james brown library

Williamsport, Pennsylvania



James V. Brown Library developed an annual fundraising campaign that allowed patrons to Own a Day at the library to honor or memorialize someone, or to celebrate a birthday or anniversary. The honoree’s name is placed on the library’s website, the calendar of events and on all the receipts for that day. They are also featured on other electronic media like the emailed newsletter, the library Facebook page and Twitter account. In 2013 they hoped to sell 120 days to raise $12,000. They were able to meet this goal and increase the amount of participation each year. As of 2015, they are on track to keep up or expand the program with 120 dates already spoken for. Word of mouth has been a vital part of making this program successful. The program clearly works as a supplemental revenue stream to maintain services while it strengthens ties to the community. The James V. Brown Library notes with pride that patrons make a point of coming to the Library on their special day to take pictures of the digital displays reinforcing a sense of ownership and pride in the Library.

Awards Won

Title Year
Gale, A Cengage Company Financial Development Award


An annual award consisting of $2,500 and a 24k gold-framed citation presented to a library organization to recognize an innovative, creative, well-organized project which successfully developed income from alternative sources. The alternative sources may include, but are not limited to: individual gifts, foundations, endowments, "challenge" grants, and related efforts.
2015 - Winner(s)

Press Releases