Major Motions at Midwinter 2002, New Orleans, LA
At the 2002 Midwinter Meetings the YALSA Board of Directors took the following major actions:
- Voted to send a thank you letter to the Margaret A. Edwards Trust for funding the Margaret A. Edwards Award seal program, and for their support through the years.
- Directed YALSA staff to review the marketing plan outline and identify areas that the organization is already pursuing or would like to pursue, with the staff then providing feedback to the consultant.
- Voted to approve the letter to the ethnic caucuses, designating Board members to attend meetings of the interested caucuses, and directed staff to work with Sara Ryan to develop a script for the Board members to use at these meetings.
- Accepted the report of the YALSA Publication Task Force with thanks, and directed YALSA staff to investigate the feasibility of each recommendation, begin a preliminary editor search, and give YALSA members an opportunity to suggest a name for the new journal.
- Voted to accept the Galleys for Teens Task Force Report with thanks.
- Accepted the report from the Michael L. Printz Award Assessment Task Force.
- Requested the Best Books for Young Adults Committee Chair to submit for reimbursement receipts up to $260 for expenses incurred for committee expenses, and to direct the Chair to submit a budget request before generating such expenses in the future.
- Voted to increase the allocation of money for booth merchandise purchased by the Division and Membership Promotion Committee by $300, for a total not to exceed $800.
- Voted to allocate a sum not to exceed $3000 to support the Professional Development Committee program in Atlanta, and instructed the Board liaison to contact the committee chair with this information as soon as possible.
- Accepted the FY2003 Budget Assumptions as presented.
- Accepted the report of the Organization and Bylaws Committee, which included revisions to the YALSA Bylaws, as amended with changes added to the Bylaws by the Board at the meeting.
- Accepted the programs planned for the 2002 Annual Conference in Atlanta as presented.
- Accepted in concept the programs planned for the 2003 Annual Conference in Toronto as presented.
- Directed the Strategic Planning Committee to assess and prioritize further ways to disseminate and implement the YALSA Strategic Plan.
- Directed that the Strategic Planning Committee generate a tip sheet of recommended guidelines for committees to be used by the Board in its committee liaison functions.
- Directed the YALSA Councilor to move that Council amend the draft Principles for the Networked World to reflect Article V of the Library Bill of Rights by amending the end of the second sentence under “The Role of Libraries in the Networked World” to include “regardless of origin, age, background, or views.” The sentence would then read: “Policy and decision makers will welcome this document as a blue print for building a networked world that is democratic, inclusive and accessible to all, regardless of origin, age, background, or views.”
- Instructed the YALSA Councilor to endorse the draft interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights for Privacy.
- Directed staff to investigate other mechanisms to survey teens about their reading interests each year during Teen Read Week.
- Accepted the report of the Professional Development Committee on the implementation of New Directions and the related timeline and supporting documents.
- Directed the Division Councilor to vote to reduce the quorum of membership meetings to 200 and require that any vote taken in membership meetings to set aside a Council decision require a three-fourths vote of attendees and later be ratified by a majority of mail voters in which one-quarter of 91´«Ã½ members have voted. If this option is not presented for Council vote, the Board then directs the Councilor to vote her conscience.
- Recommended that the two divisions (ALSC and YALSA) alternate years and committees when making nominations to the IFLA Children and Young Adults reading committees.
- Voted to accept the report of the Publications Committee.