Lynda Kellam

Data Services and Government Information Librarian at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro

Photo of Lynda Kellam



“Lynda Kellam has created a unique product which grew out of her recognition that interest in government information is universal,” said award chair Alexandra Rivera of the University of Michigan. “The mission of the series is reflected in the humorous title that acknowledges that while we, as library professionals, may not hold special expertise in government information, we are often called upon to provide access to this important information.”

“The breadth and depth of topics covered in this series is impressive,” continued Rivera. “The fact that they are open access is even more so, with the result that they are heavily utilized by novice and expert alike.”

Awards Won

Title Year
ULS Outstanding Professional Development Award


Established in 2015, this award is intended to recognize librarians, archivists or curators whose contributions to providing professional development opportunities for librarians have been especially noteworthy or influential. The effect of these contributions may be the result of continuous or distinguished service to the profession, but may also be the result of extraordinarily active, innovative or collaborative work that deserves national recognition.

2019 - Winner(s)