Major Motions from YALSA Board's 2004 Annual Meeting
- Adopted a measure to send the YALSA President, or a representative, to Legislative Day on an annual basis, and directed staff to make every effort to provide a minimum stipend for the YALSA participant.
- Accepted almost all of the YALSA-BK procedures suggested by the Discussion List Ad Hoc Committee, with the exception that the decision to remove a party from a list should be the Executive Committee’s, not staff’s. The procedures follow:
Posting Policy
All messages should relate to the general topic of books for young adults.
- Only subscribers to YALSA-BK or YALSA staff may post on the list
- Solicitations and advertisements for non-YALSA publications and other commercial purposes are not permitted.
- Announcements of conferences, workshops, new publications, and position openings appropriate to the topic of the list are allowed.
- Virus warnings (not bug reports) are strongly discouraged, and ONLY official CERT or CIAC advisories are acceptable. In addition, before forwarding any virus information you may wish to check Internet Hoaxes and Virus Hoaxes for hoax information and how to spot hoaxes.
- Attachments may be included in e-mail; however they should not be larger than 40KB.
- Personal attacks such as name-calling and personal insults will not be tolerated.
- Unless a message is sent by the chair of a YALSA Committee containing information for the public about committee business, list members must not send postings that suggest the message is being sent with the approval or under the auspices of a particular YALSA Committee.
- All postings must be free of copyright restrictions that limit distribution. For example, posting a significant amount of a copyrighted work verbatim requires the permission of the copyright holder. To verify that such permission was obtained, all postings of this nature must include a statement that this is the case.
- YALSA staff has the right to remove members of the list who fail to participate as required by the policies stated in this document.
Guidelines for participation
The following guidelines are offered as advice on how to best participate in this discussion list in a manner that will both contribute to the experience of all readers and also reflect well on you.
- Say something substantial. Simply saying "I agree" (in so many words) or "I disagree" (in so many words) does not meet this guideline. Specific technical questions are, however, quite appropriate, as are brief answers to such questions.
- Say something new. Mere redundancy will not convince an opponent of their error. Explaining the same argument differently in an attempt to make them see the light has not been proven to be an effective strategy.
- Be careful with the "Reply" command. If you mean to reply only to the poster, address a new message to the individual's email address, do not reply to the YALSA-BK message.
- Take "conversations" off the list. When list interaction becomes two-sided (two individuals trading comments or arguments) it is a sign that you should take the discussion off the list and correspond with that person directly. If the discussion was of interest to the general membership you will see others posting on the topic as well.
- Agree to disagree. The likelihood of convincing someone to change a strongly held opinion is nil. State your case, but give up on the idea of converting the heathen.
- Be civil. Treat others the way you wish to be treated.
- Respect the rights of others. An electronic discussion is a commons. Your right to post ends at the right of others to not be insulted, badgered, or to have their time needlessly wasted.
Accept the following policies for electronic lists:
YALSA Internal Policy for Electronic Mailing Lists:
Mailing List Membership Eligibility:
Membership of each mailing list will be determined on a case-by-case basis and is based on the purpose of each list.
- Closed Lists - Mailing lists created for YALSA Committees, Roundtables, and Task Forces, and other special working groups will be open only to members of those groups and individuals that the group and/or the YALSA Office deem appropriate. Membership of these closed lists will reflect the current makeup of the particular group and will go on only as long as is needed by the group or as long as the group exists.
- Open Lists - General mailings lists such as YALSA-BK and YALSA-L are open to the public. The YALSA Executive Board will determine retention based on the contents of the policy for each specific electronic mailing list hosted by the Division.
Mailing List Management:
- Closed Lists – Members of the closed lists are responsible for managing behavior on the list. If an issue arises that members feel YALSA staff need to be aware of they must contact YALSA to discuss the issue. Work conducted on a closed list by members of a group should be considered private and not made available for public reading.
- Open Lists – When new members are added to YALSA’s lists they will receive a welcome message that includes the policy for the list along with information about the focus and content of the list.
In order to keep membership of each mailing list aware of list etiquette and posting requirements four times a year (in January, April, July, October) YALSA will send out a reminder posting of list policies. YALSA staff will also monitor each of the open lists to guarantee list policies are upheld. When problems arise YALSA will send reminder e-mail about the policies to the list and a reminder to the person (or persons) not following the mailing list’s policies and guidelines.
If a list member continues to disregard list policies the YALSA Executive Committee has the authority to remove that person from the list. An e-mail should be sent to the person being removed explaining why the removal was initiated.
Creation of New Mailing Lists:
YALSA staff members may determine the need for a new electronic mailing list using the following criteria:
- Potential for generating membership to the Division. For example, will people pay to join a community of peers in order to discuss and learn more about the topic?
- Interest in the list topic by those working with and/or advocating for young adults. For example, is the potential list topic one that many people are interested in or is it primarily of interest to a small group of people?
- Sustainability of interest in the list topic. For example, is the potential list topic something that is going to have a short shelf life or is it a topic that will remain of interest over many years?
- Cost to the Division. For example, how much will the initiation and implementation of the list require the Division to spend in terms of staff, labor, technology, and so on?
- Voted to pursue four specific suggestions for the use of the William C. Morris Endowment and to establish a task force to pursue a name, focus and structure for a permanent committee to oversee use of the funds.
- Create a Bill Morris Award that recognized a first-time author in YA literature. The chosen author could attend the YALSA reception at Annual.
- Help establish a national YALSA conference on an every three-year, or other regular, basis.
- Fund an annual lecture on YA literature.
- Fund an author event in a school or public library for TRW that is decided upon, planned, and implemented by teens.
The Committee also suggested that the YALSA Board re-examine its use of the funds every five years.
- Voted down the proposal to administer the Amelia Walden Award for 91´«Ã½, based on the criteria outlined in her will, with the award amount of $5000.
- Voted to hold an SUS Institute at Midwinter in Boston and to look at effective cost-saving methods and measures.
- Directed the YALSA councilor to vote her conscience as to whether to support the Intellectual Freedom policy revision.
- Voted to accept the Organization and Bylaws Committee report and establish a Regional Institute Task Force with the following charge: “To select a training topic and to develop content and curriculum for a YALSA Regional Institute. A report and proposed curriculum will be presented to the YALSA Board at Midwinter 2005. Size: 5 members.”
- Accepted the final slate of programs for Annual 2005 as presented by the Chair of the Program Clearinghouse Committee.
- Voted to adopt the FY2006 Budget.
- Voted to allow teens to select the annual Teen Read Week theme through the process of voting on the web site, as suggested by the Teen Read Week Committee. The TRW Committee would suggest several themes for the vote.
- Accepted the following resolutions.
Resolution for Sheila Anderson
Whereas Sheila Anderson has served for three productive years on the Young Adult Library Services Association Board, and
Whereas during that time Sheila has never failed to volunteer for a project or task force, and
Whereas Sheila has shown unfailing passion and dedication to providing excellent service to teens wherever she has worked, from Allen County to Dover, Delaware and parts between, and
Whereas Sheila has written numerous articles and edited books on all aspects of young adult services, and
Whereas Sheila has served as a dedicated member and fearless chair of the Professional Development Committee, and
Whereas Sheila has never shied away from controversy or irreverence and has alluded to various fellow YA directors and comrades as “the Seven Dwarfs,” and
Whereas Sheila Anderson is ALWAYS the life of the party,
Therefore be it resolved that the YALSA Board commend Sheila for all of her hard work and dedication, and will sorely miss her outrageous sense of humor and unpredictable and imaginative social directress skills.
Resolution for Amy Alessio
Whereas Amy Alessio has served on the YALSA Board of Directors for three years, and
Whereas as a Chicago-area resident, she has provided assistance and counsel to the YALSA office, and
Whereas Amy is a contributing writer for YALSA and 91´«Ã½ publications promoting young adult services to the profession at large, and
Whereas Amy has served the Association with dedication as a Serving the Underserved trainer and advocate, training hundreds of library employees, and
WhereasAmy’s beliefs and values in regard to teen library services have led to YALSA’s strong organizational conviction to “do the right thing,” and,
Whereas she has approached her duties and responsibilities as a Board member with a strong focus on teenagers and the librarians who serve them, and
Whereas Amy, the proud and selfless mother that she is, was willing to share her new son Josh with the world via an 91´«Ã½ bookmark, and
Whereas her criminal justice background in dealing with offenders gave her the experience she needed to work with the YALSA Board and other such miscreants.
Therefore, be it resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Young Adult Library Services Association acknowledge the tremendous service and contributions Amy Alessio has provided to the Association, and
Be it further resolved that the Board of Directors of the Young Adult Library Services Association gratefully thank Amy for her contributions and look forward to her continued involvement as a YALSA member.
Resolution for Caryn Sipos
Whereas Caryn Sipos has been an outstanding member of the Young Adult Library Services Association Board for seven years, and
Whereas Caryn devotes enormous energy to advocating equity of access and diversity through YALSA programs and initiatives, and
Whereas Caryn persuaded the 91´«Ã½ President to mention the Michael L. Printz Award on national television along with other 91´«Ã½ awards, whose names escape us for the moment, and
Whereas Caryn has never shied away from controversy and demonstrated that by having two teens who were not allowed to present for another division escort her into the start of her presidential year, and
Whereas Caryn has served as an exemplary and tireless voice for young adults, and
Whereas Caryn showed her great personal strength by faithfully serving YALSA through a period of personal loss,
Therefore be it resolved that the YALSA Board offer their heartfelt gratitude and admiration to Caryn Sipos for a difficult job very well done.
Resolution for William C. (Bill) Morris
Whereas, the Young Adult Library Services Association lost a devoted and deeply committed friend with the death, on September 29, 2003, of William C. (Bill) Morris, Vice President and Director of Library Promotion for publisher HarperCollins, and
Whereas Bill Morris was, for nearly half a century, a stalwart advocate of young adults, their literature, and the library services developed for them, and
Whereas, Bill Morris was the inventor of modern marketing of books for young readers, whose forty-eight-year association with Harper — known variously as Harper Brothers, Harper & Row and HarperCollins — was more than a career: it was a calling, distinguished by a passionate commitment to excellence in books, an encyclopedic knowledge of literature, and a brilliant capacity for bringing together books, authors, and librarians (and if they were Harper books and authors, so much the better!), and
Whereas Bill Morris's commitment to excellence extended beyond books to embrace music (mostly by Mozart), neckwear (largely by Liberty), vodka (always by Absolut) and the art of hosting 91´«Ã½ entertainments that were distinguished not only by their understated excellence but also by their manifestation of his genuine fondness for the librarians whom he invited and greeted, personally, at the door, and
Whereas, in his self-effacing but ineffable sense of personal style, in his love of literature and all the humane arts, in his devotion to his adopted city, New York, and in his caring commitment to culture, Bill Morris was called "the last civilized man," and,
Whereas Bill's commitment to young adults, literature and libraries survives in the generous testamentary provision he made for YALSA and its future work,
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Young Adult Library Services Association B its members, officers, and staff — express and record boundless gratitude to William C. Morris, who was vastly more than the "mere middleman" he modestly dubbed himself; he was a Young Adult Library Services Association original, an arbiter of excellence in both style and substance, an influential advocate for youth, for literature, and for libraries, a publishing institution, and a man of such signal achievements that they — like the man himself — have become legendary. More than most, his life made a difference and that is his living — and enduring — legacy.
Resolution for Cathi Dunn MacRae
Whereas Cathi Dunn MacRae, as a member of the Young Adult Library Services Association, has taken the concept of Youth Participation to a new dimension by promoting a partnership with more than twenty publishers to place galleys of young adult books in the hands of teens, and;
Whereas Cathi Dunn MacRae has spent more than a decade developing the idea of an annual national teen-generated “Top Ten” booklist, and;
Whereas Cathi Dunn MacRae served as the original Project Coordinator for the Teens’ Top Ten Project, which led to the first “teens only” booklist during Teen Read Week 2003, and;
Whereas, in that capacity, Cathi Dunn MacRae provided teen group advisors and teens themselves with guidelines for reviewing and evaluating books, and;
Whereas Cathi Dunn MacRae created and managed a discussion list involving over twenty publishers and fifteen teen groups to seamlessly place the aforementioned galleys in the hands of teens, and;
Whereas Cathi Dunn MacRae has diligently worked with YALSA’s YA Galley Committee and the YALSA office to provide operational guidelines to enable the YA Galley/Teen’s Top Ten project to move forward, and;
Whereas Cathi Dunn MacRae has launched the YA Galley/TTT project to be an ongoing component of Teen Read Week,
Therefore be it resolved that the YALSA Board commend Cathi Dunn MacRae for her creativity, her dedication to Youth Participation and for the fostering of a YALSA project which allows teens themselves to proudly create their own “Top” books list on an annual basis.