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Report slate of candidates to IRRT Executive Board for review and approval at midwinter meeting or prior to midwinter meet by phone or email to the Executive Board. Request candidacy statement and brief CV from each candidate for inclusion in the 91ý election ballot. Conduct all the duties of an IRRT Committee Chair Consults with and advises the IRRT Chair regarding Committee membership. Corresponds with Committee members and oversees the Committee member assignments. Reports to the IRRT Executive Board at midwinter. Prepares and submits a report following midwinter. Attends the Committee Chair Orientation at midwinter and annual conference Provides Committee text and updates for inclusion on the IRRT Website and in International Leads to the editors as appropriate. Chairs the Committee at midwinter. Prepares and distributes the agenda in advance. Sets the time of the meeting during the IRRT All Committee session. If a new Chair, the Chair should communicate with the outgoing Chair to ensure an understanding of the ongoing work of the Committee. Members The Chair will appoint three members of the Nominating Committee for a period of one year. One member of the Nominating Committee may be appointed for one consecutive term. No member of the Executive Board may serve on the Nominating Committee. The one year appointment begins after the annual conference and ends at the midwinter conference. Member Responsibilities Assist the Chair in the selection of candidates for offices Processes and timeline The Nominating Committees work is most intensive in the fall and early winter, up to the midwinter meeting. As soon as the committee is appointed, the chair should verify that the roster is updated on the website, and should convene the first committee meeting to discuss the charge and timeline. September-November: Identify potential candidates for each office. It may be useful to obtain current and historical lists of IRRT elected officers, and members and officers of IRRT committees. These will provide evidence of commitment and service. --Current rosters are available on the IRRT website  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/template.cfm?Section=irrt" http://www.ala.org/template.cfm?Section=irrt --Retrospective lists can be obtained from the IRO: Admin. Asst. Delin Guerra  HYPERLINK "mailto:dguerra@ala.org" dguerra@ala.org ; Director Michael Dowling  HYPERLINK "mailto:mdowling@ala.org" mdowling@ala.org You may want to look for evidence of recent activity, e.g., last four years, to minimize false starts with retirees and others whose professional focus has changed. If possible, you may want to avoid nominating someone who had previously served in the same position, except in cases where an incumbent is eligible for a consecutive term. The rationale is to take advantage of the diverse talents of the IRRT membership and to provide leadership opportunities to many qualified and interested members. Create a ranked list and begin contacting potential candidates for nomination. Planning for 91ý Midwinter Schedule a meeting of the committee on Saturday of the midwinter meeting, sometime between 9:00 and 11:00 AM November-December: Request each candidate to submit a CV and statement of candidacy to the IRO (link to the interactive online form will be provided by the IRO). Follow up on the request to ensure that the submission is done. December-early January (prior to midwinter meeting): Inform IRRT Chair of the slate of candidates. Midwinter meeting: Chair should attend the IRRT Committee Chairs orientation usually held 8-9 AM on Saturday morning. Report and submit slate of candidates in advance to the IRRT Executive Board at the Sunday morning meeting. February-June: As appropriate, prepare text and updates for IRRT Executive Board review and subsequent inclusion on the IRRT website, International Leads, and for submission to appropriate IRRT e-mail lists. Annual conference: Chair should attend IRRT Committee Chairs and Executive Board meetings, and report activities to IRRT Executive Board, if relevant. Relation to the International Relations Office Obtain a current and retrospective list of IRRT members from the IRO office Provide candidates with link to the online form for submitting biographical information and candidate statements and a deadline for submission Assist candidates with any problems in submitting their information.      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