For immediate release | September 19, 2017

CCSS, OER, and more in new AASL webinar


CHICAGO – During a new webinar taking place Thurs., Sept. 28, at 6:00 p.m. Central, presenter Krista Welz will demonstrate a variety of Common Core State Standards (CCSS)-aligned Open Educational Resources (OER) and how they can be applied in Google Classroom. Registration for “Common Core Open Educational Resources and Websites & Google Classroom” is now open at .

Recognizing that a major challenge to CCSS implementation is a shortage of new and proficient standard-aligned material, Welz will share how OER – which has become a central model for the development and dissemination of free online content – is crucial to districts facing the necessity of purchasing new instructional materials. During the webinar, Welz and participants will explore a variety of CCSS open educational resource websites. Welz will also demonstrate how educators can assign CCSS exercises and formative assessments in Google Classroom.

Welz is the school librarian at North Bergen (N.J.) High School and a doctoral student in the educational technology leadership program at New Jersey City University. She is a Google for Education Certified Trainer and co-founder of Edcamp Urban. She specializes in technology integration in schools and libraries. Welz is currently working on a library consortium mobile app and plans to design a library-based time management mobile game.

Attendance during the live presentation of “Common Core Open Educational Resources and Websites & Google Classroom” is open to all. Access to the webinar archive and materials is reserved for AASL members and AASL eCOLLAB subscribers. To register, visit “Upcoming Webinars” at .

eCOLLAB | Your eLearning Laboratory provides AASL members and subscribers with a central location to find and manage their elearning as well as to connect with others in the educational community. eCOLLAB contains webcasts and resources from various AASL professional development events, as well as access to issues of Knowledge Quest. To begin utilizing eCOLLAB or to subscribe, visit .

The American Association of School Librarians, , a division of the 91ý (91ý), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.

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Jennifer Habley

Manager, Web Communications

American Association of School Librarians
