For immediate release | September 13, 2018
AASL Standards now crosswalked to ISTE Standards and Future Ready Framework
CHICAGO – As part of its continued commitment to provide school library professionals the materials and resources needed to implement its new “National School Library Standards,” the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has released crosswalks aligning the AASL Standards to the ISTE Standards for Learners and Educators and the Future Ready Framework. These downloadable and printable PDFs are available on the and are a precursor to a searchable, web-based crosswalk to launch in 2019.
“I'm so excited to share that the AASL Standards Crosswalks are now available,” said AASL President Kathryn Roots Lewis. “These crosswalks reflect the depth and breadth of the new ‘National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians, and School Libraries’ and allow school librarians to enter the conversation about their work as a learner-ready school librarian with stakeholders. I want to thank the AASL member task force who worked diligently to prepare these AASL crosswalks.”
“We recognized early on that cross-walking sets of standards is not always easy or makes for a clean fit as variances in language used and intent are not always clear to the reader,” explained Jay Bansbach, crosswalk task force chair. “Standards sets also vary in their level of specificity, with some statements being more general or specific in nature. For instance, other standards may have very general statements aligning to actions of school librarians and how they impact student learning, where the AASL Standards provide more specific statements on what those actions should be.”
"The crosswalks display the ease with which the AASL Standards transform teaching and learning in your learner-ready school library," adds Lewis. Other national teaching and learning standards are being reviewed by AASL for possible future crosswalks and will be posted on the as they are completed. AASL also plans to create professional learning resources to assist practitioners in developing their own local crosswalks as needed to supplement the national crosswalks published by the association.
The American Association of School Librarians, , a division of the 91ý (91ý), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.
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Jennifer Habley
Manager, Web Communications
American Association of School Librarians
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