Twenty-Five Years of LIRT Conference Programs

List of twenty-five years of LIRT Conference Programs


1977 Organizational Meeting
1978 No Program This Year
1979 The Role of Libraries in Lifelong Learning
1980 Who Didn't You Reach Today?: Marketing Strategies for Educating Library Non-Users
1981 The Missing Link: In Search of Library Literacy
1982 Computers! Libraries! Learning!
1983 Getting It Together: Librarians and the Curricular Reform
1984 Getting the Most from the Least: Producing Professional Looking Audiovisuals for Library Instruction
1985 Giving Them What They Need: Assessment Techniques for Library Instruction
1986 You Can Do It: Creating an Action Plan for Library Instruction
1987 Hit Them Where They Are: Library Instruction on the Spot
1988 A-LIRT! Teaching Exceptional Library Patrons
1989 Think about it! Critical Thinking and Library Instruction
1990 Beyond the Drawing Board: Using Hypermedia in Libraries
1991 Cultural Diversity: Strategies for Promoting Information Literacy in a Changing World
1992 Brief Encounters: Using Techniques from Psychology and Education to Improve the Effectiveness of Reference Service
1993 Unmasking Technology: A Prelude to Teaching
1994 Going the Distance: Reaching and Teaching Remote Learners
1995 Class Act: Producing and Presenting Library Instruction
1996 Collaborative Solutions to Techno-Stress: Librarians Lead the Way

(Jointly sponsored with IS and NMRT)
1997 Focus on Students: Emphasizing Learning Styles
1998 Teaching the Teaching Librarian
1999 Technology in Action: Getting the Most from Your Electronic Classroom
2000 Teaching as Performance
2001 Partnerships for Instruction
2002 Emerging Visions: Libraries and Education in the 21st Century