Karen Reiman-Sendi was appointed incoming chair.

Ad Hoc CMC Standards/Guidelines
June 16, 2001

  • The meeting was called to order at 8:05a.m.
  • Members present: Ann Brownson, Gary Lare, Yvonne Roux, Beth Broyles, Dorothy Schleicher, Bill Meloy, John Hickok
  • Member absent but excused: Betty Raum
  • A brief agenda overview was given, including the results of Gary's discussions with Barton Lessin from the ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee (SAC) regarding whether we should be developing standards or guidelines. It looks as though guidelines is what we have to live with.
  • We then began discussing guidelines developed thus far. We went over the guidelines item by item, with discussion and changes made.
  • At 11:00 we agreed to extend the meeting to finish the discussion, which we did by 11:30.
  • After the discussion of each point was complete, there were brief comments about whether we should include quantification (related to budget and collection). Discussion of this topic will continue through email. We also will discuss terms that need to be defined in an introductory section and introductory remarks about the guidelines. Once these topics are addressed and completed to everyone's satisfaction, we will be able to go forward to SAC for the beginning of the review process.
  • We adjourned at approximately 11:40 so members could get to the end of the Consolidated Committee Meeting..

Committee: Ad Hoc Digital Publication of CMC Management Guide
Date: June 16, 2001
Members present: Jo Ann Carr, chair; Jeannie Kamerman, Allison Kaplan, Jeneen LaSee Willemssen
Members excused: Stephanie Neely
Guests: Ted Wygant, Liaison from Publications.
Announcements: Jo Ann reminded all to attend the EBSS program on Sunday afternoon.
Review of charge: The Committee reviewed our charge: To extend the work of the Management of Curriculum Materials Centers Committee by developing a parallel Internet based publication. This publication should include the content of the print title and supplement it with case studies of CMC's, links among the articles in the management guide, links to CMC and other related organizations and supplementary narrative. This committee should work with the Ad Hoc Committee on the CMC Directory to develop an Internet based version of the Directory complete with searchable statistical tables.
Develop work plan:

  1. Status of print publication: Jo Ann indicated that the print publication was very close to completion although Hugh Thompson had requested that the profiles of CMC's be included. The Committee recommends that the profiles be included only in the digital publication. The print publication also needs to be reviewed by the Publications Committee before being sent to Hugh Thompson.
  2. Identification of links among chapters: Committee members discussed the desire to have links among chapters identified after the index to the print publication is developed. The need to have a link generate a frame which allows access to the actual chapter was noted. Links to the bibliography, profiles and external web sites will be direct links.
  3. Identification of links within chapters: Members will review the chapters to identify internal links within chapters.
  4. Review of case studies: Jo Ann will confer with Hugh to indicate our recommendation that the case studies [now referred to as profiles] be included in the digital publication and the need to secure permission from each CMC to include the digital profile. We also need to determine the methodology which would be used to update these profiles.
  5. Identification of supplementary materials:
    1. Links to CMCs: Links to the web sites for CMC's mentioned in the guide will be identified.
    2. Links to related organizations: We should provide links to related organizations mentioned in the guide including NCATE, AASL, 91´«Ã½, the CMC Webliography, NLE, EROD, and the Department of Education.
    3. Additional narrative: evaluating CMC's, planning a new CMC, etc.: Allison will review the EBSS archives to determine if there are critical issues discussed on our group list which are not addressed in the current guide. Potential topics for additional narrative include preparing for accreditation and planning a new CMC.
  6. Intersection with CMC directory: Jo Ann will ask Hugh Thompson if the Directory can be modified to include links to the profiles collected as part of the guide. We should also determine if the Directory can include a form to submit new profiles.
  7. Work Plan:
    1. July 2001-Jo Ann will finalize editing of the print publication, send to the Publications Committee and then to Hugh Thompson. She will also contact Hugh regarding the intersection among the Directory and the profiles.
    2. July 2001-Allison will review the EBSS listserve archives to determine additional narrative needed.
    3. August-Jeannie will review the manuscript and identify links to be made. She will begin with chapter 1.
    4. September-Jeneen will review the manuscript and identify links to be made within chapters and to external sites. She will begin with chapter 12.
    5. October-Allison will review the manuscript and identify links to be made within chapters and to external sites. She will begin with chapter 5.
    6. November-Stephanie August-Jeannie will review the manuscript and identify links to be made within chapters and to external sites. She will begin with chapter 9.
    7. December-Jo Ann will complete the review of the manuscript, identify authors for the supplementary narrative, and identify links among chapters as identified by the index.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Committee:EBSS Ad hoc Historical Textbook and Curriculum Collections Directory
Date:Saturday, June 16, 2001
Present: Nancy O'Brien (Chair), Venta Silins, Lorene Sisson, Judy Walker
Absent (excused): Barbara Celone, Carrie Cooper, Scott Walter

  • Members were welcomed and introductions made at the second meeting of this Ad hoc Committee. The agenda was reviewed and approved without changes. Minutes from the January 2001 were also approved.
  • A discussion of the project focused on several issues, including the following.
    • The Committee reviewed the draft survey prepared by Venta Silins and distributed by email May 30, 2001. A number of revisions were suggested that would enhance the information solicited in the survey. It was decided that Judy Walker would actually implement the changes in the survey since she had volunteered to mount the Web-based survey at her institution and to compile and format the responses of the directory. She will have the survey linked to a database to facilitate formatting for publication.
    • In relation to the above, there was a suggestion that the survey should include a "Reference Services" category. This will be incorporated into the survey beginning with question 21.
    • In the course of the discussion, it was suggested that it would be helpful to develop a bibliography of tools useful for research related to historical textbooks. The committee decided that this would be a separate project to consider in the future.
    • In a discussion of distribution methods for the survey, it was agreed that the primary mechanism would be an email announcement that directed the recipient to the address for the Web survey. Each committee member would be responsible for distributing email announcements to various listservs and other recipients.
    • Although Barbara Celone was unable to attend, she distributed a list of potential recipients by email on June 13, 2001. The committee reviewed this list, and agreed with all categories, except for "county offices of education." It was determined that these offices would not be likely to have historical textbooks. Also it was suggested that the category of "Departments of special collections in academic libraries" should be changed to "Departments of special collections in research libraries" in order to be more comprehensive. Additional resources to identify survey recipients should include schools of library science. A previously distributed handout from N. O'Brien included resources for identifying historical textbook and curriculum collections. It was decided to delete the reference to education collections in Canadian libraries since the directory will only focus on the United States.
    • Once the revised survey is available for further review, a cover letter will be prepared by Scott Walter. Lorene Sisson volunteered to develop an announcement to gain access to listservs for survey distribution. The announcement will request that messages should be forwarded as appropriate with a reply to the sender indicating such. It will also explain that the reply will be useful in determining organizations that may need further contact and follow-up in the distribution of surveys.
  • The following assignments were made.
    • Revise the survey as discussed - Judy Walker
    • Explore electronic survey format and compilation methods - Judy Walker
    • Assign categories for distribution of surveys - to be determined
    • Summarize meeting and submit minutes - Nancy O'Brien

    NOTE: In the Advisory Council meeting of EBSS on the following day, N. O'Brien was reminded that all surveys MUST receive approval by ACRL before being distributed. Mary Ellen Davis, the new ACRL Executive Director, will need to receive a final copy of the survey for review.

  • The Ad hoc Committee adjourned at 4:15 p.m.