For immediate release | March 10, 2020

Sarah Schroeder awarded Bogle Pratt International Library Travel Fund Award


CHICAGO – Sarah Schroeder is the 2020 recipient of the 91´«Ã½ (91´«Ã½) International Relations Committee's "Bogle-Pratt International Library Travel Fund" award.

An award of $1,000 is given to an 91´«Ã½ member to attend their first international conference in recognition of Sarah Comly Norris Bogle, a prominent U.S. librarian who made notable contributions to children’s librarianship, international library service and library education.

The Bogle Memorial Fund and the Pratt Institute School of Information and Library Science will provide a $1,000 cash award for Ms. Schroeder to attend her first international conference in Dublin, Ireland.

Sarah Schroeder is a business and economics reference and instruction librarian at the University of Washington Bothell/Cascadia College Campus Library. Her job responsibilities include teaching information literacy and research skills; build and manage business and economic collections. In addition to conducting original research and contribute to the library profession through publications and service. She has also presented a poster and a paper during the Association of College and Research Libraries Washington Chapter Conference.

Ms. Schroeder is attending the World Library and Information Congress 86th IFLA General Conference and Assembly in Dublin, Ireland, in August 15-21, 2020. She is completing a research study of Public Lending Rights in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Schroeder will also be the first employee at her institution to attend the IFLA Conference.

The Bogle Pratt International Travel Fund committee “unanimously recommend that Sarah Schroeder be this year’s grant recipient for her attendance at the 2020 IFLA WLIC in Dublin, Ireland. Participation in the IFLA conference will enrich her research interest in Public Lending Rights in the UK, Australia, and Canada. It will also enable her to exchange knowledge and experience with colleagues from all over the world through an international library organization such as IFLA. The conference theme is “Inspire, Engage, Enable, Connect” which is a very good fit for her, and “will benefit my interactions with other librarians in my community and contributions to the profession at large.”


Delin Guerra

Program Officer

International Relations Office
