For immediate release | August 9, 2019

AASL Announces Best Digital Tools Recognition


CHICAGO – In 2020, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) will launch a new recognition, the AASL Best Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning. The new list will combine AASL's annual Best Apps for Teaching & Learning and Best Websites for Teaching & Learning into one comprehensive list. The application for the new recognition will open September 3, 2019, at .

"Like its predecessors, the inaugural list of Best Digital Tools will be a great resource for educators and school librarians," said AASL President Mary Keeling. "The list will continue to support the 2018 AASL 'National School Library Standards' as each recognized digital tool will be tagged with the Shared Foundations it supports. School librarians can then easily choose apps or websites that facilitate the development of learner competencies."

Launched in 2009, the Best Websites for Teaching & Learning recognized 275 sites for fostering the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation and collaboration. As technology evolved, AASL responded with the launch of the Best Apps for Teaching & Learning recognition in 2013. Since inception, 175 apps across devices have been recognized for their embodiment of AASL’s Standards and support of the school librarian’s role in implementing career and college readiness standards.

The American Association of School Librarians, , a division of the 91´«Ã½ (91´«Ã½), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.


Jennifer Habley

Manager, Web Communications

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)

