For immediate release | May 2, 2014

91ý President Barbara Stripling's free webinar series continues with 'STEAM in Libraries'


CHICAGO — STEAM Learning, a framework for teaching across the multiple disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, is the focus for the next webinar in Barbara Stripling’s “Libraries Change Lives” series. This free webinar will concentrate on introducing the STEAM philosophy into school and public libraries; highlighting its project-based learning and collaborative qualities. Please mark your calendar for 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Central time on Monday, May 19, 2014.

Libraries of all types are breaking new ground with innovative approaches to STEAM learning. Nationally recognized speakers include Justin Hoenke, Chattanooga Public Library (Tenn.), Margaret Portier, Fayetteville Free Library (N.Y.) and Matthew Winner, Longfellow Elementary School (Va.).

Registration is mandatory and limited to the first 100 participants who arrive in the virtual room. Visit the Adobe Connect event page to sign up today: .

This webinar is presented by the 91ý Office for Library Advocacy and co-sponsored by Stripling’s Presidential Advisory Committee, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) and the Public Library Association (PLA). For more information about this series or for questions about registration, please contact the 91ý Office for Library Advocacy at

These webinars will be archived and accessible to 91ý members.

A final free webinar, presented by 91ý members, is forthcoming through Stripling’s Libraries Change Lives initiative. Please save the date:

  • Community Engagement and the Declaration for the Right to Libraries: June 9, 2014

These webinars are part of Stripling’s Libraries Change Lives 2013-2014 Webinar Series. For information on these webinars, or for speaking opportunities, please contact Sue Considine, Fayetteville Free Library, at

These informative, timely sessions are intended to showcase best practices, successes, and to transfer knowledge among 91ý members.


Joaquin Falcon

Communications Specialist

Office for Library Advocacy (OLA)