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Support programming at local, regional, and national levels. Advise ACRL on science/technology issues. Collaborate with appropriate units of the Special Libraries Association and other professional associations. Collaborate with discipline-based organizations with common goals. Develop educational and professional development opportunities that are inclusive and engage a diverse audience. Regularly assess the programming and continuing education needs of science/technology librarians. Provide relevant and timely programming at the Annual Conference. Provide regular opportunities for professional networking, growth, and leadership via a wide range of Section activities. Provide mentoring opportunities for science/technology librarians. Develop active and innovative plans to recruit new librarians representing diverse populations to science/technology librarianship. Promote and support research on science/technology libraries and librarianship. Provide an avenue for publication of peer-reviewed articles related to science/technology librarianship. Provide an evaluative forum for the presentation of research related to science/technology librarianship. Investigate options to assist librarians with the processes of research and publication. Consult with appropriate agencies regarding assessment techniques. Provide opportunities to learn about assessment of libraries, library service, user needs and other issues related to library research. Promote access to and understanding of scientific and technical information: Become actively involved in the issues of scholarly communication nationally and on campuses. Promote new systems of scholarly communication, including open access to scientific literature. Promote bibliographic control, access to and digital management of scientific and technical information. First draft reviewed by STS Council at 91ý Annual 2001 Revisions: 10/25/01 1/8/02 3/25/02 2002 Plan Approved by STS Council, June 14, 2002 2004 Plan Approved by STS Council on June 25, 2004. 79  d 8 1  vCJOJQJhOJQJ5CJOJQJ CJOJQJ$FG78l<9:wK  d  & F- & F-@& & F$@&  & F/ & F% & F & F&$a$v c 8 9 e 0 1  > & F+^ & F  & F" & F-Auv$a$/ =!"#$% i0@0 Normal_HmH sH tH PP Heading 1$ & F<@&5CJKHOJQJNN Heading 2$ & F<@&56CJOJQJHH Heading 3$ & F<@& CJOJQJLL Heading 4$ & F<@&5CJOJQJ<< Heading 5 & F<@&CJ@@ Heading 6 & F<@&6CJ@@ Heading 7 & F<@&OJQJDD Heading 8 & F<@& 6OJQJJ J Heading 9 & F<@&56CJOJQJ<A@< Default Paragraph Font<B< Body Text6OJQJhtH uVCV Body Text Indent0^`06CJhtH u(>@( Title$a$CJ.P@". 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