


The Friends of Libraries U.S.A. Public Service Award was presented on Library Legislative Day by FOLUSA President Joseph J. Fitzsimmons to two strong advocates at the annual library briefing, Washington D.C., the first time a double award was presented. Recipients were: Representative Dale Kildee, Democrat, Michigan, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education, and Representative Jack Reed, Democrat, of Rhode Island. Kildee also sits on the Budget Committee and the full Education and Labor Committee where he has worked diligently for education and library issues. Rep. Reed served in 1992 and 1993 as the original sponsor for the Elementary and Secondary School Library Media bill, argued persuasively for its inclusion in the ESEA reauthorization bill, HR 6, in the subcommittee deliberations, and later in the full committee mark-up, and defended it twice when it was under fire on the House floor.

Awards Won

Title Year
Public Service Award


The Public Service Award honors a legislator who has been especially supportive of libraries.

1994 - Selection(s)