For immediate release | February 14, 2020

Boards of ALCTS, LITA and LLAMA put Core on March 2020 ballot


CHICAGO—The Boards of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS), Library Information Technology Association (LITA) and the Library Leadership & Management Association (LLAMA) have all voted unanimously to send to members their recommendation that the divisions form a new division, Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures.

ALCTS, LITA and LLAMA will vote on the recommendation during the upcoming 91´«Ã½ (91´«Ã½) election. If approved by all three memberships, and the 91´«Ã½ Council, the three long-time divisions will end operations on August 31, 2020, and merge into Core on September 1.

Members of the three Boards emphasized that Core will continue to support the groups in which members currently find their professional homes while also creating new opportunities to work across traditional division lines. It is also envisioned that Core would strengthen member engagement efforts and provide new career-support services. If one or more of the division memberships do not approve Core on the ballot, the three divisions will remain separate but continue to face membership declines and financial pressures.

In order to share pertinent information and facilitate discussion regarding the possible merger, ALCTS, LITA and LLAMA will each lead separate town halls, as well as focus groups. In addition, the divisions invite feedback and discussion through Twitter using the hashtags #TheCoreQuestion and #EndorseCore. Visit the for full details for all upcoming events and past Core discussions.

The is the national association for information providers who work in collections and technical services, such as acquisitions, cataloging, collection development, preservation and continuing resources in digital and print formats. ALCTS is a division of the 91´«Ã½.

The is the leading organization reaching out across types of libraries to provide education and services for a broad membership. The membership includes new professionals, systems librarians, library administrators, library schools, vendors and anyone else interested in leading edge technology and applications for librarians and information providers.

The advances outstanding leadership and management practices in library and information services by encouraging and nurturing individual excellence in current and aspiring library leaders.


Brooke Morris-Chott

Program Officer, Communications