2012 February Board Conference Call


YALSA is a national association of librarians, library workers and advocates whose mission is to expand and strengthen library services for teens, aged 12-18. Through its member-driven advocacy, research, and professional development initiatives, YALSA builds the capacity of libraries and librarians to engage, serve and empower teens.

AGENDA* – 2/21/12

*Please note: times in parentheses are suggestions only. All files are PDF.

Call to Order

Information Forum – 5 minutes allotted at the beginning of the session

Adoption of the Agenda

Consent Items (5 min.)

Item #1.Approval of Minutes from the 12 Midwinter Meeting—Sarajo Wentling................ 2/10/12

  • Administrative Task

Action Items

Item #2. Morris Committee Request for Board Action (10 min.)—Teri Lesesne...................... 2/9/12

  • Goal #5 Member Engagement & Recruitment

Item #3. JRLYA Request for Board Action (10 min.) –Don Latham…………........................ 2/2/12

  • Goal # 2 Research

Discussion Items

Item #4.Quarterly Chair Reports (55 min.) –all Board members............................................ 2/24/12

  • All Goals

Item #5. Update on Draft FY13 Budget (10 min.) –Penny Johnson & Beth Yoke …………. 2/24/12

  • All Goals

Information Items

Item #6.Board Responsibilities for Annual 12 & Midwinter 13............................................. 2/21/12

  • All Goals

Item #7.Board Meeting Guidelines………………................................................................. 2/21/12

  • Administrative Task
