Search Core Committees



Budget and Finance Committee


Works with the Core Board and Executive Director on financial planning and reporting. The Chair of the committee serves on the Board of Directors. Fill Out the Volunteer Form

Buildings and Operations Section Leadership Team


Manages the Core Buildings and Operations Section. Fill Out the Volunteer Form

Buildings for College and University Libraries Committee


Explores the evolving nature of the role of the physical presence of the library on college and university campuses, along with the resultant physical facility implications including but not limited to new construction, remodeling, renovation, furnishings

Bylaws and Organization Committee


Works as directed by the Core President and Board on issues impacting division organization or bylaws. The Chair of the committee serves on the Board of Directors. Fill Out the Volunteer Form

Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group (Core/MAGIRT)


Discusses the basic issues relating to bibliographic control of maps and related materials. Discusses rules and standards covering such cataloging, as well as application of the rules and principles both in general and in response to specific problems

Catalog Form and Function Interest Group


Explores the evolving nature of the library catalog and its relationship to the fundamental mission and expanding services of libraries. This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section. Join this Interest Group

Catalog Management Interest Group


Discusses the various issues involved in cataloging, classification, authority control and metadata application after the initial cataloging has been performed, including its impact on discovery. Provides a forum for exchanging information and discussing

Cataloging and Classification Research Interest Group


Serves as a forum for sharing and discussing the latest research projects in the organization and retrieval of information. This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section. Join this Interest Group

Cataloging Norms Interest Group


Offers a forum for the exploration, communication, and exchange of ideas on the dynamics and evolution of cataloging/metadata norms and workflows. We encourage and seek out participation from anyone with an interest in cataloging - from public, academic

Chief Collection Development Officers of Large Research Libraries Interest Group


Discusses the various collection development and collection management issues of concern to large research libraries, especially issues affecting diverse collections that support a broad spectrum of instructional, research, and cultural programs. Provide