For immediate release | June 8, 2021

Engaging your community through active strategic marketing


CHICAGO — Terry Kendrick’s ",” published by Facet Publishing and available through the 91ý Store, provides an overview of best practices for strategic marketing, including advice on how to implement effective marketing activities in libraries and information services with the best chance of success. It includes a set of tools and techniques to help reflection and guide progress towards effective marketing. Whether it is raising awareness of resources, increasing library use, or demonstrating value, this resource will help libraries of all kinds achieve their goals, communicate their benefits, and present a clear and consistent image. Packed with international case studies and interviews with expert library marketers, Kendrick's book covers:

  • strategic marketing planning;
  • understanding users and potential users;
  • identifying value and grouping users for marketing activity;
  • understanding stakeholder management to support marketing activity;
  • crafting messages;
  • identifying effective marketing channels;
  • digital marketing; and
  • evaluating the response to marketing activity.

Kendrick has over 30 years' experience delivering information and marketing training courses. Originally qualified as a librarian, he runs his own information and marketing training and consultancy company, Information Now Ltd., which was established in 1989. Previously he served as Director of the MBA Program at the University of East Anglia and Director of Executive Education at Leeds University Business School. In his freelance information and marketing activities, he has worked on projects in over 20 countries. He has also written articles on marketing planning and is the author of the “Developing Strategic Marketing Plans That Really Work: A Toolkit for Public Libraries.”

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