Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers
Selection Criteria
These criteria are meant as suggestions for evaluating a book. Not all criteria may fit all books.
1. Physical Appearance
Cover - catchy, action-oriented, attractive, appealing, good "blurb"
Print style - sufficiently large for enjoyable reading
Format - appropriate and appealing balance of text and white space
Artwork/illustrations - enticing, realistic, demonstrated diversity
2. Style
Clear writing that easily communicates without long convoluted sentences of sophisticated vocabulary
Acceptable literary quality and effectiveness of presentation
Simple vocabulary but not noticeably controlled
3. Fiction
High interest "hook" in first 10 pages
Well-defined characters
Sufficient plot to sustain interest
Plot lines developed through dialog and action
Familiar themes with emotional appeal for teenagers
Believable treatment
Single point of view
Touches of humor when appropriate
Chronological order
4. Informational Books
Technical language acceptable if defined in context