March 2011 Conference Call Agenda


All documents are PDF.


Consent Items (5 min.)

  1. Approval of Minutes from the 11 Midwinter Meeting—Francisca Goldsmith............. 1/20/11
  2. Confirmation to Create New Dues Category –Kim Patton ………….......................... 2/18/11
  3. Confirmation to Establish Board Fellows Program –Linda Braun…………................ 2/18/11
  4. Confirmation to Create Youth Services Course –Eve Gaus…………......................... 2/18/11

Discussion Items

  1. Quarterly Chair Reports (55 min.) –all Board members.............................................. 2/23/11
  2. Odyssey Taskforce Report (10 min.) –Sylvia Vardell………….................................. 1/31/11
  3. Update on Proposed FY12 Budget (10 min.) –Mary Hastler & Beth Yoke …………. 2/23/11
  4. Board Responsibilities for Annual 11 & Midwinter 12............................................... 2/18/11
  5. Board Meeting Guidelines……………….................................................................... 2/18/11
  6. Strategic Planning Update–Priscille Dando …………................................................. 2/23/11
  7. Request from ALSC President–Kim …………........................................................... 2/23/11
