For immediate release | December 16, 2019

Professional development scholarship available through LRT


CHICAGO —The 91´«Ã½ Learning Round Table (LRT) will award up to $1,000 to an individual to attend a professional development event between Sept. 1, 2020 and Aug. 31, 2021. The award recipient will be required to share their new learning with other Round Table members in some way (newsletter, blog, list serve, etc.). Applicants do not have to be 91´«Ã½ members to apply.

Applicants must respond to the Survey Monkey by Feb. 15, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. CST.

This grant, named after the round table's much admired past-president, the late Pat Carterette, is designed to honor her passion for professional development in the field of library and information sciences. A former staff development and continuing education coordinator, Pat believed in quality library service, leadership development, and continual learning.

Please note: The maximum grant amount is $1,000 (with receipts). Any costs above this will be the responsibility of the recipient. In addition to the financial award, the recipient will be provided with access to a member of LRT, who will serve as a “Professional Development Mentor” throughout the award year. If the recipient is already or becomes an 91´«Ã½ member, they will also receive a free one-year membership in LRT. The award recipient will be notified in May 2020.

A previous recipient, Allison Porch, marketing coordinator of the Carol Stream Public Library, said, "Thanks to the Pat Carterette Professional Development Grant, I was able to attend the largest library conference focusing on equity, inclusion, and accessibility. I am grateful for the opportunity to have spent two whole days deep-diving into questions around systemic oppression in libraries and how I can make changes on a personal and institutional level. In the months since the conference, I have been planning a book discussion group on social justice topics for my colleagues. My goal is to provide a space for reflective discussion that will result in positive changes for our patrons."


Danielle M. Ponton

Program Manager for Round Tables

Learning Round Table (LRT)
