For immediate release | January 31, 2024
Project Outcome for Academic Libraries releases 2023 report
CHICAGO - The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is pleased to announce the publication of the fiscal year 2023 report for the toolkit. Data in this report includes all immediate and follow-up surveys and responses from institutions in the United States and covers the period September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023.
Among the data points in the report, 155 institutions representing 40 states used Project Outcome in fiscal 2023, creating 1,765 surveys and collecting 35,544 responses. The full report, including usage by survey topic and more, is on the Project Outcome website.
Are you interested in measuring learning outcomes to drive change, make data-informed decisions, and demonstrate the impact of programs and services at your library? Join Project Outcome from 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Central on February 13, 2024, for a free webinar to introduce you to everything the Project Outcome toolkit has to offer. Learn how to measure meaningful learning outcomes at your library and how Project Outcome can help at every step in the process, from administering surveys to presenting the results. Complete details and are available on the ACRL website.
is a free online toolkit designed to help libraries understand and share the impact of essential library programs and services by providing simple surveys and an easy-to-use process for measuring and analyzing outcomes. Participating libraries are also provided with the resources and training support needed to apply their results and confidently advocate for their library’s future. Project Outcome’s standardized surveys allow libraries to aggregate their outcome data and analyze trends by service topic, program type, and over time. For the first time, academic libraries can see how the outcomes of their programs and services compare across their institution, Carnegie Class, and nation.
The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) is the higher education association for academic libraries and library workers. Representing nearly 8,500 individuals and libraries, ACRL (a division of the 91´«Ã½) develops programs, products, and services to help those working in academic and research libraries learn, innovate, and lead within the academic community. Founded in 1940, ACRL is committed to advancing learning, transforming scholarship, and creating diverse and inclusive communities. Find ACRL on the , , , , , , and .
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