For immediate release | February 18, 2014

Mastering digital librarianship in academic libraries


CHICAGO— Edited by Alison Mackenzie and Lindsey Martin, “,” published by and available through the , examines the changing roles of the librarian and how working within a rich digital environment has impacted the ability of professionals to develop the appropriate "know how," skills, knowledge and behaviors required in order to operate effectively. Expert specialists and opinion makers from around the world discuss the challenges and successes of adapting existing practices, introducing new services and working with new partners in an environment that no longer recognizes traditional boundaries and demarcation of roles. The focus is on three key strands where the impact of digital technologies is significant:

  • "Communication" looks at how mobile devices are being used by LIS to enhance communication between services, staff, students and other stakeholder groups and investigates the extent to which LIS have successfully incorporated social media in their approach to managing customer enquiries;
  • "Teaching and Learning" examines the role of the librarian in engaging with, supporting and training Generation Y researchers in adapting to changing scholarly practices brought about by a digitally rich research environment;
  • "Service Innovation" investigates the impact of the digital on collection management and user choice, the design and management of learning spaces to integrate mobile technologies and the impact this has on how librarians work within the space and support users in their effective use of technologies for communication, sharing and learning.

Mackenzie is the dean of learning services at Edge Hill University, UK. Prior to taking up this post, she held the post of University Librarian at Bangor University, Wales, had a variety of roles at Manchester Metropolitan University and in her early career worked in art colleges and commercial practice. Alison has been active in SCONUL for a number of years, as a member and chair of the Working Group on Information Literacy and as a contributor to the e-learning task and finish group. She has been active in the promotion of digital literacies and is currently managing a project on behalf of SCONUL on the development of digital scholarship skills by information professionals. She is currently chair of the Performance Measurement and Quality strategy group.

Martin is the assistant head of learning Services at Edge Hill University, UK, responsible for the learning technologies managed and supported by Learning Services, including the Learning Technology Development Division and the Media and ICT Development Division and being the ICT Staff Development Coordinator. She has overall responsibility for the virtual learning environment and its associated systems, media development, classroom AV and ICT support and ICT staff development. She has worked in academic libraries for the past 19 years in a variety of roles including liaison librarian, research coordinator and manager of SOLSTICE, Edge Hill’s HEFCE funded Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Learning. She first became involved with e-learning as an academic librarian creating e-learning modules to support colleagues and students developing information and digital literacies. Martin is a member of the editorial board for the SCONUL Focus journal and secretary of the .

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