YALSA Board 2007 Midwinter Minutes


Seattle, Washington

Jan. 20-22, 2007

The mission of YALSA is to advocate, promote and strengthen service to young adults as part of the continuum of total library service, and to support those who provide service to this population.

Board I Sat. 1:30 - 5:00 in the Convention Center, room 208

Board II Sun. 4:00 - 6:00 in the Convention Center, room 208

Board III Mon. 10:00 - 12:30 in the Convention Center, room 208

We’ll pause in the agenda to accommodate information exchanges with:

  • 91´«Ã½ Executive Board Representative Terri Kirk at 1:45 on Saturday
  • Candidate for 91´«Ã½ President-Elect, Jim Rettig, at 2:30 on Saturday
  • Candidate for 91´«Ã½ President-Elect, Nancy Davenport at 3:00 on Saturday


Call to Order

Information Forum

10 minutes is allotted at the beginning of each session for announcements of general information.

It was announced Greenwood Publishing was excited about sponsoring the outstanding achievement award.

Terri Kirk appeared to update the Board on 91´«Ã½ Executive Board activity that would affect the Division. She urged the Board to get more youth services people to run for Council, and passed on petition forms. Jami Schwarzwalder, Student Interest Group leader, will post a message on their blog asking YALSA members to run for Council.

Kirk also brought up findings from the web usability study. She mentioned that 69 Spectrum scholarships were awarded, the largest number. Kirk was asked who determined the committee that chose the scholars. She will find out who chose the jury and report back to the Board.

She informed the Board that the membership satisfaction survey indicated that members were fairly positive. Mary Ghikas will post a document on the 91´«Ã½ website to keep membership updated on various Executive Board topics.

Regarding the Ahead to 2010 program, Kirk was asked what criteria was used to choose the targeted projects. Nelson stated that YALSA wanted to participate. Previous proposals were offered, but YALSA never heard results and never learned why their proposals were rejected. Kirk promised to mention the YALSA 50th anniversary to the Executive Board.

Jim Rettig’s visit: Jim opened by saying that he admired what YA librarians do. Talked about the importance of keeping teens engaged. Mentioned the importance of legislative advocacy and 91´«Ã½’s role in that. Felt that 91´«Ã½ does a great job of defending intellectual freedom issues. 91´«Ã½ has long range challenges: diversity & the high attrition rate for librarians under 35. 91´«Ã½ needs to engage the youth and minorities by finding new ways of participation for members. Committees shouldn’t be the only method for participation. Wants to collaborate with state and other library groups on the diversity issue. 91´«Ã½-APA: wants a fiscally sound 91´«Ã½-APA so it is able to better advocate for salaries and expand its certification program. Allen asked Jim about the statement that divisions are a drain on the big 91´«Ã½. Jim responded by saying that he never made such a comment. Jim mentioned that the terms of the Operating Agreement weren’t being followed. Said some divisions have become wealthy, but at the same time that 91´«Ã½ has not. Divisions are the “profit-center” of 91´«Ã½. Pam asked how Jim would ensure that the youth divisions would be equitably represented on 91´«Ã½ committees. She emphasize that we are 3 different divisions, but are often lumped together as one entity. Jim would rely heavily on the division vice-presidents to put forward good names. Sarah D. asked for an example of a time when Jim supported service to teens. Jim said that he sent a letter to the editor of his local paper on the filtering issue (CIPA). Said teenagers needed a way to get sensitive information and that it is important not to put barriers in their way to accessing information.

Nancy Davenport’s visit: Gave a brief bio. For her presidency she would encourage members to think about library as place. Libraries should be everywhere—in people’s kitchens. Libraries should extend themselves and collaborate and create connections (create connections is her theme). Feels 91´«Ã½ really needs to find librarians to work with young people because there’s a shortage. 91´«Ã½ hasn’t done recruitment fairs—thinks we should do them as a part of national conferences. Mentioned she went to Gaming Night. Felt it’s important to listen to youth and find out what they want from libraries. Talked about DC Public libraries and working with them to increase programming for teens—got money from the mayor to stay open later and do teen programming. In response to Allen’s question, Nancy felt that the divisions are getting richer and the association was getting poorer. In response to Pam’s question, Nancy said that each division brings a different perspective and that each voice should be represented at the table. She would do it by “inviting you to the table.” In response to Sarah D.’s question she said that she has worked to help the school librarians as a parent. As interim director of library services at DC Public, she created a safe place for teens. Also hiring teens to work in libraries as a means of luring other teens to the library.

As YALSA Fiscal Officer, Amy Alessio attended the BARC meeting, and reported that she asked that quarterly financial reports be made available to the divisions.

Linda Williams, YALSA liaison on BARC, appeared before the Board to explain her responsibilities as liaison. Alessio informed the Board that BARC was working on a feasibility study on a graduated dues policy, one possibility being more services for higher dues payers. Yoke asked if we could receive 91´«Ã½ Publishing revenue information on a regular basis, rather than twice a year. Judy Nelson asked for feedback on grant requests to 91´«Ã½, to learn why they failed, in order to use this information to make their grant applications more effective. Williams mentioned that the YALSA Executive Director sends her a copy of the monthly report to the Board, keeping her informed.

Adoption of the Agenda

MOVED by Nick Buron, seconded by Christine Allen, and voted to adopt the agenda with flexibility. The motion passed.

Consent Items

MOVED by Sarah Flowers, seconded by Pam Spencer Holley, and voted to adopt the consent items. The motion passed.

Approval of the Minutes from the 2006 Annual meeting.

Adoption of updated Business Plan for FY 07 – FY 10

Action Items

YALSA Councilor Pre-Midwinter Report

Councilor wanted to know where YALSA stood on the election to the 91´«Ã½ Board. Nick felt we should support both Nancy Zimmerman & Audra Caplan. Pam asked if we knew anything about the other candidates. Allen mentioned that the one guy didn’t seem to have a background in youth issues.

MOVED by Paula Brehm-Heeger and seconded by Nick Buron to direct the YALSA Councilor to vote in support of Audra Caplan and Melora Ranney Norman for 91´«Ã½ Executive Board. The motion passed.

Allen recommended that the Board take a look at accreditation standards, as they seem weak on youth issues. Beth asked if we should send a letter to OA sharing a concern about this issue.

MOVED by Paula Brehm-Heeger, seconded by Erin Helmrich and voted to direct the YALSA office to send a letter in YALSA’s name, over Judy Nelson’s signature, requesting that the 91´«Ã½ group considering proposed changes in accreditation of Masters Degree Programs include a discussion/consideration of possible youth standards in the changes. Allen Nichols, who has served on the Accreditation Committee, may edit the actual language of the letter. The motion passed.

Judy inquired whether Christine should mention YALSA’s participation at the National Book Festival in Council, as Keith Fiels neglected to mention it in his recent report to Council. Nick said to recommend it, but to do as appropriate.

MOVED by Nick Buron, seconded by Paula Brehm-Heeger and voted to give the YALSA Councilor flexibility to decide whether to mention the omission in Council proceedings. The motion passed.

YALSA at Conferences

Judy mentioned that Pam is participating in a TLA preconference w/ a YA focus. Her part is TRW. Amy submitted a proposal for the 91´«Ã½ Techsource Gaming Symposium. Sarah D. asked if the idea was to give funds for those already presenting, or to recruit folks to do a particular topic. Paula asked if it was the latter. Sarah F. asked what the criteria etc. would be for people who wanted to present. Sarah F. talked about her experience chairing the CLA conference committee. Said there are opportunities for YALSA in CLA. Beth emphasized that any programs we’d sponsor would have a direct tie to a YALSA initiative, not just a general YA theme. Nick suggested a train the trainers program where we’d train people to do a YALSA program at the state level. Beth asked if that could be folded in to SUS. Erin agreed and felt SUS trainers were under-utilized. Pam emphasized the need to send Presidents to specific conferences.

MOVED by Amy Alessio, seconded by Maria E. Gentle, and voted to set aside $1000 annually for regional programs advancing the YALSA mission to be presented by YALSA members, and another $1000 annually to send the YALSA Vice President, Past President, or President to regional presentations, and to establish a Board ad hoc committee to specify procedures for facilitating this process. The motion passed.

Sarah Flowers, Amy Alessio and Pam Spencer Holley were chosen to form this ad hoc committee. Board liaison Patton will ask the Regional Advisory Board for their input as to which conferences to target. Terri Kirk was recognized and indicated the possibility of YALSA doing a program at the AASL conference in October 2007. Buron indicated that he would ask the SUS Evaluation Task Force for their input, and Erin Helmrich, as chair of Division and Membership Promotion, indicated that she would get input from that committee.

Acting on Conference Survey Results

Beth asked if we’d added YALSA 101 to the charge of the D&M Promotion Committee. Shannon said she’d follow through with that.

MOVED by Pam Spender Holley, seconded by Kimberly A. Patton, and voted that the YALSA Board charge the Program Clearinghouse Committee, the Division and Membership Promotion Committee and the YALSA staff to carry out the actions cited for each in Item 5. In addition, Organization and Bylaws was asked to add planning the YALSA 101 program as an annual event to the charge of Division and Membership Promotion. Appropriate Board liaisons will notify the committees cited here and share the entire Board document with them. The motion passed.

Ad-hoc Committee on Board Structuring

Nelson thanked the committee for their report. Discussion ensued about the recommendation from the ad-hoc committee as well as the Exec. Committee recommendations. There was a general consensus that the 3 positions be added and that terms would be three years and that they would be elected positions. It was agreed that it’s important that this person would have specific responsibilities. Beth suggested an ad-hoc group to flesh out what those would be. Nick raised a concern about who would take the actual notes at the Board meeting. The suggestion was that the secretary would take notes only at Exec. Comm meetings. Nick did not feel he could vote on a motion about adding a secretary until he knew what that person’s responsibility would be. Judy suggested that the Board direct the Exec. Dir. to decide what staff would continue to take notes at the meetings of the Board.

Discussion about student interns: can they afford to come to conference? Can they take time off from school to attend? Would YALSA try and defray the cost of a student intern? Paula suggested we ask the Student Interest Group about the idea.

MOVED by Sarah Cornish Debraski, and seconded by Erin Helmrich that the Board direct the Organization and Bylaws Committee to create a Secretary (who will review Board minutes immediately following conferences and make sure the Board follows parliamentary procedures and be a member of the Executive Committee) position and an additional Director position, each to be elected to three-year terms, with these bylaw changes to be placed on the spring 2007 ballot. The Organization and Bylaws Committee will determine how to stagger the terms of these positions. The motion passed.

MOVED by Amy Alessio, seconded by Paula Brehm-Heeger, and voted to establish an ad hoc Board committee to investigate the possibility of a student intern position on the Board for a one-year term, including budgeting and mentoring support, with input from the Student Interest Group, and to have said committee report back at Annual 2007. Amy, Kim and Judy will serve on the committee. The motion passed.

MOVED by Paula Brehm-Heeger, seconded by Pam Spencer Holley and voted that the Board direct the YALSA staff to make YALSA Board documents from Midwinter and Annual 2000 forward available on the archive of the 91´«Ã½ website, with this task being completed by the end of 2007. The motion passed.

2008 Midwinter Institute

Yoke reported that the Midwinter Institute was at capacity, and some people had to be turned away at the door. Nelson indicated that members of her staff told her it was the best training they had ever experienced. Discussion ensued about an 08 institute and what a leadership institute curriculum entailed. It was agreed that management topics are different from leadership skills. Would a YALSA institute cover both or one? Beth felt management issues would be important to cover. Kim felt that to be a good manager, you had to be a good leader, so that the two were to some degree intertwined. Amy inquired about the financial viability of the topic. Nick suggested making leadership part of an institute, but not the whole thing. Nick felt that leadership was a different topic from management. There was not a general consensus that leadership would be a successful topic for a full day institute. One suggestion was that it be a half day topic for Annual 08. It was pointed out that advocacy is a key part of the strategic plan and might make a good topic for an institute.

MOVED by Pam Spencer Holley, seconded by Sarah Cornish Debraski, and voted that the YALSA President appoint a task force to develop a 2008 Midwinter Institute on Advocacy that could include funding, staffing and grant writing aspects of leadership and partnerships with the community, with a report to the Executive Committee at the spring conference call. The motion passed.

MOVED by Amy Alessio, seconded by Paula Brehm-Heeger, and voted that the Board establish an ad hoc committee to investigate trends and content for successful leadership institutes and to report back by Annual. Sarah Flowers, Allen Nichol, and Nick Buron volunteered to serve on this ad hoc committee.

The question was raised as to who should have the regular responsibility of planning Gaming Night. A suggestion was brought forward by YALSA member Mary Hastler through Beth to perhaps expand the event to include more socializing with gaming. Erin will work with Mary Hastler to firm up ideas.

MOVED by Amy Alessio, seconded by Kimberly Patton, and voted to establish a new task force to work with the Division and Membership Promotion Committee to develop a themed evening event at Midwinter 2008 to include elements of the successful gaming events. This task force will report back to the Board at Annual 2007. The motion passed.

Mentoring Program Next Steps

MOVED by Pam Spencer Holley, seconded by Sarah Flowers and voted to charge the Research Committee with investigating the association’s mentoring program best practices and give a final report to the Board at Annual 2007. The motion passed.

Proposed YALSA Wiki Guidelines

Linda Braun, chair of Web Advisory TF, indicated there was a great interest in various committees wanting to establish wikis. Holley indicated wikis could be used to maintain the history of the committee’s actions over the years. It was recognized that not all committees would participate equally in maintaining a committee wiki. Linda spoke about the wiki guidelines and the reasoning behind them. Nick asked about what would happen to information on the wiki if a committee loses interest. Beth suggested some sort of sunsetting option. The committee will go back to the wiki guidelines and make some additions to deal with this issue and to provide for evaluation and possible changes in one year. Linda also discussed the MySpace guidelines and mentioned they’d been using them for a month. Beth mentioned Stephanie Iser’s proposal to share the TeenLibWiki with YALSA. Kim said that the guidelines should require fact checking, not encourage it. All agreed. Christine mentioned the Board should direct O&B to clean up language. Shannan agreed.

MOVED by Linda Braun, as chair of the Website Advisory Task force, and voted to have the Board accept the MySpace guidelines as presented. The motion passed.

It was mentioned to the Board that the work that Linda Braun and YALSA performed regarding DOPA has been publicly recognized and praised.

A revised wiki guideline statement was presented to Board II by Linda Braun. She was directed to interact with Stephanie Iser to determine whether Stephanie can maintain a teen services wiki, as she is already maintaining one – teenlib wiki. Braun will report to the Board with her findings.

MOVED by Kimberly Patton, seconded by Pam Spencer Holley and voted to accept the January22, 2007 draft revision of the YALSA Wiki Guidelines with amendments, and to send them to the Organization and Bylaws Committee for implementation. The motion passed.

Young Adult Literature Symposium

This task force wanted more time to continue their work and asked for additional direction. Spencer Holley, their Board Liaison, and the YALSA Executive Director will further discuss this. Pam will work with the group to give feedback from the Board. The YALSA office will designate the time and place of symposium, with Board approval.

Teen Read Week Products for 07

Board discussion indicated that problematic issues with 91´«Ã½ Publishing appear to have been settled, and that YALSA would continue to work with 91´«Ã½ Graphics on a year-to-year basis, with review in 2008. Yoke wanted to discuss further with 91´«Ã½ Publishing staff getting more definite information as to when royalties would be received.

MOVED by Amy Alessio, seconded by Nick Buron and voted to continue the current Teen Read Week contract with 91´«Ã½ Graphics for Teen Read Week 2007, and to review the contract again at Midwinter 2008, with particular note of royalty and sales percentages. The motion passed.

Establish Budget Priorities for FY08

Judy indicated that Terri Kirk is exploring how decisions are made in regards to 2010 proposals. Amy made a motion that the Board accept the proposed budget priorities.

MOVED by Amy Alessio and voted to accept the FY08 budget priorities as recommended by the Fiscal Officer for the Executive Director to incorporate into the budget hearing in February. The motion passed.

Proposed White Paper Guidelines

Several topics were suggested for potential official YALSA White Papers. It was decided that the Board could seek out authors of white papers or members could offer to write one, but the White Papers must be approved by the Board. Staff should promote white papers and add guidelines to the handbook.

MOVED by Maria E. Gentle, seconded by Sarah Cornish Debraski, and voted to accept the Proposed Guidelines for White Papers. The motion passed.

Request for Board Action: SUS Taskforce

The Board received a request from this task force to extend its term until Midwinter 2008, with an interim report at Annual 2007 and a final report at MW 2008, at which time there should be a list of final recommendations.

MOVED by Nick Buron, seconded by Pam Spencer Holley and voted to extend the term of the SUS Evaluation Task Force through Midwinter 2008, with an update at Annual 2007 and a final report presented to the Board at Annual 2008. The motion passed.

Request for Board Action: Odyssey Committee

The Board was asked to change language in the charge to eliminate “during the preceding year” to better reflect the committee’s current calendar, which was November 1 to November 1. The ALSC Board has already voted to approve this change in wording.

MOVED by Pam Spencer Holley, seconded by Christine Allen, and voted to strike the phrase “during the preceding year” from the charge of the Odyssey Award Committee. The motion passed. The Organization & Bylaws Committee was asked to make the appropriate change and contact the chair of the Odyssey Committee and also the ALSC Organization & Bylaws Committee.

Request for Board Action: Selected Audiobooks Committee

MOVED by Pam Spencer Holley, seconded by Maria E. Gentle, and voted to rewrite the policies and procedures of the Selected Audiobooks for Young Adults Committee to reflect the following change: “The nomination process runs from the end of Midwinter to December 1.”

The Organization & Bylaws Committee will make the appropriate change in language and will also notify the chair of this committee.

Request for Board Action: BBYA Committee

Judy suggested a change in the language by removing the phrase “for their own titles.” Sarah F. asked questions about books published in foreign countries.

MOVED by Christine Allen, seconded by Maria E. Gentle, and voted to accept two changes in the language of the Policies and Procedures of the Best Books for Young Adults Committee regarding publication dates and nominations from the field. The Board also directed Organization and Bylaws to rewrite the language for the committee and the BBYA chair was directed to notify staff of the change in wording for the field nomination form. The motion passed.

This language change will increase the list of people with a potential vested interest in the titles, thus making their nominations of titles unacceptable by the committee. This change in language will be posted on the nomination form. Also consideration of foreign publications would be further limited.

Request for Board Action: Establish aNew Booklist

Judy mentioned that the Executive Committee felt that this should not be a formal list with a committee to select it, as the particular type of list does not support the mission of the association. The Board recommended that the list be published in a YALSA publication or on the wiki.

MOVED by Christine Allen, seconded by Paula Brehm-Heeger, and voted as to whether to create a new booklist of young adult books with adult appeal. The motion did not pass. Judy Nelson will contact Stephanie Squicciarini, who originally raised this request, with the Board’s decision.

Request for Board Action: Reference Guidelines Taskforce

A request was made to change 3.2 in the document to “appropriate technology” instead of listing specific ones. RUSA recommended shortening the introduction and explicitly stating what age group the guidelines are for. Sarah F. said that RUSA was not acting on the guidelines until Annual. The Board was in agreement to do the same. Sarah F. submitted a form A for Annual 08 for a panel of librarians and teens who would discuss implementing the guidelines. Beth suggested also sending in a proposal for PLA 08. Sarah F. will follow up on, because PLA indicated a need for more YA programs. Flowers will withdraw the document and re-present at Annual with changes. She suggested that there would also be the possibility of a white paper, e-courses, and a preconference. The Board highly praised the task force’s document.

Request for Board Action: New Conference Scholarship

Jami Schwarzwalder represented the Student Interest Group. YALSA has more than 1100 student members. There was a general consensus that a new scholarship would be desirable.

MOVED by Amy Alessio, seconded by Susan Cornish Debraski, and voted to establish a task force to develop a proposal for a student member conference scholarship, including funding elements, and to report back to the Board by Annual 2007. The motion passed.

Request for Board Action: Create a Gaming List

Judy mentioned that the Executive Committee felt that this was a little premature and recommended that the Interest Group publish the list. The Board recommended that the group consider seeking teen input for the list. If the list was popular and the issue remained hot in libraries, that the IG could resubmit the request.

MOVED by Paula Brehm Heeger and voted whether to establish a gaming list. The motion did not pass.

Request for Board Action: Establish Nonfiction Award

MOVED by Amy Alessio to establish a Nonfiction Award Task Force to develop a proposal for this award and to report to the Board with their findings at Annual 2007.

Discussion Items

Pre-Conference Committee Reports

The Board liaison’s name will henceforth be included on the website form, per the suggestion of Nick Buron.

Spencer Holley suggested that Board Liaisons let Paula know who would be a good chair for the incoming term for their respective committees.

According to Kimberly Patton, their Board Liaison, the TAGs Committee members felt that their committee no longer had a purpose, and asked it to be sunsetted. The Board Liaison was asked to talk to the chair to get a specific request from the group as to what they want – to be sunsetted, have a charge change, become an interest group, etc.

Shannon mentioned that O&B thought Research could be sunsetted. The Board said no, because of its importance to the profession and to the strategic plan, but recommended they review their charge for possible updating.

Paula had a concern about committees not making an effort to reach out to related 91´«Ã½ groups, or perhaps not being aware of the need to work with them.

Judy will work with Linda Braun to set up a 2008 TF for TTW.

Amy recommended that the EAB should go all virtual.

Growing YALSA Leaders

The Board decided that it would sponsor future Emerging Leaders if funds allow.

Regarding diversity, Alessio had talked to ALSC to work together to apply for a 2010 grant to implement a diversity campaign. Other possible co-sponsors were Publishing, OIF, HRDR, and other 91´«Ã½ sections. The YALSA Executive Director will send Alessio a sample format of the proposal. Terri Kirk was recognized by the chair, and promised to get more information concerning the 2010 fund proposal selection process.

Evaluating YALSA Committees

Although the YALSA organization structure had been changed significantly, with interest groups and discussion groups augmented and juries as well as new task forces established, the Board felt that further work was needed. The question was raised as to whether YALSA would wish to commit to an ongoing process of committee evaluation, as RUSA does. It was suggested to adopt RUSA’s format for more than one year and evaluate it after that time, with Organization and Bylaws having this responsibility.

MOVED by Pam Spencer Holley, seconded by Kimberly Patton, and voted that YALSA adopt the RUSA method of evaluating committees on a two-year trial basis, after which the process will be evaluated and the Board will decide whether to continue using this method. The motion passed.

Youth Participation Committee Report (Teen Summit & Award)

The Executive Committee suggested that the committee’s survey did not get them the information they needed, and that the survey was not widely distributed. It was decided that a new survey was needed to ask a different set of questions. The Youth Participation Committee should plan to work with the staff to build new survey, and their Board Liaison, Kimberly Patton, will pass on this request to the chair. Using YALSA’s Survey Monkey account was suggested.

First time YA Author TF Report

Ann Theis, chair, got an estimate from a publishing contact that in 2006 between 2000 and 3000 YA books were published. Also 10-20% of all publications were first authors. Disseminating a short list of nominees had been considered, but the committee was afraid of inundation from publishers lobbying for their titles. However, various Board members felt that a short list would generate more excitement and more publicity in advance. The Board indicated by show of hands that a short list was preferred.

Regarding committee size, the task force felt that a nine-member committee would be too large, but the Board felt there was so much reading that the large number was necessary. Also, the task force felt that nominees should have published no prior work, even as an adult writer, except if it was self-published.

The task force was requested to respond to the following questions: What will be evaluated, how would nominees be chosen, what would be the committee’s policies and procedures, how would they make it clear that it was supported by the Bill Morris fund interest, what would their pr and marketing plans be, and present these answers to the Board at Board III. This information would then be passed on to the 91´«Ã½ Awards Committee meeting tomorrow at 1 pm.

Also, on the updated version, Spencer Holley suggested that on the short list there should be only five titles, and they would be designated as “finalists,” not “honor books.”

Status of YALSA Handbook

Various groups or individuals were given responsibility for updating various sections of the YALSA Handbook. It was decided that the Organization and Bylaws chair would coordinate updating the Handbook. An ad hoc Board committee, consisting of Holley, Helmrich and Gentle, will serve to back up Organization and Bylaws’ work. The Publications Committee would work with
YAttitudes; the YALSA staff would look at procedures, and also Section 6. The ad hoc Board task force would work on policies, meetings and governance, and Spencer Holley would update History. The Awards section would be the responsibility of Organization and Bylaws specifically. Work must be presented to Organization and Bylaws by May 15.

New Edition of Excellence in YA Services

MOVED BY Amy Alessio, seconded by Maria E. Gentle, and voted to create a task force to select the winners of the Excellence prizes and plan the Annual 2008 conference program. The task force will work with the editor and YALSA staff on the timeline. The motion passed.

The Executive Director is waiting for 91´«Ã½ Editions to decide whether to publish the work.

MOVED by Nick Buron, seconded by Paula Brehm Heeger, and voted to direct the YALSA Executive Director to apply for additional funding from the Margaret A. Edwards Trust to self-publish the fifth edition of
Excellence in Library Services for Young Adults. The motion passed.

Edwards Award 20th Anniversary

Judy will appoint a taskforce who will put together a program and explore other possibilities of promoting the anniversary.

Division Marketing and Other Plans

The YALSA Executive Director reported back comparing YALSA’s Marketing plans with other divisions. Discussion ensued about whether or not YALSA should develop a marketing plan. Beth mentioned that other divisions develop plans for specific initiatives and not an overall one. Allen would like the Annual 07 agenda to have a marketing plan discussion on it.

MOVED by Amy Alessio, seconded by Sarah Flowers, and voted to direct the YALSA Executive Director to report on the implementation of the Communications Plan at Annual 2007, with particular attention to initiatives that require further marketing. The motion passed.

It was pointed out that an overall comprehensive plan still does not exist, despite the directive in the Strategic Plan.

Professional Development Survey Results

Amy recommends pursuing the certification idea and CE units. Nick recommends Beth work with 91´«Ã½-APA to start the certification process. There was consensus to turn MW institutes into licensed institutes. It was pointed out that existing licensed institutes need updating. Beth will talk with Francisca about updating the Get Graphic one, and Amy and Cindy Welch about PUP. Beth needs to get back with Linda about doing a New Literacies Institute.

Advocacy Survey Results

Discussion about what the target groups should be. Judy recommends that the Advocacy Task Force be directed to provide the Board with more information before a decision is made.

Program Clearinghouse Proposed Slate for 08

Tina Frolund, Program Clearinghouse Chair, presented her committee’s proposed slate for 2008, although she indicated she was still receiving Form A’s from various committee chairs and YALSA members. She also mentioned that she was creating a tip sheet to help new presenters and new speakers in their YALSA program planning.

Upon reading the slate, the Board suggested that ALSC be asked to co-sponsor the Tween program. Also, Anastasia Goodstein will be asked by Erin Helmrich to perhaps do a technology related presentation in Annual 2008, since the Technology Committee did not submit a program proposal. Nick Buron suggested a Washington staff member be asked to participate in the Legislation Program. Pam Spencer Holley suggested that past Edwards Committee chairs be asked to work up a program to celebrate the Edwards 20th year. Paula Brehm Heeger discussed a possible “third space” program. The Board directed the Program Clearinghouse Chair to ask Publishers’ Liaison to make their program theme, which currently reads “A panel of authors and publishers will talk about forthcoming YA and adult titles with teen appeal” more definitive. The Board recommends exploring a focus on books with appeal to Spanish language speaking teens. Student Interest Group: have them see if the Urban Libraries Council or LAMA will co-sponsor or participate in some way. Alison Orr: tell her she should expand the focus of the program and collaborate w/ a committee such as TAGS, Technology or Outreach.

MOVED by Tina Frolund, as Chair of Program Clearinghouse, to accept the program slate for 2008 in concept.

YALSA Councilor Midwinter Activities Update

  • The Division Councilor informed the Board that voting would take place on whether to impeach President Bush, and end war funding. The YALSA Executive Director voiced her objections strongly that addressing measures such as these was contrary to policy for 501(c)3 organizations. The Division Councilor will vote her conscience. This afternoon there will be the vote for the 91´«Ã½ Executive Board.


Increasing Diversity in YALSA

Executive Session

No Executive Session took place.

Informational Items

Guidelines for Board Meetings

2007 Midwinter Meeting Skeleton Schedule

2007 Annual Meeting Skeleton Schedule

Strategic Plan’s Action Plan

The Strategic Planning Committee will be contacting Beth for information on how to generate a request for proposal and how to get more committees involved in the Strategic Plan.

FY ’06 Final Close Figures

Teen Read Week Wrap Up

Slate for ’07 YALSA Election

Executive Director’s Goals for FY 07

2007 Nominating Committee Roster

2006 Friends of YALSA donors

YALSA Blog Manager Report

Teen Tech Week Update 12/19/06

The Board was informed that the Teen Tech Week kickoff was standing room only, with over 150 attendees.

New Business

Recommendations from the Selected DVD Taskforce

A suggestion was made to change the SDVD Committee policy that specifies that committee members must view all DVDs at Midwinter, and instead get committee members may have access prior to conference and view them before conference. Brehm Heeger, liaison to this task force, asked for more input from the Board to present to this task force, with this input to be received by her by February 1. The input could then be discussed it during the spring conference call, and a final report to be presented at Annual.

MOVED by Erin Helmrich, seconded by Sarah Cornish Debraski, and voted to table Item #49, the Recommendations from the Selected DVD Task Force. The Task Force will be asked to make revisions and issue a report by the spring conference call, with a final document delivered by Annual 2007. The motion passed.

Brehm Heeger will inform the task force of the tabling of their recommendations.

Proposed Council Resolution on 50th Anniversary

Christine Allen, Division Councilor, authored the following resolution to be presented to Council concerning YALSA 50th Anniversary:

YALSA 50th Anniversary

Whereas YALSA, the Young Adult Library Services Association, the fastest-growing division of the 91´«Ã½, celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2007, and

Whereas YALSA has served young adult librarians and teens in communities nationwide since 1957, when the Young Adult Services Division (YASD) was formed, and

Whereas in 1990, the division’s name was changed to the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), and

Whereas YASD/YALSA has recognized the special focus and place of young adults in libraries, and has steadily built on its original mission, “to advocate, promote, and strengthen service to young adults as part of the continuum of library service, and to support those who provide service to that population,” and

Whereas the ability to adapt and change through the years has allowed YALSA to remain relevant for 50 years, and

Whereas formats of media continue to change, and YALSA has continued to identify emerging media of interest to teens in its media selection lists and the Odyssey Award, and

Whereas, historically successful programs and services for young adults have been planned and presented for
and with teen involvement, and

Whereas, young adults are encouraged to participate directly and indirectly in YALSA programs and activities as part of YALSA’s mission to facilitate positive youth development, and

Whereas the importance of reading and all types of literacy activities gained national recognition and prominence with the annual celebration of Teen Read Week in 1998, and

Whereas, the logical successor to Teen Read Week, Teen Tech Week, debuts in March, 2007, and

Whereas excellence in literature is recognized annually by the Michael L. Printz Award, the Alex Award, and the Margaret A. Edwards Award, honoring an author’s lifetime contribution to Young Adult literature, and

Whereas, for 50 years, YALSA’s leadership, Presidents, and Boards of Directors have developed strong young adult librarians who advocate for excellent library services to teens, and

Whereas, no matter the format, YALSA’s responsibility to identify and promote outstanding materials for teens remains constant, in conjunction with dedicated young adult librarians who serve with style, grace, humor, aplomb and tremendous patience,

Therefore, be it resolved that the 91´«Ã½ congratulate and commend the Young Adult Library Services Association for 50 years of excellence in serving teens and the library staff who work with and support them worldwide.

MOVED by Paula Brehm Heeger, seconded by Kimberly Patton, and voted to accept the YALSA 50th Anniversary Resolution, as amended above. The motion passed.


Moved by Erin Helmrich, seconded by Maria Gentle, and voted to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed.