For immediate release | April 22, 2014

Apply for the Friends of ALSC Institute Scholarship


CHICAGO — The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) and the Friends of ALSC recently announced a scholarship opportunity for the 2014 ALSC National Institute.

In an effort to support ALSC’s goal of continuing education for children’s librarians, the Friends of ALSC are offering to the ALSC National Institute Sept. 18 – 20, 2014 in Oakland, Calif. Scholarship recipients must be ALSC members who work directly with children in a library setting. The scholarships will include Institute registration (at the early bird rate) and a $1,000 travel stipend to cover airfare and hotel lodging.

The ALSC National Institute, devoted solely to children’s and youth library services, offers a small, intimate setting for participating in programming and getting to know colleagues. Programs will delve into some of the most important topics in library service to children such as using technology in programming, what’s hot in children’s spaces, working with underserved populations and using local partnerships to improve programming. Participants are sure to go home feeling reinvigorated about the profession and more connected to others in the field.

The online application must be submitted before midnight on May 30, 2014. Prior to submitting the application, seek permission from current supervisor for time off to attend the Institute. Winners will be notified by June 13, 2014. For more information on the Institute scholarship including requirements and a link to the application form, please see the site.

The Friends of ALSC was created to ensure excellence in the Association's traditional programs and services and to support growth in new directions as our profession meets the exciting challenges of the 21st century. For more information on joining the Friends of ALSC, please visit:


Dan Bostrom

Membership/Marketing Manager

